First aid policy
of policy
Castle Daycare & Preschool have a duty to provide a safe
place of work, with suitable arrangements for welfare. We must ensure that
there is adequate first aid provision for children and staff that may become
ill or are injured at the nursery.
Points to consider
will provide information and training on first aid to all employees within 6 months
to ensure that statutory requirements and the needs of the Nursery are met.
Castle Daycare and Preschool
aim to achieve this by:
suitable person must be appointed to take responsibility for first aid
provision and maintenance of the first aid box under the Health and Safety
(First Aid) Regulations. A suitable person is someone who has undergone
training and achieved a standard, which is approved by the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE).
person responsible for first aid provision in this nursery is
_Caroline Laidlaw
employees have concerns about the provision of first aid within their Nursery,
they should inform the Manager to enable them to investigate and rectify the situation
if necessary.
The person responsible for
the implementation of this policy is the Manager.
aiders will be appointed to assist the Manager in dealing with accidents and
emergencies, which may occur at the Nursery. The following three steps are the
most important in the provision of adequate and effective first aid cover:
that all employees are aware of the procedures to be followed in the event of
illness or injury at work.
that an appropriate number of first aiders are recruited and trained (allowing
for holidays, etc) and that a sufficient number are present in the workplace at
any given time.
- Maintain adequate first
aid equipment and facilities appropriate to the degree of risk, including
for those employees who work away from site.
First aid boxes will be
located in accessible locations around the nursery and be signposted. They should be regularly checked and
replenished by a nominated person and contain:
Guidance card
2 sterile eye pads, with attachment
4 Triangular Bandages
1 Non-allergenic Micropore tape
6 Medium-sized sterile unmedicated dressings
2 Large sterile unmedicated dressings
20 blue plasters in kitchen/ food preparation area
and tablets will never be stored in the first aid kit
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