Thursday, 4 April 2013

Policy of the week : Equality and Diversity

Equality and diversity policy


Aim of policy


Castle Daycare & Preschool equality & diversity policy recognises that all people have a right to their distinctive and diverse identities and that all people are different and must be treated as individuals. 


Points to consider


We provide a supportive, open environment where all children and employees have the opportunity to reach their full potential.  Castle Daycare & Preschool will manage the provision of and access to - high quality affordable childcare.  We will promote equality and diversity through our relationships with children, parents, families and carers.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this by:


  • Following the Disability Act 2006, the Equality Act 2010 and the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012.


·               Ensuring all children can be included.


·               Providing children with activities and learning opportunities to acknowledge promote and respect diversity in local communities.


·               Providing positive images and role models which illustrate non-stereotypical roles, racial, cultural and religious diversity and disability in a way that has real meaning to the children and their families.


·               Encouraging an understanding of spiritual development by reflecting all faiths and encouraging the tolerance of all faiths including the promotion and celebration of religious festivals and their meaning.  Each individual Castle Daycare & Preschool will aim to enjoy and celebrate religious events personal/relevant to the community they serve.


·               Having in place policy and/or procedures to deal with inappropriate practices and attitudes, action to be taken should discrimination occur.


·               Inviting parents in the reviewing of our policies.


·               Ensuring all our publicity will demonstrate an understanding of equality and diversity.


·               Using language which is easily understood.


·               Wherever there is a widely shared specific need or where individuals have common needs, Castle Daycare & Preschool will address these through a specific strategy.


·               Recognising the need to monitor and review our policies and welcome challenges from, and the involvement of, our employees and customers in this process.


·               Actively consulting with different individuals and communities to ensure that the services which are provided are responsive and reflect the diversity of needs.


·               Valuing the diversity of all communities, and making our services, facilities and resources accessible and useful to every individual.


·               Recognising that our ability to meet these diverse needs is improved by having a diverse workforce which generally reflects local populations and which has the skill and understanding to achieve our service objectives.


·               Committing to valuing diversity in our workforce and to developing and training our employees to improve their ability to meet our goals; within an overall framework of equality.



Castle Daycare & Preschool:


·               Believe that our employees have an important part to play in making this happen.


·               Require every employee to recognise and discharge their own responsibility.


·               Undertake to listen to our customers and to involve them in the development of services which recognise and value their diversity.



To ensure that we meet this policy at all times each nursery has dedicated Equality Officers who support all members of staff by:


  •  Ensuring their team, room and garden area are promoting equal opportunities in their practice and environment.
  • Ensuring cultures and festivals are equally celebrated and promoted.
  • Ensuring the team has a good understanding of cultures and festivals and therefore can promote them correctly.
  • Attending training on equal opportunities, promoting inclusion, and cascade this back to the rest of the team.
  • Working together with the other Equality Officers and manager to create:

o   A nursery that ensures every child is given the same opportunities regardless of their abilities.

o   A nursery that positively promotes equality through the genders and cultures.

o   A nursery that gives every child an open and accepting knowledge of the world around them. 

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