Thursday, 22 May 2014

week commencing 26th May

Dear Parents


We still have the sickness bug going around, it’s affected both staff and children. Please be aware that if your child is ill they will need to be kept away from the nursery for 48 hours after their last bout of sickness. This is to stop the infection spreading to everyone else.


We are missing a blue Marks and Spencer’s cardigan with white spots. If you have taken this home by mistake please can you return it to Sunflowers.


Sunflowers are also collecting wrapping paper tubes, kitchen roll tubes and empty toilet rolls, if you have any of these at home please can you bring them in for us?



The Parent and staff questionnaires have been returned. Thank you to everyone who took part. I will be going through these and will let you know the results soon.


The Farm

We had a lovely time with the farm.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:




Tuesday – Charlotte’s group are exploring their herb garden

Wednesday – Julia’s group will be making lots of noise as they bang objects together

Thursday – Nilem’s group is playing imaginatively with the dollies

Friday – Julia’s group will be making marks in damp sand and exploring textures

Charlotte is off Friday, Julia is off Tuesday, Nilem is off Friday and Magda is off Thursday



Tuesday – Leanne’s group are naming shapes

Wednesday – Rose’s group will be getting physical as they practice different ways of moving

Thursday – Sophie’s group are blowing bubbles themselves in the garden

Friday – Sophie’s group are using mirrors and the emotion dolls to explore their feelings.

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Sophie is off Thursday and Rose is on holiday all week



Books of the fortnight

19th – 26th May – Animals and Zoos – Simon and Schuster Young Books

2nd – 9th June –  At the Airport - Simon and Schuster Young Books

16th – 23rd- June –  Bridges - Simon and Schuster Young Books

30th June – 7th July – Mountains - Simon and Schuster Young Books

Tuesday – Becci is supporting the children’s writing skills as they trace and write letters

Wednesday – Chloe’s group are making their own rain sticks

Thursday – Jess’s group are looking at the runner beans they planted and seeing how they have changed

Friday – Jess’s group are developing maths skills as they sort and count mini motors

Jess is off Tuesday, Chloe is off Tuesday and Alison is off for half term



Have a lovely bank holiday!

Health and safety policy

Health and safety policy


Aim of policy

Castle Daycare & Preschool, as an employer, are  committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe working environment for all its employees, children, parents and families in attendance at our nurseries  and  other people who may be affected by its activities.

The overall responsibility for ensuring implementation of this policy lies with the company board.

This statement applies to all premises and activities within the control of Castle Daycare & Preschool.

Points to consider

Castle Daycare & Preschool will have in place policies and/or procedures specifically relating to;


·         Child protection

·         Physical environment

·         Behaviour management

·         Food and drink

·         Medicines

·         Incidents and accidents

·         Arrangements for the dropping off and collection of children


Castle Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this by:

  • as a minimum, to comply with requirements of Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and other relevant legislation;
  • to have in place appropriate processes and procedures to reflect the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and any relevant legislation such as Health and safety at Work Act 1974.
  • to ensure that employees, children, parents and families and others are adequately informed of the identified risks and where appropriate receive instruction, training and supervision;
  • to safeguard the environment from the effects of Castle Daycare & Preschool activities;
  • to monitor and review the effectiveness of Castle Daycare & Preschool  arrangements and where appropriate to implement improvements;
  • to ensure that the demands of activities do not exceed the capabilities of staff or children to carry out the activity without risk to themselves or others.

The Manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with Castle Daycare & Preschool health and safety policy within their area of control and for identifying a health and safety representative within each nursery.

The Health and Safety representative in the nursery is


    The nominated fire warden is:



Castle Daycare & Preschool will actively monitor the performance of its nurseries in the management of risks under their control and the implementation of nursery risk assessments and health and safety action plans.

Whilst the company accepts the main responsibility for implementation of this policy, individuals have an important role in co-operating with those responsible to ensure a healthy and safe working environment. Individuals are required to abide by rules and requirements made under the authority of this policy.

The Nursery’s Manager is responsible for the implementation of the risk assessments and health and safety action plans and referring any actions required or concerns to the Director.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

week commencing 19th May

Dear Parents


It’s the last few days of our annual survey so don’t forget to get your responses in by Monday (19th)

I am sure you will all be enjoying the sunshine over the weekend but if you can spare a few moments to answer our short questionnaire we would be very grateful.

We use the answers to create an action plan to make the nursery even better.


If you haven’t already please go to:


The farm is coming!

