Friday, 31 January 2014

week commencing 3rd February

Dear Parents


Don’t forget from next week the Bluebells and Babies will be swapping rooms!


Building work

The building work has started. Haydon has started building the new storage in the hallway and by Friday will be moving on to the cot room.

Next week he will be working on the cot room. The weekend of 8th February work on the new Bluebells room will begin. This will mean that when we come back to nursery on 10th the New Bluebells room may not look as pretty as normal but it will be safe and clean.

I  will keep you updated each week on what the plans are for the following week. If anything pops up in the mean time, I will also let you know.

Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst the work is being completed. Like I keep saying to the team, it will all be worth it in the end!

If anyone would like to see a copy of the building work risk assessment please let me know.

This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday – Charlotte’s group will be exploring the toddle boxes

Tuesday –Julia’s group are naming parts of their bodies

Wednesday – Becci will be reading books with the children

Thursday – Nilem’s group are exploring shape and space as they complete puzzles

Friday – Magda’s group is getting creative as they paint and draw

Charlotte is off Friday, Julia is off Monday, Magda is off Tuesday, Nilem is off Friday and Becci is on training on Tuesday



Monday – Leanne’s group is looking at shapes and naming them

Tuesday – Leanne’s group will be dancing with ribbons and streamers!

Wednesday – Donna’s group are balancing on the wooden blocks

Thursday – Sophie’s group are taking turns as they play games such as rolling balls

Friday – Donna’s group is looking at animal books and naming animals

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Sophie is off all week and Rose is in all week



Book of the fortnight:

27th Jan – 3rd Feb – My Chinese New Year

10th Feb – 17th Feb – The Shape of my Heart by Mark Sperring

24th – 3rd Mar – Horsey by Simon Puttock

10th – 17th Mar –One Two That’s my Shoe by Alison Murray

Monday – Chloe’s group is making pictures using paint bombs! Sounds exciting!

Tuesday – Chloe’s group are getting physical as they make their own swing ball

Wednesday – Jess’s group are looking at numbers as they play number dominos

Thursday – Chloe’s group will be making metal detectors and finding objects in the sand.

Friday – Jess’s group is reading the book of the fortnight - My Chinese New Year

Jess is off Tuesday, Chloe is off Thursday and Alison is in Monday to Thursday 9.30-2.30
Have a great weekend from Caroline and the South Hill team

Admissions and applications policy

Admissions and applications policy


Aim of policy


The aim of this policy is to clarify how we at Castle Daycare and Preschool process new children in to our settings.


Points to consider


It is the policy of Castle Daycare and Preschool that we provide a prioritised day care and education service for the children of working families or those accessing further education/training. With our commitment to families with these parent/carers we have the following criteria in place to admit children into our programmes.

We encourage all families to have looked around our setting before booking registering their child/ren with us.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aims to do this by:


·         Applications received are immediately dated and put directly onto the waiting list in order of priority and receipt. 


·         Placing priority applications in the following order:



Ø  Working parents/carers requiring full time care

Ø  Siblings of children already attending who require full time care

Ø  Full time placements

Ø  Siblings of children already attending part time

Ø  Part time full day places

Ø  Session care

Ø  Free entitlement stand alone sessions.




Government funded places


The first term after your child turns three: parents/carers are entitled to up to 15 flexible hours per week of free government education. This is dependent on sessions attended.

Fees for sessions at Castle Daycare and Preschool nurseries are charged for periods outside of the government funded sessions, including school holidays that are not funded by the government. Charges may also be made for meals. Please see a current fee schedule for further information of charges.


For more information on funding please see the Surrey County Councils current website:



This policy will be reviewed annually with Local Authorities to ensure that any regulatory or policy changes are included.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

week commencing 27th January

Dear Parents


Apologies, last week’s newsletter should have read that the building work will start Tuesday 28th January. I apologize for any confusion.

I will keep you updated each week to let you know exactly what will be happening each week with the renovation work.


Next week Hayden our builder will be building the new storage unit in the hallway. The baby garden is where he will be storing tools, supplies and putting the units together so the baby garden will be out of bounds.

The babies will be sharing the front garden with the other rooms but will not be outside at the same time as the Sunflower children.


For more information on the building works see the section Nursery News.


Parent Diary

I have attached a copy of the Nursery Diary for 2014 so you can book all the exciting events in your diaries!!!


