Friday, 31 May 2013

week commencing 3rd June

Dear Parents


Father’s week 10-14th June

We still have lots of spaces for our father’s day week!  And don’t forget the Father’s day tea on Friday 14th June from 4 – 5pm.


School leavers

Dates for your diary: The Graduation is Thursday 11th July from 3- 5pm!!!

We will be having a big party for all of your school leavers, including a presentation ceremony and party tea. All school leavers are invited, but if they are not in on this day they will need an adult to accompany them. Siblings are also welcome, but please let Caroline or Jess know if siblings are coming so we have enough tea!



We have another case of Chicken Pox in Bluebells L


Staff News

Magda will be attending a Early Year training course including child protection, for the next four Fridays.

Congratulations to Chloe on passing the maths exam as part of her training course!


 This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday – Leanne’s group are exploring the shape puzzles together

Tuesday – Charlotte’s group will be getting messy with trays of bubbles and whisks!

Wednesday – Nilem’s group are caring for dolls as they wash them.

Thursday – Magda’s group is painting animal patterns

Friday – Emma ‘s group will be building with large bricks to develop hand eye coordination

Charlotte is off Tuesday, Emma is off Thursday, Magda is off Monday, Nilem is off all week and Leanne is in every day



Monday – Josie’s group are counting with the compare bears

Tuesday – Sophie’s group will be exploring different textures

Wednesday – Donna’s group is developing gross motor skills by throwing balls

Thursday – Donna’s group are looking at animal books together

Friday – Sophie’s group are practising dressing themselves to go outside

Donna is off Friday, Sophie is off Thursday, Josie is off Wednesday and Rose is in all week.



The topic for May and June is “Europe”. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled. Books of the fortnight are:

27th May – 3rd June – Emeka’s Gift – Ifeoma Onyefulu

10th – 17th June – Home by Kate Petty

Monday – Chloe’s group are practising counting

Tuesday - Jess’s group will be linking sounds to letters as they explore letters and sounds

Wednesday – Jess’s group is making patterns in paint with toys

Thursday – Alison is leading an activity on mini beasts outside

Friday – Chloe’s group are developing their social skills as they role play together.

Jess is off Monday, Chloe is off Tuesday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday
Have a great weekend
Caroline and the South Hill team

First aid policy

First aid policy


Aim of policy


Castle Daycare & Preschool have a duty to provide a safe place of work, with suitable arrangements for welfare. We must ensure that there is adequate first aid provision for children and staff that may become ill or are injured at the nursery.


Points to consider

We will provide information and training on first aid to all employees within 6 months to ensure that statutory requirements and the needs of the Nursery are met.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this by:


A suitable person must be appointed to take responsibility for first aid provision and maintenance of the first aid box under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations. A suitable person is someone who has undergone training and achieved a standard, which is approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).


The person responsible for first aid provision in this nursery is _Caroline Laidlaw


Should employees have concerns about the provision of first aid within their Nursery, they should inform the Manager to enable them to investigate and rectify the situation if necessary.


The person responsible for the implementation of this policy is the Manager.


First aiders will be appointed to assist the Manager in dealing with accidents and emergencies, which may occur at the Nursery. The following three steps are the most important in the provision of adequate and effective first aid cover:


1.      Ensure that all employees are aware of the procedures to be followed in the event of illness or injury at work.

2.      Ensure that an appropriate number of first aiders are recruited and trained (allowing for holidays, etc) and that a sufficient number are present in the workplace at any given time.

  1. Maintain adequate first aid equipment and facilities appropriate to the degree of risk, including for those employees who work away from site.



