Friday, 26 October 2012

Week commencing 29th October


We are having two performances of the Christmas Nativity on Thursday 6th December to enable us to involve all of the children; one performance will be at 9.30 am and the other  at 4.30 pm. Seats for these shows will be allocated on a first come first served basis and only two seats per family, although you don’t have to attend the same performance. The signup sheets are in the hallway. More details about your child’s part in the play will follow shortly. We will be allowing photographs (not videos) to be taken so if you would rather your child did not participate please let us know.

If your child is not in on that day you do not need to bring them in for both performances, just the one you are attending.


French class

We are thinking about having a French class for the Sunflowers Preschoolers on a Wednesday morning from January. This would be at an additional charge of £3.00 per French lesson. We will only be able to run the class with a certain number of children so Jess and the Preschool team will be asking parents if you are interested over the next few weeks.


Autumn fun!

We are enjoying the milder Autumn weather. We even had a treasure hunt in the leaves!




This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:




Monday – Nilem’s group are playing with the farm set and reading books about the farm.

Tuesday – Charlotte’s group will be naming parts of their bodies and pointing to their eyes, nose and mouth.

Wednesday – Emma J’s group are exploring spaghetti

Thursday – Nilem’s group will be getting moving as they dance to the Tumble Tots CD.

Friday – Emma H’s group are expressing themselves through song as they sing a selection of nursery rhymes.

Charlotte is off Monday and Tuesday, Emma H is off Tuesday and Thursday, Nilem is off Friday, Emma J is off Monday and Leanne is in all week



Monday – Cristina’s group are talking about weather at circle time.

Tuesday – Cristina’s group will be getting physical as they play football in the garden.

Wednesday – Donna’s group are exploring the musical instruments.

Thursday – Donna’s group is getting creative as they draw pictures.

Friday – Chloe will be supporting our future sports men and women as they play ball games in the garden.

Donna is off Friday, Cristina is off Thursday, Chloe is off Wednesday and Rose is in all week.



The topic for September and October is ‘Myself’ and ‘My Family’. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled.

29th October – 2nd November – Sleep and Rest by Sue Barraclough

Monday – Josie’s group are looking at stories together

Tuesday – Alison will be supporting the children’s rhyming skills as they listen to nursery rhymes.

Wednesday – Josie’s group will be looking through the nature baskets and exploring what they find.

Thursday – Jess’s group are developing their understanding of shape.

Friday – Jess’s group will be cooking as they make their own fruit salad for tea.

Jess is off Monday, Josie is off Tuesday and Alison is off all week for half term.



Next week is my last week in before my holiday. I will leave you in the capable hands of Charlotte and Jess.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Week commencing 15th October


We raised over £50.00 for Jeans for Genes day so Thank You very much to everyone who donated.

It is the Nursery’s 17th Birthday on Friday 26th October!  To celebrate we will be having a pyjama party that day. If your child is in on that day can they help us celebrate by wearing their pyjamas.

The Sunflowers are organising a trip to see the Pantomime on Friday 14th December. If your child is in on that afternoon you don’t have to come but are more than welcome. If your child is not in on that day they will need to be accompanied by an adult. All tickets cost £9.00. The performance is a quiet performance designed for younger children!

We will also be organising a trip to see the Gruffalo’s Child  at GLIVE soon.


Dates for your diary

The Nursery Nativity is on Thursday 6th December at 4.30. All children will be involved and details of this will follow.

Christmas parties will be on Thursday 20th December 3.30- 5pm. We are looking for a volunteer to be our Father Christmas!


Josie is creating a post office in the Sunflower room and if you have anything that she could use, we would be very grateful. Old envelopes, stationary, empty boxes we can use as parcels, anything you can think of would be great.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.



Monday – Charlotte’s group will be reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ with props.

Tuesday – Emma J will be looking at the book ‘That’s Not My Monkey’ and feeling the textures of the different pictures.

Wednesday – Emma J’s group are going to be singing songs with the musical instruments.

Thursday – Nilem’s group will be singing the rhyme ‘Five Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day’ to encourage an awareness of number names.

Friday – Emma H’s group are exploring paints with their hands and making marks with tools.

Charlotte is off Friday, Emma H is off Tuesday and Thursday, Leanne is in all week, Emma J is off Monday and Nilem is off Friday.



Monday – Donna’s group will be singing nursery rhymes and looking at books to develop words and language.

Tuesday – Cristina’ s group are going to be listening to the ‘Sticky Kids’ CD and joining in with the actions.

Wednesday – Cristina will be supporting children on their transition visits to Sunflowers.

Thursday – Donna’s group are developing their balance and coordination as they walk along the logs and wooden blocks in the garden.

Friday – Chloe’s group will be mark making with pens and paper and talking about their pictures.

Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off Wednesday, Rose is in all week and Cristina is off Thursday.



The topic for September and October is ‘Myself’ and ‘My Family’. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled.

15th October – 26th October - Just Like Daddy

29th October – 2nd November – Sleep and Rest by Sue Barraclough

Please can you bring in family photos for the children to share as part of their work on families.

Monday – Alison will be leading a counting and matching game in the role play area with teddy bears, bowls and toy food.

Tuesday – Jess’s group are making yummy fruit kebabs.

