Parents and Carers,
week’s events:
School – This
week at Forest School the children learnt how to create a fire in the woods.
They then made their own yummy snack using the heat from the fire, by melting
marshmallows on the fire and warmed some water up for their hot chocolate.
– This
week we were developing our football skills, we were manoeuvring around the
garden with the ball at our feet practicing our gross motor skills and
co-ordination. We then had a fun game of football bowling.
bugs –
Coming Events
9th December - Christmas party – 3.30-5.00pm.
12th December – Carol Service – 4.15pm.
13th December – Nativity plays – 9.45am and 4.15pm.
16th December – Christmas jumper day – Save the children
Christmas party is next Friday (9th). For children who are not
normally at nursery on Fridays, parents are very welcome to bring them in,
however you will need to stay with them. The party is from 3.30 to
5pm. Father Christmas will be visiting Babies at 3.50, Bluebells at 4.10
and Sunflowers at 4.30. Parents of children already at nursery next
Friday are very welcome to join us too!
reminder that it is the Babies and Bluebells carol service on Monday 12th at
is no cost to see the carol service but we are limiting seats to 2 per family
due to space. It would be appreciated if bags and coats were hung on your
children’s pegs to save space in the Bluebells room.
Nativity performances are Tuesday 13th. There will be two nativity plays
this year.
13th December at 9.45.
13th December at 4.15.
is no cost to see the nativity play but we are limiting seats to 2 per family.
Please sign up to which performance you would like to see in Sunflowers. This
is a first come first served booking system.
There are no planned
changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document
for the weekly menu.
you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing
an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are
in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another
staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the
children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation
stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the
Topic of the month: Christmas
Monday – Charlotte’s group are listening and
dancing to music from around the world developing attention skills
Tuesday – Charlotte’s group will be singing number
songs building an awareness of number names
Wednesday – Nilem’s group is exploring the treasure
basket with a variety of interesting objects stimulating senses
Thursday – Sammy’s group are building their motor
skills while using the peg boards and jars to move and fill containers
Friday – Sammy’s group will be investigating colour
and media while dipping cotton wool balls into paint to make marks on paper
Charlotte is off Wednesday, Jessica is off
Thursday, Nilem is off Monday and Sammy is in all week.
Topic of the month: Winter and Artic Animals
Monday – Donna’s group are selecting their
favourite activities and working together to take turns with their peers helping
them developing self-confidence and turn taking skills
Tuesday – Carla’s group will be exploring the
roleplay dolls and accessories building imaginative skills with friends
Wednesday – Megan’s group are using the props from
their story sacks to share with their friends and act out the story together
Thursday – Donna’s group is building their
understanding while comparing and sorting compare bears
Friday – Chloe’s group are being supported to
write letters to Santa to put in our post box we made developing early literacy
Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off Thursday, Megan
and Carla are in all week.
The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused
activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.
The Key People link this activity to their individual Key Groups.
This will work alongside their weekly planned
activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
This week’s activity is: Operating a maths game on
the computer
This week the children will be practicing their ICT
skills while operating a game on the computer. The children will be playing the
‘Maths Skills’ game to acquire basic ICT skills. The children will be supported
to fit a variety of shape extensions into a larger shape using the mouse and
arrows. The activity will be extended and the children will be encouraged to
recognise and count the shapes on the screen.
Topic of the month: Christmas
The letter of the week is: C
The children will be:
Writing the letter C
Exploring cornflour gloop in the water tray
Playing with the car garage
Talking about Christmas
Thinking of words that begin with C
The Number of the week is: 13
The children will be:
Counting up to 13
Writing the number 13
Creating a number puzzle up to 13
Making the number 13 with playdough
The shape of the week is: Pentagon
The children will be:
Drawing pentagon
Looking for pentagon shapes around the room
Spotting the differences between a pentagon and a
Making pentagon with playdough
Leanne is off Thursday, Becci is off Tuesday and
Ines is in all week.
Interactive Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child
has done this week, on their ILD profile.
We aim to put at least one observation up per week.
the link below:
Our Policy of the Week:
Bruising on not independently mobile children
Aim of policy
This policy gives guidance
on what to do if you notice bruising on Non Mobile children.
Points to consider
Not independently mobile
children are children who are not yet crawling, bottom shuffling, pulling to
stand, cruising or walking independently. It includes all children under the
age of six months or children with significant disabilities resulting in
Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve this by:
- Recording all bruises and marks noticed, in the accident forms and on body maps
- In not independently mobile children, the presence of any bruising, of any size, in any site should initiate a referral to children’s services following the flow chart on page 13
- Although bruising is not uncommon in older, mobile children, it is rare in infants that are immobile, particularly those under the age of six months. While up to 60% of older children who are walking have bruising, it is found in less than 1% of Not Independently Mobile infants. Moreover, the pattern, number and distribution of innocent bruising in non-abused children are different to that in those who may have been abused.
Patterns of bruising suggestive of physical child abuse include:
- Bruising in children who are not independently mobile, particularly those under 6 months of age;
- Bruises that are away from bony prominences;
- Bruises to the face, back, abdomen, arms, buttocks, ears and hand;
- Multiple or clustered bruising;
- Imprinting and petechiae;
- Symmetrical bruising
The younger the child the
greater the risk that bruising is non-accidental and the greater potential risk
to the child.
This policy relates only to
bruising in children who are Not Independently Mobile however any bruising, or
suspected bruising, in a child of any age that is observed by, or brought to
the attention of a professional should be taken as a matter for inquiry
and concern.
While accidental and
innocent bruising is significantly more common in older mobile children,
professionals are reminded that mobile children who are abused may also present
with bruising (Baby P 2008). Body map and incident report to be completed in
all cases.
If you notice a bruise on a
child, you should discuss this with your Manager. Any bruising on Non-Mobile
children must be recorded in accordance with the accident/ incident reporting
procedure. Bruising on mobile children will be assessed per child.
If the decision to refer to
the LADO team is taken by the
Manager or Designated Safeguarding Lead the flow chart on page 13 will be
Where possible the parents
should be informed about the referral. However, if sharing these concerns puts
the child at risk of significant or further harm we will seek advice from LADO.
Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill
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