Friday, 1 August 2014

week commencing 4th August

Dear Parents


New flooring

Next week the new flooring will be laid in the Sunflowers room. This will mean all the rooms will have had the new floors fitted!

We will start moving the furniture out of the Sunflowers from Monday. From Wednesday the Sunflowers and Bluebell children will join up in Bluebell room. We will be back in Sunflowers on Monday.

We are also getting new furniture in Sunflowers in September.


For those parents who missed last week’s email:


Nursery News

From August/September some of the teams are having a change around:


The Sunflowers team will become Jess, Becci and Sophie. Jess’s day off will become a Friday and Sophie will stay as a Monday. Becci will be in all week.


The Bluebells Team will be Donna, Leanne, Rose and Chloe. Donna will keep her Fridays off, Leanne will be off on Wednesday, Chloe will be off Thursday and Rose is in all week


The Buttercup team will remain as Charlotte, Julia, Nilem and Magda. Their days off will be Charlotte on Monday, Julia on Thursday, Magda on Tuesday and Nilem on Friday.


Megan will remain as our floating staff member and Alison will also be covering in different rooms until she starts Forest School in November.

If there is any change to your child’s key person due to the staff moves you will be informed by your room in the next few days.


Learning Journey update

The Interactive Learning Diaries will be started from August/September time. You will receive your passwords to log on later in the term so the staff have time to get everything up and running. For those of you who missed the newsletter previously explaining what the Interactive Learning Diaries are, here is some more information and you can always ask your key person!

From September it will be easier to see what your child has been learning at Nursery and how this links to the Early Years Foundation stage.

Using a secure online program called the Interactive Learning Diary, ILD, we will be able to record observations, add photos and videos (videos!!!) and link them all to the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Each parent will then be given a password enabling them to see their child (and only their child’s) learning journey.

Parents will be able to add their own observations, photos and videos so that we will be able to create a picture of each child’s development at both nursery and home.

This system will enable the staff to link to the Early Years Foundation Stage much quicker, to do more frequent observations that are less time consuming and spend more time with the children and less time on paperwork.

The system is very secure, with the same level of security as internet banking. You can see them in action at


Forest School

After the October half term we are going to start running Forest School sessions for the Sunflowers.  Lee, who already runs the Forest School at our Markenfield  Road Nursery will be leading the sessions with Alison.

The children will take part in the Forest School sessions in groups of six, on a 1:3 ratio. They will be accompanied by a qualified member of the Forest School team, Lee and Alison. 

Your child's forest school sessions will run once per week for six weeks, during term times only. The duration of these sessions will be 1 ¾ hours per week.

At Castle Nursery we pride ourselves in giving all of the children within the setting the opportunity to explore the outside world. The Forest School has been set up in order to enhance that experience.

Forest School is not just about taking the indoor classroom outside, but letting the children explore a new and exciting environment, whilst learning new skills that they may not have access to during their everyday lives. Forest school is based on the actual process of learning rather than the content of the lesson plans. This means that genuine Forest School practice is allowing the children' sessions to be unplanned, unexpected and ultimately unlimited. The children are given every encouragement to direct their own learning. As good practitioners we are able to do this by stimulating outdoor play through 'scaffolding' a child's learning, this is achieved through simply observing how a child behaves in the outdoor environment.

A woodland environment is central in supporting this dynamic approach to learning ,the dynamic nature of an outdoor environment - an infinite source of smells, textures, sounds and tastes; a range of visual stimuli from near to far, high to low, very big to very small.

Later in the term we will be giving out more information and permission letters to the Sunflower Parents. To start with, the sessions will run on a Wednesday morning but as we get up and running we are hoping to add in more sessions on other days. Forest School is optional but I hope you will be able to see how beneficial it will be for the children’s learning. Parents with CRB checks (we can help you get these) will be able to join in the sessions as well.


To give you the best idea about Forest school we are running a parent session on Sunday 12th October from 10-12. More information about this session will follow!


Breakfast club

One of the points raised on our annual survey was about extended opening hours.

So from September we will be offering breakfast club, giving you the chance to drop off from 7.45 am.

There will be a charge of £2.50 per session and sessions will need to be booked 24 hours in advance so we can organise staffing.



There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.

This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:



Monday – Charlotte’s group are exploring a variety of musical instruments as they build listening skills

Tuesday – Nilem’s group is  developing and understanding of size and shape as they fill and empty pots

Wednesday – Julia’s group will be promoting gross motor skills as they build towers with blocks

Thursday – Charlotte’s group is exploring natural resources in the sand pit

Friday – Magda’s group will be playing together as they blow bubbles in the water

Charlotte is off Friday, Julia is off Monday, Magda is off Tuesday and Nilem is away all week



Monday - Leanne’s group are  playing with the small world people as they talk about their families

Tuesday – Donna’s group is developing counting skills as they use compare bears

Wednesday – Donna’s group will be looking at the alphabet as they read ABC books together

Thursday – Rose’s group are talking about favourite foods as they play with toy foods

Friday – Chloe’s group will be working together as they build dens outside

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Chloe is off Thursday and Rose is in all week



Book of the Fortnight

21st July – 28th July – Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jnr

4th -11th August – Super Daisy by Kes Gray and Nick Sharratt

18th – 25th August – My Mum is Great by Marks and Spencer

1st – 8th September – My Dad by Family World

15th – 22nd September – Always and  Forever by Debi Gliari and Alan Durant

The Sunflowers will now be doing one weekly focused activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.

This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room.


This week’s activity is to mix together water and bubble bath and use straws to create bubbles.

The learning intentions for this activity are:

To understand simple cause and effect.

For the children to discuss what they see happening

To develop an understanding of their physical actions


The Sunflowers letter of the week is : M


Jess is off Friday, Sophie is off Monday and Becci is in all week

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