Monday, 1 October 2012

week commencing 1st October

Staff news

We have two new staff members joining us this week. Rose and Chloe W will be a new addition to our team. Rose will be joining the Bluebells team and Chloe W will be our new floating member of staff.

To clarify, the new staff teams are:

Buttercups: Charlotte (team leader), Emma H (room senior) Emma J, Nilem and Leanne

Bluebells: Donna (room leader), Cristina, Chloe M and Rose

Sunflowers: Jess (room leader), Josie and Alison

Chloe W will cover holidays and days off in every room.

Also, I am going to Australia for three weeks in November. In my absence Charlotte and Jess will be running the nursery, so they will be able to help you with anything.



The Science museum trip for the Sunflower children has been cancelled, but the Sunflowers will be going to a Cafe on Thursday 4th October.

We also have Jeans for Jeans day coming up on 5th October and will be selling playdough and cakes to raise money. Please can everyone who is in on Friday wear jeans and donate £1 to this very good cause.


Buggy sheds

The new buggy sheds are up and running and looking very smart! The lights will be operational in time for the dark evenings and mornings.



We have had several cases of a viral infection going around the nursery. Symptoms are lack of energy, off food, heavy cold and sickness. Hopefully this will be a short illness as it’s not very nice L


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.



Monday – Charlotte’s group are singing a variety of songs and rhymes.

Tuesday -Nilem’s group will be exploring playdough as they develop their physical skills.

Wednesday - Emma H’s group will be looking at big and little materials.

Thursday - Charlotte’s group are exploring play animals and the sounds they make.

Friday - Emma J’s group are reading animal stories as a small group.

Charlotte is off Friday, Emma H is off Tuesday and Friday, Leanne is in all week, Emma J is off all week and Nilem is off Friday.




Monday – Donna’s group will be reading “The Gingerbread Man”

Tuesday – Donna’s group will be developing their physical confidence as they take risks in the garden (jumping off logs etc)

Wednesday – Cristina’s group are taking turns in a throwing game.

Thursday – Donna’s group is counting from 1-10.

Friday – Cristina’s group is painting with rollers.

Donna is off Monday, Chloe is off Wednesday, Rose is in all week and Cristina is off Thursday.



The topic for September and October is ‘Myself’ and ‘My Family’. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled.

1st October – 12th October - Mother Knows Best by Jill Murphy

15th October – 26th October - Just Like Daddy

29th October – 2nd November – Sleep and Rest by Sue Barraclough

Please can you bring in family photos for the children to share as part of their work on families.

Monday – Chloe’s group will play the ‘Simon Says’ game

Tuesday Alison’s group will be developing their number recognition.

Wednesday – Jess’s group are talking about the trip to the cafe

Thursday- Cafe trip and Josie’s group will be singing their favourite nursery rhymes.

Friday – Josie’s group will be playing throwing and catching games in the garden.

Jess is off Monday, Josie is off Tuesday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday.

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