First aid boxes will be located in accessible locations around the nursery and be signposted.  They should be regularly checked and replenished by a nominated person and contain:


Guidance card

2 sterile eye pads, with attachment

4 Triangular Bandages

1 Non-allergenic Micropore tape

6 Medium-sized sterile unmedicated dressings

2 Large sterile unmedicated dressings

20 blue plasters in kitchen/ food preparation area


Medication and tablets will never be stored in the first aid kit

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Week commencing 27th May

Dear Parents


Bank Holiday

We will be closed on Monday 27th May for the Bank holiday



Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the picnic last Saturday. It was a great day and we even had a little bit of sun!

Pictures of the picnic are in the entrance hall.


Father’s week

You can now book your slots for Father’s week – Week 10th June, Every day there will be time slots for Dads to come and join in activities with their children. On Friday 14th June  we will be having a Father’s day tea party from 4pm to 5pm.



We have had several cases of Conjunctivitis in the Nursery and one case of chicken pox in the Bluebell room


Questionnaire feedback


Thank you to everyone who completed our Parent Questionnaire. This has been very interesting and here is a summary of the results:


What are the nursery’s strengths?

Your main points were:

·         The staff

·         The atmosphere

·         Communication

·         Small class sizes

What are the nursery’s weakness?

·         Space:

We have tried to address space in the hallway by moving the registers into the rooms, we are also looking at re-homing the chest of drawers if possible to create a bit more space. Everyone loves the small groups sizes but space can be an issue. We are always working on ideas to create the most space and be imaginative with our storage.


·         Not as many outings as you would like.

Outings can be hard to organise as our ratios change to 1:2 when we go out, however as you would like more of them we will do our best to get out and about!


·         Activities in preschool

The Preschool do lots of letter, number and writing activities every day but what became clear was we weren’t very good at telling you about them! We will be talking about how we can make sure all parents especially the preschool parents are aware of the lovely activities that happen every day.


What could we do to improve our services?

·         More trips (see previous point)

·         More verbal information about the day’s activities not just what we have eaten (see previous point)

·         More cooking activities. This is now part of our action plans and you will be seeing more cooking going on!

·         Make sure the doorbell is answered quickly. We have discussed this and  will do our best to open the front door within 30 seconds

Why did you choose us?

Most common points:

·         Welcoming setting

·         Location

·         Atmosphere

·         Size of classes

·         Recommendations (Thank you!!!!!)


How do you find the levels of communication?

Everyone seems happy with the newsletters and blog. 

More information about what the children have done


Do you feel involved in the setting?

Most of you feel involved with Nursery life.


What do you think about our food?

·         Alternative to muesli and toast – we have now introduced weetabix to the breakfast menu.

·         More varied tea menu – this is now part of the action plan.

·         Would like to see photos of the food. This is a great idea as not many of you get to see our food, we will be adding, creating a visual menu, to our action plan

·         Great that it is prepared fresh on the day.

·         Good variety

Are the staff helpful, professional and approachable?

100% yes – This is great to hear as I think our staff are fantastic too!


  • One parent commented on our younger less qualified staff.


Over the last few years a few of our staff have moved on to pastures new, but our turnover of staff is very low compared to our industry.

Generally Daycare is having issues with recruitment, lots of qualified staff are moving straight from college into Nannying positions due to increased wages and whilst we offer a competitive salary we cannot compare with Nanny wages.

We use other methods to keep our staff, we offer a four day week, competitive wages and we fund training. Our staff when they join us agree to train to at least a level 3 and this is funded by the nursery. As part of this package we ask all staff to stay with us for at least a year once they have qualified (they have all stayed longer!!!)

When recruiting a staff member I look for reliability, a passion for working with children, a person I can trust.

We have bi monthly in house training sessions and staff also attend training outside of the setting such as autism training, quiet child, working with two’s but I have failed to let you know this! I will include this information in the newsletters from now on, so you are aware of staff development as well as your child’s!!!


Do you find the key person system useful?

76.92 %yes

19.23% no

3.85 % other


How do you find the financial side of the Nursery?

