procedure for children with Special Needs and/or Disabilities
Aim of policy
make clear how we follow admissions of children with Special Needs and/or
Disabilities in a sensitive and appropriate manner.
Points to consider
to a place being offered, all children and their respective needs will be
considered. Our ability to provide
appropriate facilities for the welfare of the
child will be taken into consideration. This policy works with the Disability
discrimination Act (1995), Equality Act 2010 and Every Child Matters (2003). Also refer to
our inclusion policies.
Castle Daycare and Preschool
will aim to do this by:
The nursery manager will:
- In consultation with the parent/carer of the child jointly assess
the extent of the additional support requirement to meet the special need/
abilities of the child.
- Where external agencies are already engaged in the care and
development of that child, the nursery manager will consult with those
agencies on the extent of the additional support requirement and the
appropriateness of the nursery to meet those requirements.
- When the nursery manager does not feel able to conclude her/his
assessment of the setting’s ability to meet the needs of that child, the
manager will, with support from appropriate professionals, obtain
additional professional advice/guidance from the appropriate agencies.
When a child with Special Educational Needs and/or
disabilities is admitted, the nursery manager and special needs co-ordinator
- Agree a schedule of additional support with the parent/carer of the
child to be signed and dated by the manager and the parent/carer.
- Allocate a suitably experienced key person.
- Review on a regular basis (subject to the extent of the additional
support requirement but at least monthly) the nursery’s performance in
meeting the needs of the child.
When a child with Special Educational Needs and/or
disabilities is not admitted, the nursery manager will:
- Inform the parents of the decision and provide valid reasons as to
why the nursery is unable to meet the additional support requirements of
the child.
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