Contact sheets

We still are waiting for some child contact details to be returned. It is really important that we have up to date contact details in case of emergencies so if you haven’t already done so, please give these back to the team.


Charity Event

Last June you may have heard about a little boy (4 years old) that was hit by a car in Wonersh on his way to Wonersh Preschool.  

The little boy is known to one of our Parents at nursery.  He was airlifted to Royal London Hospital and quickly transferred to Kings College Hospital where he was treated for 3 months having sustained multiple injuries in the accident; 8 broken ribs, a partial collapse of his lung, a broken collarbone, a laceration of his kidney, a nasty broken femur, but most worrying of all were the injuries to his brain.

Whilst the other injuries healed nicely, there was a longer road ahead to repair the brain. Since early October he has been being treated at The Children's Trust Tadworth where he continues to make amazing progress, with his hard work and determination. 


In April  one of our parents Katie will be running the London marathon (her first) in aid of The Children's Trust Tadworth.  

To help raise sponsorship monies she is organising a charity fancy dress St Valentine's party at Chilworth Village Hall on Friday 14th February.  There is a flyer in the entrance hallway .

Take a look at the flyer and if you would like to join us or would like to support please visit: stating how many Valentine's tickets you want and your name. Your name and the number of tickets you pledged for will be put on a guest list which will be held at the entrance on the night. Just make sure that if you are pledging on someone else's behalf that you tell them to quote your name (or pledger's name if different) at the entrance.



Nursery News

The building work will now be starting on Tuesday 28th January

The plan of action is:

·         A new storage cupboard will be built in the back hallway where the baby chairs are stored

·         Once this is done work will start on the cot room

·         The cot room will be redecorated, have new flooring and the old cupboard removed to create a larger space.

·         During this time the babies will be sleeping in their room.

·         Once the cot room is completed the babies will move into that room temporarily whilst work on the baby room starts

·         The baby room will have new cupboards, new flooring and be redecorated. Doors will also be put in between babies and Sunflowers

·         The top of the rooms will also be blocked off to create a quieter space.

·         Once the baby room has been refurbished the work on the Bluebells room will start.

·         In the bluebells room the internal walls will be removed to create a larger L shaped room.

·         There will be new flooring, new cupboards and the room will be redecorated

·         The baby garden will be out of action whilst the building work goes on. The babies will be using the front garden whilst the bigger children are inside.


We will do everything we can to minimise disruption to the children, if you are concerned about this we may be able to temporarily relocate some of the children to our Markenfield Road site. Please discuss this option with me.


The plan to change the Babies and Bluebells rooms is still going ahead see below for details:


With the rising demand for 2-3 year old places and the falling number of baby places we have decided that the Babies and Bluebells will be switching rooms.


What this will mean for the babies:

·         From February they will be in the current Bluebells room.

·         Charlotte and the team will continue to be with the babies.

·         They will still use their little garden

·         They will still use the cot room, and this will continue to be monitored in the same way as it is now

·         Long term plans are that the new room will get new flooring and new doors between the Sunflowers and Baby room.



What this will mean for the Bluebells:

·         From February they will be in the current baby room

·         Donna and the team will continue to be with the 2-3’s children

·         They will have more space

·         They will be able to have free access in and out of the front garden.

·         The building work will still be going ahead at some point and as soon as I know what is happening I will inform you all.


The big move will be happening on Saturday 1st February so there will be no disruption to the children and when you arrive on Monday 3rd you will be able to admire how great the rooms look.


For any questions about the building work or room moves please see me!


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday - Becci is supporting the children’s understanding of the world as they explore the plants in the garden.

Tuesday – Julia’s group is building spacial awareness as they complete puzzles

Wednesday – Nilem’s group will be singing action rhymes together

Thursday – Magda’s group is celebrating Chinese New Year by playing with rice and noodles

Friday – Charlotte’s group is dancing to Chinese Music

Charlotte is off Friday, Julia is off Monday, Magda is off Tuesday, Nilem is off Friday and Becci is on training on Tuesday.



Monday -Donna’s group is celebrating Chinese New Year

Tuesday – Sophie’s group are painting envelopes with red paint (the colour of luck)

Wednesday – Sophie’s group will be practising their balancing skills in the garden

Thursday – Leanne’s group is developing their counting skills as they use the linking elephants toys.

Friday – Donna’s group is using red, black and gold paint to make Chinese fans.

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off Thursday, Sophie is off Monday and Rose is in all week




Book of the fortnight:

27th Jan – 3rd Feb – My Chinese New Year

10th Feb – 17th Feb – The Shape of my Heart by Mark Sperring

24th – 3rd Mar – Horsey by Simon Puttock

10th – 17th Mar –One Two That’s my Shoe by Alison Murray

Monday – Chloe’s group is making Chinese New Year Signs and developing their pencil control

Tuesday – Jess’s group will be cooking star and moon biscuits

Wednesday – Jess’s group are taking pictures of their favourite things at nursery.

Thursday – Chloe’s group is building their speaking skills as they talk about Chinese New Year

Friday – Jess is group will be getting creative as they paint Chinese Flags

Jess is on holiday all week, Chloe is off Wednesday and Alison works 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday

Friday, 17 January 2014

week commencing 20th January

Dear Parents/Carers,


Fee Increase

Our fees will be increasing from 1st March 2014.  Whilst we strive to keep our fees competitive, this increase is unavoidable due to increased costs incurred whilst operating the nursery and maintaining the high standards of service.

You will all receive a copy of the new fees through the post but I have also attached a copy to this email. If you have any questions please contact Natalie the Operations Manager:


Natalie Chrystie

Operations Manager

Mobile: 07789268241


Nursery News

The building work will now be starting on Tuesday 28th February.

The plan of action is:

·         A new storage cupboard will be built in the back hallway where the baby chairs are stored

·         Once this is done work will start on the cot room

·         The cot room will be redecorated, have new flooring and the old cupboard removed to create a larger space.

·         During this time the babies will be sleeping in their room.

·         Once the cot room is completed the babies will move into that room temporarily whilst work on the baby room starts

·         The baby room will have new cupboards, new flooring and be redecorated. Doors will also be put in between babies and Sunflowers

·         The top of the rooms will also be blocked off to create a quieter space.

·         Once the baby room has been refurbished the work on the Bluebells room will start.

·         In the bluebells room the internal walls will be removed to create a larger L shaped room.

·         There will be new flooring, new cupboards and the room will be redecorated

·         The baby garden will be out of action whilst the building work goes on. The babies will be using the front garden whilst the bigger children are inside.


We will do everything we can to minimise disruption to the children, if you are concerned about this we may be able to temporarily relocate some of the children to our Markenfield Road site. Please discuss this option with me.


The plan to change the Babies and Bluebells rooms is still going ahead see below for details:


With the rising demand for 2-3 year old places and the falling number of baby places we have decided that the Babies and Bluebells will be switching rooms.


What this will mean for the babies:

·         From February they will be in the current Bluebells room.

·         Charlotte and the team will continue to be with the babies.

·         They will still use their little garden

·         They will still use the cot room, and this will continue to be monitored in the same way as it is now

·         Long term plans are that the new room will get new flooring and new doors between the Sunflowers and Baby room.



What this will mean for the Bluebells:

·         From February they will be in the current baby room

·         Donna and the team will continue to be with the 2-3’s children

·         They will have more space

·         They will be able to have free access in and out of the front garden.

·         The building work will still be going ahead at some point and as soon as I know what is happening I will inform you all.


The big move will be happening on Saturday 1st February so there will be no disruption to the children and when you arrive on Monday 3rd you will be able to admire how great the rooms look.


For any questions about the building work or room moves please see me!


Policies of the week

We will be displaying a different policy every week in the hallway and on our blog:  (you may have to cut and paste this link).

If you would like to see this or any of our policies please ask Caroline.

Our Policy this week is:  Equality and Diversity Policy


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday – Charlotte’s group will be singing finger rhymes and playing tickling games together

Tuesday – Julia’s group is reading stories to develop communication skills

Wednesday – Magda’s group are exploring paint using sponges

Thursday – Nilem’s group is getting physical as they play with the tunnel and the tent.

Friday – Becci will be supporting the children’s creative skills as they use cars in the paint.