·         Card payments could be easier. How can we make this easier for you? Please let me know and I can talk to Head Office

·         Fees High. I appreciate that fees are probably one of your biggest outgoings. However when looking at our fee structure we always make sure that we are offering a reasonable price compared to our competitors yet still able to pay our staff a good salary. I had a quick look at fees today and this is a snap shot of what I saw online.

Castle Nursery
Positive Steps
Caring daycare
3-5 full day
3-5 half day
£45.50 -£44.50 although the session are longer than ours.


·         Some parents asked for a fixed monthly bill. We do offer this for all children who are not on a term time rate or receiving Government 15 hours funding.  Due to regulations on funding we are unable to split it evenly over the term any more.

·         One parent asked why French lessons were charged when Ellie and Custard Music and Sports Stars were complimentary. This is a good question. When looking at extra activities we wanted to offer something extra to families who attend Mondays and Fridays as they are charged for bank holidays. Now we have met our budgets for Extra activities so if we want to do anything additional such as French we have to ask parents to pay for it.

What are your thoughts on events, special occasions?

·         You really like our events, we had a great suggestion that we could have activities to get the parents talking and socialising at events.

·         Would like more trips out.

Would you prefer a time slot on parents evening or are you happy with our current system?

Most parents were happy with the drop in system but we will look at what we can do to make sure that everyone gets to talk to their child’s key person.



Would you use electronic systems such as facebook or online day books?

Very mixed response with this question!


Other suggestions/ comments

Escalator on the hill! – Love this idea and we are thinking of starting an online petition!

PTA – parent link. – we have run a PTA before called parent link but it was difficult to get parents together as we appreciate you are busy people so now we use these emails and things like the Questionnaire to make sure your opinions/ideas are used.


Staff questionnaire feedback


I am sure you are all pleased to know that staff are happy in their jobs and are enjoying the various training courses that they are attending.


Actions/ What happens next?

These actions will all be included in our action plan for 2013/2014:


·         Look at space

·         See if we can do more trips

·         More verbal information about the day’s activities not just what we have eaten

·         More cooking activities

·         Make sure the doorbell is answered quickly.

·         Alternative to muesli and toast

·         More varied tea menu

·         Create a visual menu

·         Continue with staff training but add to newsletter/blog

·         Introduce fee for life?

·         Card payments could be easier

·         Look at allocating time better on parents evening

·         Redecorate the staff room


Thank you so much for your honest feedback, as you can see it is vital for us as it is one of the main tools of our continuing self evaluation to make sure we offer the best we can for children, their families and our team. If you have any comments and questions please let me know.

Policies of the week

We will be displaying a different policy every week in the hallway and on our blog:  (you may have to cut and paste this link).

If you would like to see this or any of our policies please ask Caroline.

Our Policy this week is: well child policy.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Tuesday – Nilem’s group will be exploring playdough

Wednesday – Emma’s group are learning about the world as they play in water

Thursday – Charlotte’s group is developing their vocabulary as they name objects in the garden.

Friday – Magda is supporting the children as they dig the soil outside.

Charlotte is off Friday, Emma is off Thursday, Magda is off Wednesday, Nilem is off all week and Leanne is in all week



Tuesday – Josie’s group will be rolling cars in the garden

Wednesday – Donna’s group is using sign language to communicate

Thursday – Donna’s group are reading stories together

Friday – Josie’s group are practising counting as they play different number games.

Donna is off Tuesday, Josie is off Wednesday, Sophie is off Thursday and Rose is in all week.



The topic for May and June is “Europe”. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled. Books of the fortnight are:

27th May – 3rd June – Emeka’s Gift – Ifeoma Onyefulu

10th – 17th June – Home by Kate Petty

Tuesday – Jess’s group are getting physical as they go through an obstacle course

Wednesday - Jess’s group will be talking about jobs and different types of work

Thursday – Alison is supporting the children to link sounds to letters

Friday – Chloe’s group is looking at shapes as they play shape games.

