Friday, 19 September 2014

week commencing 22nd September

Dear Parents



We have now had four confirmed cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth, three cases of Impetigo and one case of Chicken Pox.

If your child gets Chicken Pox or Hand, Foot and Mouth they can return to nursery once the spots/blisters have scabbed over and they meet our well child policy (below)

If your child gets Impetigo they will need to be off nursery for 48 hours after they have started antibiotics.

I know it can be hard to arrange for your child to be away from nursery and we don’t do it to make your lives difficult!

We ask children to stay away from nursery so we can minimise the spread to other children and we hate making those phone calls, but we have to do what we think is right.


Well child policy


Aim of policy


To give practitioners and parents guidance on how we judge a child to be well enough to attend nursery.


Points to consider


The health and wellbeing of the children in our care is of the utmost importance to us. However as every child is different we use the definition of a well child along with information from the Health Protection Agency to decide if a child is well enough to attend nursery.



Castle Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this by:



The definition of a well child:


  • A child who is not dependent on Calpol or similar.
  • A child with normal bowel movements.
  • A child who participates in activities as they normally would.
  • A child who does not require a greater ratio.


Photo cubes

Bluebells and Babies are still waiting for some family photos, so if you haven’t emailed yours in yet can we have them please?


Spare Clothes

If you have any nursery clothes please can you return them as we have run out!

Please can you bring in some spare clothes for your child.


Forest school -Sunday 12th October

We will be having a Parent Session in the forest to explain how Forest school works and what activities we will be doing.

Please sign up in the Sunflowers room. All parents are welcome so feel free to come along even if your child is a baby or bluebell!

More details to follow!


Photographer -Thursday 2nd October from 1- 5ish

The nursery photographer will come in to take photos of the children. She can do family photos and siblings so if you want to bring the whole family you are more than welcome.

More details to follow!



There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:



Monday – Nilem’s group are exploring animals in the cornflour gloop

Tuesday – Nilem’s group is signing action rhymes as they build listening skills

Wednesday – Julia’s group will be reading stories with puppets

Thursday – Charlotte’s group are working together to build a den.

Friday – Magda’s group is talking about Rosh Hashanah and printing with apples.

Charlotte is off Monday, Julia is off Thursday, Nilem is off Friday and Magda is off Tuesday



Monday – Donna’s group is taking turns as they choose their own songs to sing.

Tuesday – Donna’s group will be building language skills as they look after dollies

Wednesday -  Chloe’s group is creating pictures with paint.

Thursday – Rose’s group are using different sized paint brushes to make patterns

Friday – Leanne’s group is developing number recognition as they play with the compare bears.

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Chloe is off Thursday, Rose is in all week



15th – 22nd September – Always and  Forever by Debi Gliari and Alan Durant

The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.

This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room.


This week’s activity is:

Completing our “I can” activity sheets


We will be looking at our letter recognition, our writing skills and our counting and number recognition skills.

The children will also be drawing pictures of themselves.


Our Letter of the week is: T


Our activities are:

Reading the book “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”

Drawing pictures of tigers

Writing the number two

Stencilling the letter t

Tree printing using paper and crayons

Playing with toy turtles in the water tray.


Jess is off Friday, Sophie is off Monday and Becci is on holiday all week

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