This Thursday 22nd the mobile farm will be visiting the nursery.

The children will be able to see, touch and brush animals such as pigs, sheep, goats, chicken, rabbits, Guinea pigs and a dog.

If your child is not in on this day they are welcome to come in with an adult and see the animals. Pop along between 9.30-11.30.

This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:



Monday – Charlotte’s group are developing fine motor skills as they grasp paint brushes and pencils

Tuesday – Nilem’s group will be playing “Ring-O-Ring Roses” together

Wednesday – Magda’s group is reading books together

Thursday – Charlotte’s group will be painting with their hands and feet!

Friday – Julia’s group are listening to and singing rhymes

Charlotte is off on Friday, Julia is off Monday, Nilem is off Friday and Magda is on holiday all week



Monday- Donna’s group is joining in at singing time and choosing their own songs

Tuesday – Leanne’s group are reading rhyming books and joining in with actions

Wednesday – Donna’s group will be using the mini motors to develop counting skills

Thursday – Rose’s group is filling bottles with water and food colouring to see what happens

Friday – Sophie’s group are getting independent as they practice getting ready to go outside by themselves

Donna is off on Monday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Sophie is off Thursday and Rose is in all week



Books of the fortnight

19th – 26th May – Animals and Zoos – Simon and Schuster Young Books

2nd – 9th June –  At the Airport - Simon and Schuster Young Books

16th – 23rd- June –  Bridges - Simon and Schuster Young Books

30th June – 7th July – Mountains - Simon and Schuster Young Books

Monday – Jess’s group is reading the book of the fortnight together

Tuesday – Becci is supporting the children as they explore small world animals

Wednesday – Chloe’s group are making Mini Pizzas!

Thursday – Jess’s group will be planting and growing runner beans

Friday – Chloe’s group are printing with vegetables

Jess is off on Tuesday and Chloe is off Friday, Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday

Biting policy

Biting policy


Aim of policy


To give practitioners and parents guidance on how we handle incidents of biting.


Points to consider


Biting can be a very emotional issue for children and parents. Staff must make sure to handle incidents in a way that respects, supports and reassures both the child and family who were bitten and the children and family of the biter. Some young children, especially between the ages of 14 months to 3 years, go through a phase of biting.  For most, biting will disappear once they are able to express their feelings and needs with words, but in some cases it can continue. See the inclusion policy



Castle Daycare and Preschool aims to do this by


  • Responding calmly and quickly.
  • A member of staff will comfort and attend to the child who has been bitten.
  • Another staff member will speak to the child who has bitten.  It will be made clear to the child, depending on their stage of development, that this behaviour is not acceptable.
  • The member of staff will show this behaviour is unacceptable by the tone of their voice, body language or if the child is old enough to understand, explanations he/she would simply say that it is wrong to hurt others.
  • We will reconcile the children as quickly as possible with adult supervision.
  • The incident is logged in our accident book, stating where, when it happened, who was present and how it was dealt with.
  • Both sets of parents will be informed separately and privately, without identifying the other child, at the end of the session.  If it is felt that the child needs medical assistance or is too distressed to stay in the setting, we will contact the parent/guardian as appropriate.


If biting continues in the nursery, the approach we will take is as follows:

  • We will speak to the parents away from their child who has been biting to reassure them that we will track the behaviour to establish any pattern.  This could be due to frustration, hunger, attention, teething, curiosity etc.
  • If a pattern is identified, we will draw up an action plan and a copy will be given to the parents and the staff, to be reviewed after two weeks, and we will adjust our routines accordingly.
  • If it is felt necessary, we will seek advice from the Early Years and Childcare Service with the parent’s permission.



  • We would speak to the parents of the child who has been bitten and explain that the other parents have been informed and we are working together to resolve the issue.


We are a fully inclusive nursery, and we will work with parents to resolve any behavioural issues.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Week commencing 12th May

Dear Parents


Annual survey

As part of our continuous development, it is time for our annual parent survey.

Please follow the link below to answer a few short questions about how we are doing, you may need to copy and paste this link. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

The staff are also completing surveys and we will use all the surveys along with the nursery audits to create action plans to help us to continue to improve.

The survey will close on 19th May and we will keep you informed of the results.

If you would like a paper copy of the survey just ask.



Learning new languages

In order to celebrate the different languages the children speak at home we need your help!

If your child speaks (or hears) another language at home, whether that’s from their parents, grandparents or other family members please can you let us know.


Can you also let us know how you write and say the following words:














Farm visit

The mobile farm is coming to visit on Thursday 22nd May in the morning.

The children will be able to see, touch and brush animals such as pigs, sheep, goats, chicken, rabbits, Guinea pigs and a dog.

If your child is not in on this day they are welcome to come in with an adult and see the animals. Pop along between 9.30-11.30.


Getting ready for school

As this is the last term before the big children go off to school the Sunflowers will be supporting the children in this transition.

Please can you help us at home by encouraging the children to use cutlery at meal times, to dress and undress themselves (you may want to do this when you’re not in a hurry) and to use the toilet independently; by this we mean be able to clean themselves and wash their hands by themselves.


Policies of the week

We will be displaying a different policy every week in the hallway and on our blog:  (you may have to cut and paste this link).

If you would like to see this or any of our policies please ask Caroline.

Our Policy this week is:  Behaviour Management policy


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:



Monday – Nilem’s group are developing and awareness of numbers and shape as they build towers

Tuesday – Julia’s group will be dancing to music

Wednesday – Charlotte’s group is getting moving as they push and pull toys

Thursday – Nilem’s group is exploring the small world farm and animals

Friday – Magda’s group will be learning about body parts as they point to and name them

Charlotte is off Friday, Magda is off Tuesday, Julia is off Monday and Nilem is off Friday.



Monday- Leanne’s group are exploring the small world dolls house

Tuesday – Rose’s group will be using the emotion dolls to talk about feelings

Wednesday – Donna’s group are washing their own hands as they develop independence.

Thursday – Donna’s group are reading our favourite transport books together

Friday – Leanne’s group are learning about numbers as they sing number rhymes

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Sophie is off Monday and Rose is in all week



Books of the fortnight

5th -12th May – Augustus and His Smile by Catherine Rayner

Monday –Chloe’s group are revisiting colour recognition

Tuesday – Jess’s group is using the emotion dolls to talk about their feelings

Wednesday – Chloe’s group will be describing our families as they draw pictures of them.

Thursday – Becci is supporting the children’s physical skills as they take part in an obstacle course.

Friday – Jess’s group are talking about the seasons

Jess is on holiday all week so Becci will be in Sunflowers. Chloe is off Thursday and Alison works 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday
Caroline and the South Hill Team




Thursday, 8 May 2014

Behaviour Management policy

Behaviour Management policy


Aim of policy


To clearly show how we manage behaviour of the children in our care. This policy aims to meet the requirements of OFSTED, Every Child Matters (2003) Early Years Foundation Stage (2012) and the Childcare Act 2006 with regard to behaviour management.  It will promote, encourage, reinforce and reward positive behaviour, enabling children to develop a sense of appropriate behaviour and a positive self-image.


Points to consider


Each child is different and will respond to different methods of behaviour management. The child’s key person can support other practitioners in managing behaviour by giving them information about the child.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aims to achieve this by:

  • Never physically punishing a child. 

  • Having a consistent approach to behaviour management and develop effective strategies using positive methods appropriate to the individual child.
  • Promoting good behaviour at all times through praise and positive reinforcement.
  • Practitioner’s role modelling good behaviour and language.
  • Ensuing that all staff, students and anyone else working with the children is aware of how good behaviour is promoted and negative behaviour is addressed.
  • Helping the children to understand the consequences of negative behaviour.
  • Helping children to challenge bullying, harassment and name calling.
  • Encouraging the children to be responsible through activities such as tidying up and creating their own rules.
  • Reassuring children that they are valued even if their behaviour is sometimes unacceptable.
  • Providing interesting, stimulating and fun activities, children who are not engaged in activities can become bored and misbehave.
  • Providing adequate care routines. Children who are hungry or tired can misbehave.


Inappropriate behaviour almost invariably occurs when a child’s fundamental needs are frustrated.  The staff should always consider what the child’s needs are and how they can best be met in the Nursery.

Nursery staff will act as appropriate role models and should encourage the development of a positive self-image in the child. 

In order to function acceptably, children need to feel valued and accepted in a group – to feel secure with the adults caring for them and with the routine of the nursery.

Our staff will work with the children to agree acceptable boundaries.  Young children are still very egocentric and much of what society deems desirable, e.g. politeness, honesty, consideration for others, will be recognised and understood through expert role modelling.

We need children to understand what is required of them and why.  Staff at our nurseries need to give consistent messages and guidelines for acceptable behaviour.