Wednesday – Josie’s group will be discussing emotions and drawing pictures of faces with happy and sad expressions.

Thursday – Alison’s group will be looking at Autumn pictures and leaves and describing colours, textures and shapes.

Friday – Josie’s group are developing their imaginations through a role play activity with props and dressing up clothes.

Jess is off all week, Josie is off Tuesday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday.


Thursday, 4 October 2012

week commencing 8th October

Dear Parents and Families


Jeans For Genes Day

Don’t forget to wear your jeans if you’re in on Friday as we are raising money for Jeans for Genes day. We will also be selling playdough and cakes to raise money. Please can everyone who is in on Friday wear jeans and donate £1 to this very good cause.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.



Monday – Charlotte’s group will be exploring the textures of objects.

Tuesday Nilem will be leading an activity playing skittles.

Wednesday – Emma H ‘s group are singing songs with puppets.

Thursday – Emma J’s group will be using the shape sorters.

Friday – Charlotte’s group will be getting messy as they play with cornflour and water.

Charlotte is off Friday, Emma H is off Tuesday and Friday, Leanne is in all week, Emma J is off all week and Nilem is off Friday.



Monday – Donna’s group will be playing in the role play area, as they develop their communication skills.

Tuesday – Cristina’s group are reading Nursery Rhymes and choosing their favourite.

Wednesday – Cristina’ s group will be playing with the fire fighters toys and talking about being a fire fighter.

Thursday – Donna’s group are counting 1-10 and singing number rhymes.

Friday – Cristina’s group are developing their listening skills as they read stories.

Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off Wednesday, Rose is in all week and Cristina is off Thursday.



The topic for September and October is ‘Myself’ and ‘My Family’. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled.

1st October – 12th October - Mother Knows Best by Jill Murphy

15th October – 26th October - Just Like Daddy

29th October – 2nd November – Sleep and Rest by Sue Barraclough

Please can you bring in family photos for the children to share as part of their work on families.

Monday – Josie’s group will be practising writing as they talk about their hobbies.

Tuesday – Alison will be leading a balancing activity.

Wednesday – Josie’s group are learning about different jobs as they play “People Who Help Us” on the computer.

Thursday – Alison’s group will be using the sand number cards to develop understanding of numbers.

Friday – Jess’ group are developing their attention skills as they join in Custards Music session.

Jess is off all week, Josie is off Tuesday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday.

Monday, 1 October 2012

week commencing 1st October

Staff news

We have two new staff members joining us this week. Rose and Chloe W will be a new addition to our team. Rose will be joining the Bluebells team and Chloe W will be our new floating member of staff.

To clarify, the new staff teams are:

Buttercups: Charlotte (team leader), Emma H (room senior) Emma J, Nilem and Leanne

Bluebells: Donna (room leader), Cristina, Chloe M and Rose

Sunflowers: Jess (room leader), Josie and Alison

Chloe W will cover holidays and days off in every room.

Also, I am going to Australia for three weeks in November. In my absence Charlotte and Jess will be running the nursery, so they will be able to help you with anything.



The Science museum trip for the Sunflower children has been cancelled, but the Sunflowers will be going to a Cafe on Thursday 4th October.

We also have Jeans for Jeans day coming up on 5th October and will be selling playdough and cakes to raise money. Please can everyone who is in on Friday wear jeans and donate £1 to this very good cause.


Buggy sheds

The new buggy sheds are up and running and looking very smart! The lights will be operational in time for the dark evenings and mornings.



We have had several cases of a viral infection going around the nursery. Symptoms are lack of energy, off food, heavy cold and sickness. Hopefully this will be a short illness as it’s not very nice L


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.



Monday – Charlotte’s group are singing a variety of songs and rhymes.

Tuesday -Nilem’s group will be exploring playdough as they develop their physical skills.

Wednesday - Emma H’s group will be looking at big and little materials.

Thursday - Charlotte’s group are exploring play animals and the sounds they make.

Friday - Emma J’s group are reading animal stories as a small group.

Charlotte is off Friday, Emma H is off Tuesday and Friday, Leanne is in all week, Emma J is off all week and Nilem is off Friday.




Monday – Donna’s group will be reading “The Gingerbread Man”

Tuesday – Donna’s group will be developing their physical confidence as they take risks in the garden (jumping off logs etc)

Wednesday – Cristina’s group are taking turns in a throwing game.

Thursday – Donna’s group is counting from 1-10.

Friday – Cristina’s group is painting with rollers.

Donna is off Monday, Chloe is off Wednesday, Rose is in all week and Cristina is off Thursday.



The topic for September and October is ‘Myself’ and ‘My Family’. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled.

1st October – 12th October - Mother Knows Best by Jill Murphy

15th October – 26th October - Just Like Daddy

29th October – 2nd November – Sleep and Rest by Sue Barraclough

Please can you bring in family photos for the children to share as part of their work on families.

Monday – Chloe’s group will play the ‘Simon Says’ game

Tuesday Alison’s group will be developing their number recognition.

Wednesday – Jess’s group are talking about the trip to the cafe

Thursday- Cafe trip and Josie’s group will be singing their favourite nursery rhymes.

Friday – Josie’s group will be playing throwing and catching games in the garden.

Jess is off Monday, Josie is off Tuesday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday.