Parents and Carers,
week’s events:
School – This
week at forest School the children built their own telephone out of cups,
string and different materials. They worked together to put it together, they
then observed how the materials made the phone work and the differences in the
materials. We also had yummy hot chocolate for snack!
sports -This
week at In2 Sports we continued practicing our Rugby skills, we took part in a
fun game where we had to score a try! We also got into pairs and had group
racing games to see who could collect the rugby ball first.
bugs –
had her beautiful baby boy (Finlay) on Tuesday. Both mummy and baby are doing
very well. She will be popping in over the next few weeks to see us all!
Coming Events
16th March – Parents Evening
March – Mother’s week
March – Mother’s Day tea party
March – Red Nose Day
Parent’s Evening
Parents evening is
Thursday 16th March.
Pop in anytime between
6.30-8.30, to chat to your child’s key person.
You can also have a look
at the next room if your child is due to move up and have the chance to talk to
other parents.
Hope to see you all there!
Kids Vouchers
the time to collect vouchers for sports and cooking equipment for our Nursery J
your help we can buy some new resources from Sainsbury’s using the Active Kids
vouchers we collect this year.
you shop at Sainsbury or know anyone who does please collect the Active Kids
vouchers for us. This will support us further to encourage your children to eat
well, move well and live well in 2017.
There are no planned
changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document
for the weekly menu.
you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing
an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are
in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff
member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do
not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation
stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the
Topic of the month: Cardboard boxes
Monday – Charlotte’s group will be building their
knowledge of objects around them while discovering cardboard boxes and the
heuristic play equipment
Tuesday – Sammy’s group are exploring the touch and
feel books encouraging an interest in books
Wednesday – Nilem’s group will be singing number
songs with their friends developing an awareness of numbers
Thursday – Charlotte’s group are naming parts of
their body while signing rhymes with their friends
Friday –Leanne’s group is celebrating St. David’s
day by singing and dancing to welsh music
Charlotte is off Wednesday, Leanne is off Monday,
Nilem is off Monday and Thursday and Sammy is in all week.
Topic of the month: Transport
Monday – Ruby’s group is celebrating St David’s Day
with their friends. They will be looking at real daffodils and creating a
daffodil of their own using the resources in front of them!
Tuesday –Carla’s group will be developing their
understanding of the environment they live in while exploring the small world
people and houses
Wednesday – Megan’s group are building their
listening and attention skills while playing the animal soundtrack game
Thursday – Donna’s group is reading the digger book
with their friends. They will then explore the garden and collect soil and
pebbles using their toy diggers!
Friday – Carla’s group are exploring the
linking elephants promoting number and counting skills
Donna and Megan are on training Friday morning.
Donna is off Wednesday, Megan is off Friday afternoon and Carla and Ruby are in
all week.
The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused
activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.
The Key People link this activity to their individual Key Groups.
This will work alongside their weekly planned
activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
This week’s activity is: celebrating St David’s day
This week the children are developing their
knowledge and understanding of St David’s Day. The children will read a short
story about St David’s day and will be given the opportunity to ask questions.
The children will then observe the fresh daffodils they have in the room and
will then create their own daffodil picture using a variety of materials and
media. The children’s language skills and speaking will be promoted throughout.
Topic of the month: Space
The letter of the week is: N
The children will be:
Writing the letter N
Talking about night time
Playing doctors and nurses
Thinking of words that begin with N
Creating nets out of junk modelling
The Number of the week is: 24
The children will be:
Counting up to 24
Drawing the number 24
Creating the number 24 out of playdough
The shape of the week is: Oval
The children will be:
Talking about the oval shape
Drawing a oval shape
Playing with rugby balls in the garden
Looking for ovals around the room
Leanne is in on Tuesday, Becci is off Tuesday and
Ines and Jenni are in all week.
Interactive Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child
has done this week, on their ILD profile.
We aim to put at least one observation up per week.
Our Policy of the Week:
Using images policy
Aim of policy
To give clear guidance on
the use of photographs in the setting as well as how images will be used and
Points to consider
This policy is part of the
setting’s wider commitment to safeguarding the welfare of children.
Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve this by:
One of the key ways that
practitioners support children's development and engage parents in children's
learning is through taking photographs which record their activities and
We will request parents’
permission to take photographs of their child at the settling in sessions.
Parents can withdraw this permission at any time.
Only setting owned
cameras/tablets will be used to take pictures of children during the normal
operation of the setting.
The setting cameras/tablets
will stay onsite except when on setting outings.
All digital images of the
children will be stored on computers/tablets with passwords. If these images
are stored on memory sticks these sticks will be stored in a lockable cabinet.
They must not leave the setting premises.
Permission for photographs
or moving images to be used on the setting website will be gained separately.
During setting ‘events’ such
as shows, parties, performances, graduations, parents will be advised that
personal mobile phones, camera’s or any moving or stationary image recording
devices will not be allowed to be used. Instead, the setting will be
responsible for taking images of the event and these will be made available to
Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill