Monday, 31 March 2014

Special Needs procedure for previously unidentified needs


Special Needs procedure for previously unidentified needs


Aim of policy


To highlight how we support children and their families if we feel they may have an unidentified special need.


Points to consider


The children in our care are very young and whilst we want to support them fully, we do not wish to label children. When identifying Special Needs the practitioner must remain respectful and sensitive to the needs of the child and family and must adhere to additional policies such as confidentially policy.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aims to achieve this by:


If any member of staff reasonably believes that the development progress and/or behaviour of a child arises as a result of a special need, then that member of staff will:


  • Inform the nursery manager about their concern providing examples of lack of development progress and/or behaviour which give rise to their concern. 


The nursery manager and/or special needs co-ordinator will:


  • Ensure that the child is observed.
  • Following a period of observation, and where appropriate, raise the concern about the child’s development progress/behaviour with parents to agree an appropriate course of action.  This may involve referral to appropriate external agencies.
  • If a special/special educational need is identified, the procedure relating to special needs admissions will be employed.


If the parent/carer does not agree a special need exists, then the Nursery Manager and Special Needs Co-ordinator will ensure:


  • The staff team continue to observe the child and record observations.
  • Refer the position of the parent/carer to the area manager.
  • After an appropriate period re-state the concern with the parent/carer with a view to agreeing an appropriate course of action.




If the parent/carer continues to ignore the concern being expressed, Castle Daycare & Preschool will:


  • Write to the parent/carer requesting referral to an external professional agency to support special needs assessment.


  • If not agreed, consideration will be given to referring the issue to the Surrey Safeguarding Board in accordance with the Castle Daycare & Preschool child protection policy.





Friday, 28 March 2014

week commencing 31st March

Dear Parents


It has been a lovely few weeks, we have enjoyed looking after the chicks and having our Mummies come in and play!

We are looking forward to finishing our week with our Mummies Tea party on Friday from 4-5 pm.


We have had one case of head lice in the Bluebells room. Please can you check your child and treat them if needed. Thank you.


Save the children Week

On week of 28th April we are inviting all of the Bluebells and Sunflowers children to join in our Save the Children fundraising week!


To raise money for this great charity we are having dressing up days with a minimum donation of £1 per day


Monday’s theme is: Books or TV Characters

Tuesday’s theme is: PJ’S and Onsie day

Wednesday’s theme is: Fairy tales

Thursday’s theme is: Super heros

Friday’s theme is: Anything goes!


We will also be taking photos of the children and selling them to raise even more money! If you have any questions see Sophie!


Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers

We are collecting Sainsbury’s active kids vouchers so we can get some new garden toys. So get everyone you know collecting please!



The nursery will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday but open as normal for the rest of Easter.

I am on holiday from 3rd-25th April and will leave you in Charlotte and Jess’s capable hands.


Policies of the week

We will be displaying a different policy every week in the hallway and on our blog:  (you may have to cut and paste this link).

If you would like to see this or any of our policies please ask Caroline.

Our Policy this week is:  Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday – Julia’s group is using the emotion dolls to help describe our feelings

Tuesday – Julia’s group will be pointing to objects in the garden and naming them

Wednesday – Nilem’s group are exploring a range of ICT toys

Thursday – Charlotte’s group will be listening to sounds using the play duvet

Friday – Magda’s group is reading rhyming books such as “The Wheels on the Bus”

Charlotte is off Friday, Julia is off Monday, Nilem is off Friday and Magda is off Tuesday



Monday – Donna’s group is using magnifying glasses in the garden

Tuesday – Rose is supporting the children to build social bonds as she creates dens to play in

Wednesday – Sophie’s group will be using hula hoops to build gross motor skills

Thursday – Leanne’s group are using compare bears to build counting skills

Friday – Donna’s group will be looking at the ABC book and naming pictures.

Donna is off Monday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Rose is in all week and Sophie is on holiday



Books of the fortnight

24th March -31st March – Dilly Duckling by Claire Freedman

7-14th April  - Whatever Next by Jill Murphy

21 – 28th April – Peppa Pigs Marvellous Magnet Book

5th -12th May – Augustus and his smile by Catherine Rayner

Monday – Chloe’s group are talking about their families

Tuesday – Becci is supporting the children’s math skills as they count with compare bears

Wednesday – Chloe’s group is exploring the computer to build ICT skills

Thursday –Jess’s group is getting creative as they make junk modelling

Friday – Jess’ group are developing letter recognition as they use the ABC boards

Jess is off Tuesday, Chloe is off Thursday and Alison works 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday
Have a great weekend
Caroline and the South Hill Team

Special Educational Needs and Disability policy

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy


Aim of Policy

To clarify how we support children with SEND and their families. This policy works together with the Inclusion policy- Special educational needs and/or disabilities, the Special Needs procedure for previously unidentified needs and the confidentiality policy.


Points to Consider

When the Children and Families Bill becomes enacted in 2014 local authorities will be required to publish information about services available for Children and Young people with SEND aged 0-25. This is called the local offer and Castle Daycare and Preschool will be on the local offer register informing families how we support children with SEND.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aims to achieve this by:


  • All our nurseries will have an appointed Special Needs Co-ordinator who has knowledge of the Code of Practice (2001) and the Equality Act 2010 in relation to special needs.
  • Using individual plans to support the child’s individual needs. The plans are created with the parents and other professionals who may be involved with the child and reviewed regularly.
  • Attending training to support the needs of the child such as sign language training.
  • Using the 2 year check, regular observations and CAF/Early Help Assessments to identify and record child’s needs.
  • Having a SENCO who has attending training and regular SENCO forums to keep updated. The SENCO may also attend more specific training depending on the needs of the children.
  • Working with other agencies to support the children and their families. This may mean we need to contact other professionals on behalf of the family, with their permission.
  • Depending on the needs of the child we may be able to offer more staff support by having staff work 1:1 with the child. This will depend on the needs of the child and funding available.
  • The nursery will also consult with the child about their wishes with regards to their support, this may be through observations or discussions depending on the child’s age and ability.
  • Providing further information to the family about services they can use or contact for additional support.
  • The SENCO at this Nursery is _______________________________________________

Friday, 14 March 2014

Week commencing 17th March

Dear Parents


Building work

The Baby room has been decorated this week and looks great!

This weekend the electrician will be in to replace the lights, move some wiring in Bluebells and fix the buggy shed light.



The Chicks are arriving on Monday! For those families who haven’t been here in previous spring times, we get 10 chicken eggs for two weeks.

During this time we get to see them hatch and grow. We can hold them and help take care of them. Pop into Sunflowers to see the chicks!


Mother’s day week is 24th – 28th, all Mummies are welcome to pop in any day from 8.45-11 or 2.30 – 5. So why not join your child at snack time, or in the garden!

You can come in any day, it doesn’t have to be a day that your child comes into nursery.

Also on Friday 28th we are having our Mother’s day tea party from 4-5 pm.



Please can you make sure your child is collected by the end of their session. Lots of children are now being collected after 1pm and after 6pm. This affects our ratios.

If you are late you may be charged a late fee, so please make sure that other people collecting your child are also aware of this.



This week we are celebrating St Patrick’s day!


Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers

We are collecting Sainsbury’s active kids vouchers so we can get some new garden toys. So get everyone you know collecting please!


Policies of the week

We will be displaying a different policy every week in the hallway and on our blog:  (you may have to cut and paste this link).

If you would like to see this or any of our policies please ask Caroline.

Our Policy this week is:  Supporting Children and families with English as an Additional language  


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday – Becci will be supporting the children’s communication skills as they play with the farm toys

Tuesday – Charlotte’s group will be singing counting songs together

Wednesday – Magda’s group is exploring green, white and orange crepe paper as part of the St Patrick’s day celebrations

Thursday- Nilem’s group are exploring cornflour gloop to develop physical skills

Friday – Julia’s group is exploring mirrors as their reflections!

Charlotte is off Friday, Julia is off Monday, Nilem is off Friday, Magda is off Tuesday and Becci is in all week



Monday – Rose is decorating cards for Mother’s day!

Tuesday – Donna’s group is talking about St Patrick’s day and listening to Irish music

Wednesday – Sophie’s group are using the magnifying glasses to explore natural objects

Thursday – Donna’s group will be painting shamrock pictures

Friday – Sophie’s group are getting creative as they paint, glue and stick their own pictures.

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Sophie is off Monday and Rose is in all week



Book of the fortnight:

10th – 17th Mar –One Two That’s my Shoe by Alison Murray

Monday – Chloe’s group will be making green playdough to celebrate St Patrick’s day

Tuesday – Becci is supporting the children as they make Irish flags

Wednesday – Chloe’s group are looking at shapes around the room

Thursday – Jess’s group will be reading books about chicks and looking at the chick eggs

Friday – Jess’s group is painting with the hands and feet!

Jess is off Tuesday and Wednesday Morning, Chloe is off Thursday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday
Have a good weekend!
Caroline and the South Hill team

Supporting children and families with English as an additional language (EAL)

Supporting children and families with English as an additional language (EAL)


Aim of policy


At Castle we welcome everyone into our settings. This includes children who speak languages other than English. To speak a language other than English will be celebrated and not seen as a disadvantage or deficit for the children or family. Our strategy to support these children will be implemented by all staff members. Staff members will be given support and information to enable them to promote these strategies. It is the responsibility of the staff to be flexible and creative to ensure that effective communication takes place.


Points to consider


It is important to identify the child’s first language before they start at the setting, and to establish whether the parents are able to converse in English or if they will need alternative support to understand the routines and learning environment their child will experience.


Children from different cultures may find our setting unfamiliar, it is important that we include pictures, in the environment, with which the children can identify. They may include a variety of houses, landscapes, families or children playing.


See the Inclusion policies.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aims to achieve this by:


The nursery environment strives to be multicultural with a variety of multi cultural books and resources. The displays around the settings also reflect multiculturalism.


Steps to support children with EAL


  • On the settling in sessions, we ask parents for key words in the child’s first language to enable us to use these to communicate with the child.
  • We will keep language simple and literal initially so the child has the best opportunity to understand.
  • We will give instructions to the child individually and with eye contact as we understand generalised instructions may be hard to follow.
  • We will give the child time to respond as we recognise it takes time to translate.
  • We will have key words relevant to the child on display with pictures around the room, to help staff communicate with the child and for the child to tell us what they want.
  • We will encourage the child and their family to teach children and staff the names of objects in their own language.
  • We will model correct sentences, without correcting the child, when they have tried to communicate.


Working with Parents


Parents from other countries may have no personal experience of nursery as we know it. It is important that sufficient time is given to explain to them the key principles of our system and the routines their child will experience.


When completing the registration form we will take down the details of the country of origin, the religion, the language and key cultural needs of the child, these may include dietary restrictions which will be shared with all staff and our chef to ensure no misunderstandings.


All parents are encouraged to contribute to the learning of their child by visiting, sharing significant events/festivals and doing activities.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Week commencing 10th March

Dear Parents


Building news

Exciting news! The baby room will be redecorated next week (week 10th March) This means that the babies will be moved into the cot room for the week.

This weekend Dennis will be starting the decorating, next weekend the electrician is coming in to replace the lights and move some plug sockets in the Bluebells.

I am waiting on confirmation on when the flooring in the baby room will be done and as soon as I know anything I will let you all know.

The doors between babies and Sunflowers will be put in over Easter. The archway between Babies and Sunflowers will also be filled in over the Easter weekend.

The end is in sight! Thank you for all of your patience during the building works, as always if you have any questions please let me know.


Parents evening

Parents Evening is this Thursday (13th) The Nursery will be open from 6.30 – 8.30 for you to pop in and have a chat with your child’s key person.

The Babies will still be having their parents evening although this will be in the cot room rather than their room!



The Baby room is now shoe free.

Please use the shoe rack outside the baby room in order to keep the corridor clear.


Please can we ask all parents to come into their children’s room at pick up time. We only have a small nursery and it can be hard for other parents to come in if you all stand by the door/gate to your child’s room.



If you are going on holiday please can you let us know, this will stop us trying to contact you when you’re away,  to find out if your child will be in!



Monday – Charlotte’s group are looking at the books “That’s not my Panda.” and “Tickle, Tickle Peter Rabbit”

Tuesday –Julia’s group is singing number counting rhymes together

Wednesday – Magda’s group will be building friendships as they play with pasta together

Thursday – Nilem’s group are singing “Five Little Ducks” with props

Friday – Becci is supporting the children’s physical development as they explore the toddle boxes

Charlotte is off Monday and Friday, Julia is off Monday, Magda is off Tuesday, Nilem is off Friday and Becci is in all week



Monday – Rose is supporting the children’s number recognition as they play number games

Tuesday – Leanne’s group are looking at the “Let’s Go To Nursery “ book

Wednesday – Donna’s group will be using magnifying glasses to explore the garden

Thursday – Donna’s group is dressing up in the Fire Fighters clothing and using the Fire Station toys

Friday – Sophie’s group are developing fine motor skills as they take part in a drawing activity.

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off all week, Sophie is off Monday and Rose is in all week



Book of the fortnight:

10th – 17th Mar –One Two That’s my Shoe by Alison Murray

Monday -  Jess’s group is creating a poster of our favourite things to play with at nursery.

Tuesday – Becci is reading “The Gruffalo” story then making a Gruffalo collage with the children

Wednesday – Chloe’s group will be getting creative as they make bubble streams

Thursday – Jess’s group are building math skills as they sort, count and match objects.

Friday – Chloe’s group is developing letter recognition as they play alphabet fishing

Jess is off Tuesday, Chloe is off Thursday and Alison works 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday
Have a great weekend
Caroline and the South Hill Team