Thursday, 5 June 2014

Risk assessment policy

Risk assessment policy


Aim of policy


To give guidance on how and when to complete risk assessments.


Points to consider

Risk assessments are to assess hazards to anyone on the nursery premises, or in case of external trips to the children, staff and parents in our care.


The Heath and Safety Executive (HSE) considers risk assessment to be:

“a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people to enable you to decide whether you have taken enough precautions or you should do more. It should identify and take into account all significant factors that can affect the chance and extent of harm and reach a conclusion on whether and how the management of such factors needs to be improved to eliminate or lessen that chance”.


There are five points to consider when carrying out a risk assessment:

Identify the hazard

Decide who may be harmed and how

Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions

Record your findings and implement them

Review your assessment and update if necessary


See the current Nursery Risk assessments


Castle Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this by:


Carrying out thorough and regular risk assessments on all aspects and areas of the nursery.

The person responsible for carrying out risk assessments in this nursery is


Daily Health and Safety checks should also be made to ensure no hazards arise between risk assessments.


The person/people responsible for carrying out these daily checks are



More information on how to complete risk assessments can be found at:

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