Jess is off Friday, Chloe is off Wednesday and Alison is off all week.


Have a great long weekend

Caroline and the South Hill Team

Well Child Policy

Well child policy


Aim of policy


To give practitioners and parents guidance on how we judge a child to be well enough to attend nursery.


Points to consider


The health and wellbeing of the children in our care is of the utmost importance to us. However as every child is different we use the definition of a well child along with information from the Health Protection Agency to decide if a child is well enough to attend nursery.



Castle Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this by:



The definition of a well child:


  • A child who is not dependent on Calpol or similar.
  • A child who does not require a greater ratio.
  • A child with normal bowel movements.
  • A child who participates in activities as they normally would.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Week commencing 20th May

Summer picnic- This Saturday!


The weather doesn’t look too rainy until later in the day on Saturday so we are going for it!

The picnic is 12-2 We would like to invite the whole family along to Shalford Park to join us in our summer picnic. For those of you who have not been before, everyone brings one dish and we all share our food “buffet style”. We hope to see you all there!


The Farm

The farm visit was a great success! Everyone enjoyed seeing the animals



Father’s week

You can now book your slots for Father’s week – Week 10th June, Every day there will be time slots for Dads to come and join in activities with their children. On Friday 14th June  we will be having a Father’s day tea party from 4pm to 5pm.


School Leavers

Just a reminder that we need a month’s notice for school leavers last days L

Please can you confirm your child’s last day in writing, an email will do. Also don’t forget to stop your voucher payments in time!


Staff News

The team will be attending an in house training session on Physical play

Jess has been accepted to do her BA in Early Years  at Kingston University in September and Magda and Sophie have both enrolled on the Children and Young Peoples Workforce CACHE Level 3 Diploma which starts in September.

Chloe, Josie and Leanne are all finishing their Level 3 qualifications shortly.

Becky will be coming from our Markenfield Road Nursery to help us cover holidays and staff training days.



We have had several cases of Conjunctivitis in the Nursery and one case of Gastroenteritis in the Buttercup room L



Policies of the week

We will be displaying a different policy every week in the hallway and on our blog:  (you may have to cut and paste this link).

If you would like to see this or any of our policies please ask Caroline.

Our Policy this week is: risk assessment policy.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday – Emma’s group will be exploring books together

Tuesday – Leanne’s group are developing their communication skills as they play peek- a - boo

Wednesday – Nilem’s group are getting creative as they do some painting

Thursday – Charlotte’s group are playing alongside each other and working on our social skills

Friday –Magda’s group are practicing their grasping, squeezing and throwing skills as they play with different sized balls

Charlotte is off Friday, Emma is off Thursday, Nilem is off Friday, Magda is off Monday and Leanne is in all week



Monday – Donna’s group will be using the bats and balls to develop gross motor skills

Tuesday – Donna’s group is singing counting songs as the children practice their number skills

Wednesday-  Josie’s group are using the remote control cars, which I am sure will be a very popular activity!

Thursday – Josie’s group will be using their listening skills as they follow simple instructions

Friday – Donna’s group is reading the Favourite book “Shark in the Park”

Donna is off Friday, Josie is off Tuesday, Sophie is on holiday all week and Rose is in every day.



The topic for May and June is “Europe”. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled. Books of the fortnight are:

13th – 20th May – All kinds of Home by Emma Damom

27th May – 3rd June – Emeka’s Gift – Ifeoma Onyefulu

10th – 17th June – Home by Kate Petty

Monday – Chloe’s group are moving their bodies in different ways to the beat of the drum

Tuesday – Jess’s group will be playing dominos as they build their matching and number skills

Wednesday – Alison will be supporting the children’s understanding of the world as they read and talk about countries

Thursday – Chloe’s group is developing computer skills as they use the computer

Friday – Jess’s group are talking about buildings as they build block houses

Jess is off Monday, Chloe is off Wednesday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday
Hope to see you all on Saturday!