Charlotte is off Friday, Julia is off Monday, Nilem is off Friday, Magda is off Tuesday and Becci is in all week



Monday – the Bluebells are going for a walk  in the afternoon to Guildford Castle

Tuesday – Leanne’s group is building their communication skills as they use the small world toys together

Wednesday – Sophie’s group will be reading stories and asking questions about those stories

Thursday – Rose  will be supporting the children’s creative skills as they make animal tracks using paint

Friday – Leanne’s group is getting their balance with the toddle boxes

Donna is off Friday, Sophie is off Monday, Leanne is off Thursday and Rose is in every day



Book of the fortnight:

13th Jan – 20th Jan – How Many Sleeps by Amber Stewart

27th Jan – 3rd Feb – My Chinese New Year

10th Feb – 17th Feb – The Shape of my Heart by Mark Sperring

24th – 3rd Mar – Horsey by Simon Puttock

10th – 17th Mar –One Two That’s my Shoe by Alison Murray

Monday – Chloe’s group is practising our speaking skills as they tell each other stories

Tuesday – Chloe’s group will be making their own playdough

Wednesday – Chloe’s group are building large motor skills as they kick and throw balls.

Thursday – Jess’s group is playing with the alphabet soup game as they recognise familiar letters

Friday – Jess’s group will be using the emotion dolls to talk about our feelings.

Jess is off Tuesday, Chloe is off Thursday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday To Thursday

Have a great weekend

Caroline and the South Hill team

Friday, 10 January 2014

week commencing 13th January 2014

Dear Parents


Happy New Year!


New Year New start

With the rising demand for 2-3 year old places and the falling number of baby places we have decided that the Babies and Bluebells will be switching rooms.


What this will mean for the babies:

·         From February they will be in the current Bluebells room.

·         Charlotte and the team will continue to be with the babies.

·         They will still use their little garden

·         They will still use the cot room, and this will continue to be monitored in the same way as it is now

·         Long term plans are that the new room will get new flooring and new doors between the Sunflowers and Baby room.



What this will mean for the Bluebells:

·         From February they will be in the current baby room

·         Donna and the team will continue to be with the 2-3’s children

·         They will have more space

·         They will be able to have free access in and out of the front garden.

·         The building work will still be going ahead at some point and as soon as I know what is happening I will inform you all.


The big move will be happening on Saturday 1st February so there will be no disruption to the children and when you arrive on Monday 3rd you will be able to admire how great the rooms look.

If you have any questions please ask me or the team.



2014, The year of Celebration

This year I will have been working at Castle for ten years, I know many of you wont believe me because I look so young! 2014 is full of long service awards:

Charlotte will be celebrating her 16 years long service award

Donna will be celebrating her 12 years long service award

Alison and Nilem will be celebrating their 7 years long service award

Emma will be celebrating her 6 years long service award

Jess, Chloe and Leanne are celebrating their 4 years long service awards

This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday –  Nilem’s group will be creating large drawings using a range of pencils, pens and crayons.

Tuesday –  Becci will be supporting the children’s space awareness as they build towers together.

Wednesday – Julia’s group are listening to stories and rhymes

Thursday-Charlotte’s group is playing with the puppets

Friday – Magda’s group is listening to music and developing our physical skills through dance.

Charlotte is off Monday, Julia is off Friday, Magda is off Tuesday, Nilem is off Friday and Becci is in all week.



Monday – Rose will be supporting the children to be creative as they make leaf printing pictures

Tuesday – Donna’s group is developing speaking and listening skills as they read books together.

Wednesday – Donna’s group are counting mini motors

Thursday – Leanne’s group are singing songs such as “Head Shoulders knees and Toes”

Friday – Sophie’s group are playing with the small world toys to develop language skills.

Donna is off Friday, Sophie is off Monday, Leanne is off Thursday and Rose is in all week.



Book of the fortnight:

13th Jan – 20th Jan – How Many Sleeps by Amber Stewart

27th Jan – 3rd Feb – My Chinese New Year

10th Feb – 17th Feb – The Shape of my Heart by Mark Sperring

24th – 3rd Mar – Horsey by Simon Puttock

10th – 17th Mar –One Two That’s my Shoe by Alison Murray

Monday -  Jess’s group is creating art by rolling sticks in paint.

Tuesday – Chloe’s group will be developing number skills as they play dominos

Wednesday – Jess’s group are making pizza baguettes

Thursday – Jess’s group will be making junk models

Friday- Chloe’s group is building ICT skills as they complete simple programs on the computer.

Jess is off Tuesday, Chloe is off Wednesday and Alison works 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday.
Have a great weekend.
Caroline and the South Hill Team