Thursday, 2 February 2017

Week Commencing 6th February 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,
This week’s events:
In2 sports -This week at In2 Sports we practiced our gross motor skills while playing with Rugby balls, we learnt how they bounced and had to watch carefully to catch them. We then pretended to be different animals and had to move around the garden in different ways.
Forest School -This week at Forest School we built our balancing skills while walking across a line of rope with our friends. We then had lots of fun building with logs and rolling them around. We had yummy hot chocolate for snack.
Theatre bugs –
Up Coming Events
Thursday 16th March – Parents Evening
20th March – Mother’s week
24th March – Mother’s Day tea party
Active Kids Vouchers
Now’s the time to collect vouchers for sports and cooking equipment for our Nursery J
With your help we can buy some new resources from Sainsbury’s using the Active Kids vouchers we collect this year.
If you shop at Sainsbury or know anyone who does please collect the Active Kids vouchers for us. This will support us further to encourage your children to eat well, move well and live well in 2017.
Bluebells Resources
A big thank you to the parents who have donated spare toys to the Bluebell team this week. Donna and Megan are still updating their role play area and story corner, so if any of you at home do have any old or spare wallets/purses, handbags, scarves, sunglasses, umbrellas or hats (winter or sun) or anything similar; they would love to use them in their role play area that they are developing further. Additionally, if you have any spare or old soft toys you no longer need they would appreciate using them in their story area that they are revamping J Many thanks in advance!
Staff news
Sadly Jessica in the baby room has been offered a management role in a different nursery so will be leaving us in February. Due to this we have decided to have a reshuffle of our senior staff in the nursery to ensure all rooms have got the consistency they need. As some of you already know Leanne will be moving into the baby room to run the room alongside Charlotte. Becci will be stepping up to be the Room leader in the pre-school room, Ines will continue to be in there too. As our numbers grow in babies we have also recruited a new member of staff (Montse) who some of you may have already met as she has been a volunteer since December, she has gained a degree qualification in education. She will be the fifth member of staff in the baby room. We are currently recruiting for a new member of staff for our Pre-School room and I will keep you updated on how this is going.
As always if any of you want to talk to me about staffing or anything else please do let me know.
Image result for children foodMenus
There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document for the weekly menu. 
If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.
Topic of the month: Cardboard boxes
Monday – Sammy’s group will be building their imaginative skills while practicing washing and feeding role play babies
Tuesday – Charlotte’s group is listening to music from around the world encouraging listening and attention skills
Wednesday – Nilem’s group are playing hide and seek games with the teddies and blankets developing an awareness of how things exists when out of sight
Thursday – Charlotte’s group will be singing number rhymes with friends supporting early number understanding
Friday –Nilem’s group will be discovering the tunnel and tent building gross motor skills
Charlotte is off Wednesday, Jessica is off Thursday, Nilem is off Monday and Tuesday and Sammy is in all week.
Topic of the month:  Transport
Monday – Megan’s group is making marks in playdough encouraging early writing skills
Tuesday – Carla’s group will be discovering the emotion dolls building their understanding of different emotions
Wednesday – Megan’s group are reading their favourite stories in groups building attention and understanding
Thursday – Donna’s group will be building their counting skills while exploring the number lollipops
Friday –  Carla’s group is operating toy telephones with friends developing ICT skills
Donna is off Friday, Megan is off Wednesday and Carla and Ruby are in all week.
The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it. The Key People link this activity to their individual Key Groups.
This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
This week’s activity is: Object exploration
This week the children will be building their knowledge and understanding of things in the world around them. They will be discovering a variety of objects around their environment and will be encouraged to talk about what it looks like and how it feels. The activity will be extended and the children will investigate what objects float, sink and are magnetic. Throughout the activity the children will be supported to talk about what they have observed.
Topic of the month: Space
The letter of the week is: K
The children will be:
Writing the letter K
Making kites
Thinking of words that begin with k
Jumping like kangaroos
Talking about the differences between curly c and kicking k
The Number of the week is: 21
The children will be:
Counting up to 21
Drawing the number 21
Clapping and stomping 21 times
Creating the number 21 out of playdough
The shape of the week is: Hexagon
The children will be:
Drawing a hexagon shape
Looking for hexagon shapes around the room
Talking about how many sides a hexagon has
Leanne is off Friday, Becci is off Tuesday and Ines is in all week.
Just to let you know I am off on Monday next week and will be in on Friday
Interactive Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD profile.
We aim to put at least one observation up per week.
Follow the link below:
Our Policy of the Week
Intoxicated persons policy
Aim of policy
To give clear guidance on what to do if a member of staff or a person collecting a child is intoxicated.
Points to consider
No person who is intoxicated by alcohol, medication or other such substances will be allowed onto the setting premises at any time.
Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve this by:
•          Ensuring no child will be permitted to leave the premises with any person who is intoxicated. This includes parents, guardians or care givers.
•          In the situation where the person collecting a child is intoxicated, they will not be allowed onto the premises, or they will be asked to leave the premises.
•          In this situation, another person authorised to collect the child will be contacted and asked to collect the child.
•          In the situation where a staff member is intoxicated, they will be asked to leave the premises and will be informed that intoxication while on duty is a breach in their employment conditions and the regulations as set out by Ofsted. Disciplinary action will be taken.
•          Staff members must inform the Manager of any medication they are taking that may affect their working ability.
•          LADO may need to be contacted, see the child protection policies and speak to the manager
•          It is vital that any incidents are recorded in a clear and unbiased manner.
Kind Regards,
Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill Team

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