Positive methods are more effective than negative ones in shaping the behaviour of children.  Rewards and distractions are preferable to punishment.  Children need to know that despite their inappropriate behaviour we still ‘love’ them.  It is the behaviour we dislike, not the child.  Nursery staff should praise a child whenever they can.  They should give individual time and attention to the child.


Staff should encourage children to talk over a problem, anticipate and remove potential problems or re-direct them.  Staff should value the tangible contributions that the child offers, including drawings and pictures brought from home.  Each child should be given the opportunity to ‘shine’ at a particular activity or skill.


Children should know that staff like their family.  Staff should develop partnerships with parents and ensure that parents are fully informed about support and the policies and strategies used for managing unacceptable behaviour.


Nursery staff should be consistent in their treatment of children; there should be fairness in access to toys, etc.  The same treatment should apply for both the individual and the group.  The rewards given should be consistent – in praise for actions, favours and privileges.  Staff should remember to reward children when they are good.


The staff should be aware of making emotional moral judgements.  We believe if a child is labelled; there is a danger of negative expectation.


Account must be taken in each case of the age and stage of the child’s development and staff should modify their expectations in light of the child’s level of maturity and ability.  Goals should be specified precisely in language everyone, including the child, can understand.  They should be broken down into small steps, starting with what the child can be relied upon to achieve and building up slowly.


If sanctions are carried out, they should be appropriate – they should also be given at the time of the inappropriate behaviour, be relevant and fair.  Never issue a warning or condition that is unrealistic – be prepared to carry it through.

Methods of dealing with unacceptable behaviour


To avoid potential unacceptable behaviour – divert the child’s attention.  Offer the child something more attractive and positive to do – if possible, let them ‘help’ you to do something.  This may be particularly useful with young children who do not understand verbal reasoning.

Individual attention

Physically removing the child from the situation can stop undesirable behaviour by giving the child time to stop and think away from the problem, object or situation.  If a child needs to be removed from a group activity, the time spent outside the group gives them a chance to see what they are missing.  Such time out should be brief but immediate.  The child should not be removed from the room unless this sanction has not worked. 


Reprimand initially should be a private affair between the member of staff and child.  In the nursery, staff members need to have established the meaning of talking to the child ‘in a stern voice’ – this is not shouting.


Staff should remember that there is a need to ‘build a warm bridge’ again as soon as possible – conflicts should never linger.

Removing the object

This can work in the same way as taking the child away but an alternative activity should be offered.

Physical restraint

This can help with tantrums where a child is in danger of hurting themselves.    If physical intervention is seen as appropriate, ensure that the intervention is achieved with minimum force and for minimum time.  (As per safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare as part of the statutory framework for The Early Years Foundation Stage). Any time physical restraint is used, an incident form must be completed.


Biting behaviour must be recorded in the Incident Book but staff should not disclose the name of the biter when talking to the parents of the bitten child. See the biting policy


In this setting the Behaviour Management officer is Caroline Laidlaw

Any child presenting difficult behaviour on a regular basis should become the subject for close observation.  Staff should identify:


·         The nature of the behaviour

·         Factors or circumstances which trigger it

·         Timing – when and for how long

·         People involved

·         How does it end


The observations need to be written and examined for identifiable patterns and then decisions made about future handling.  Such written observations can provide objective evidence in discussion with parents and other professionals.


An incident book should be kept in the nursery to record incidences of severe inappropriate behaviour, i.e. behaviour that causes injury to another child.


Staff should share their anxieties with others and remember that they are only human and may need time out too.  It is not a sign of personal failure to ask for help and advice; it is a sign of maturity, intelligence and understanding.

Staff should always take time to stand back from situations and observe.


Never physically punish a child.  A common sense guideline is that staff should only physically remove a child from a situation if they are at physical risk of endangering themselves or the safety of others.




Remember that corporal punishment (smacking, biting, and shaking) is illegal, as is depriving a child of food or drink or forcing a child to consume it. 

In addition, staff must not use practices that humiliate or frighten children such as poking fun, sarcasm, shouting, using derogatory language, verbal or physical threats or taunts.

Violence or abuse of a child by a staff member will result in instant suspension pending a full investigation which will lead to dismissal if proved to be valid.

Any programme of behaviour management needs to be continuously evaluated.

There are no hard and fast rules or answers to dealing with problem behaviour – what may be an answer for one child’s individual needs may not be suitable for another.