Parents and Carers,
week’s events:
2 Sports –
This week we have been practising our skills at dribbling and kicking the
footballs. We had fun playing the traffic light game again and explored
different movements by pretending to be the ‘Mr Men’ characters.
School – This
week at Forest School we saw some beautiful horses, we all stood really still
and quiet so as not to frighten them. The horses left some interesting
footprints so we decided it would be a good idea to look for some other animal
footprints. We found a very big dog paw print and used some plaster of
Paris to make a cast of it to bring back to nursery. We then collected
some sticks to finish off making our den we started last week. There was
a wooden bench nearby and we thought it would be a good idea to take it into
the den to sit or lie on. We played lots of role play games, including
pretending there was a crocodile chasing us and we had to hide! We also
discovered some interesting chestnut cases which had fallen down from the
trees, we were fascinated by their spikey
Up Coming Events
October – Nursery Photos
The nursery photographer
will come in on Thursday 5th October to take photos of the children.
They can do family photos and siblings too so if you want to bring
the whole family you are more than welcome! The open session will run from
3.45-4.30pm for children and families who aren’t in on Thursday, it will be a
first come first served basis.
a group we have decided to create a Castle Nursery and Preschool Facebook page
to promote the company, engage with parents and team members across our nurseries. If you
would be interested in following this page, here is the link:
We will be regularly adding events and photos to the page.

There are no planned
changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document
for the weekly menu.
you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education
(the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing
an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are
in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another
staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the
children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation
stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the
Topic of the month: Construction
Monday – Charlotte’s group are developing their
construction skills and hand-eye coordination through building towers with the
large wooden blocks
Tuesday – Montse’s group will be listening to
stories and playing with the puppets together, practising their vocabulary by
naming things they can see in the books
Wednesday – Sammy’s group are exploring the shape
sorters and hammer and peg boards, developing their awareness of the names of
Thursday – Nilem’s group are playing hide and seek
games to support their awareness that things exist when out of sight
Friday – Leanne’s group will be looking at the
‘Touch and Fell Farm’ book, making the sounds of the different animals and
feeling the textures of them
Charlotte is off Wednesday, Leanne is off Monday,
Nilem is off Monday and Tuesday, Montse and Sammy are in all week.
Topic of the month: Jungle animals
Monday – Donna’s group are playing imaginatively
with the jungle animals in the sand tray
Tuesday – Megan’s group will be choosing which
songs they would like to sing and using props to join in with the actions to
the songs
Wednesday – Donna’s group are developing their
colour recognition through drawing pictures with the paint sticks
Thursday – Ruby’s group will be practising
their number recognition through making their own car park with numbered cars
and parking spaces. They will then see if they can match each car to the
corresponding parking space.
Friday – Ruby’s group will be choosing a bear from
the cosy area and reading the story ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt’. They
will be filling in the blanks in the repetitive part of the story to encourage
their listening and vocabulary.
Donna is off Thursday and Friday, Leanne is in
Thursday, Megan is off Thursday, Ruby and Maria are in all week.
In the Sunflower room each Key Person plans and
implements their own Key Group activity, but the room works on the same area
and aspect to ensure the activity is individual to each Key Group and therefore
meets the specific Key Group’s individual needs.
This will work alongside their weekly planned
activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
Becci’s and Almu’s activity:
For this week’s activity the children will be
developing their understanding of rhyming words. They will be listening
to a story with rhyming words in and have their attention brought to these
words. The children will then use the rotating word cubes to talk about
different words that rhyme and see which words they can think of that rhyme.
Ines’s activity:
Ines’s group will also be developing their
understanding of rhyming words as they are invited to play with various letter
and ABC flash cards and rotating rhyming cubes. The children will be
asked about what they can see and if they can find any names that rhyme with
it. They will also think about other words that rhyme with each
Topic of the month: Mini beasts
The letter of the week is: R
The children will be:
Talking about words beginning with R
Setting up the easel with letter R stencils
Writing the letter R
Making the letter R using playdough
Hopping like rabbits and colouring pictures of them
Seeing which toys will roll down the hill.
The Number of the week is: 4
The children will be:
Counting to 4
Holding up 4 fingers
Jumping 4 times
Writing the number 4
Making the number 4 using playdough
Exploring number puzzles
Counting the sides of a rectangle and square.
The shape of the week is: Octagon
The children will be:
Counting how many sides and corners an octagon has
Drawing around an octagon stencil
Playing with the shape sorter puzzles
Using the shape flash cards.
Becci is on annual leave all week, Almu is off
Wednesday, Megan is in Wednesday and Ines is in all week
Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check
out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD
We aim to put at least
one observation up per week.
Our Policy of the Week:
Health and hygiene procedures
Aim of policy
To give guidance on
procedures to keep the children and the setting environment as clean and
healthy as possible.
Points to consider
1. Staff should make every
effort to help the children to understand that cleanliness will help to keep
them healthy.
2. To reduce the risk of cross
infection, provision must be made for each child to be allocated a bed and
bedding for his and her exclusive use, labelled accordingly. A supply of
clean tissues must be available for wiping runny noses etc. No disposable
material must ever be re-used.
3. Children must be
accompanied to the toilet whilst assistance may be given in wiping bottoms,
washing hands etc., staff should encourage and show children how to do as much
as possible for themselves at the same time ensuring that good hygiene is
4. Children should be given
the opportunity to use the toilet before going out to play, in order to
minimise movement into and out of the building and to ensure that supervision
of the outside play area is maintained.
5. Cleaning children’s hands
and faces before and after meals must be carried out in a hygienic manner,
using one flannel per child. Used flannels must then be put in for
6. When changing nappies,
staff must wear disposable gloves and aprons and ensure that the child is in a
clean nappy when the parent is due to collect.
7. Specified tabards worn by
staff during nappy changing or cleaning tasks must not be worn whilst
undertaking any other tasks i.e. during meal times, play activities etc.
8. Ensure cupboards are
stocked with disposable gloves, aprons, wipes, cotton wool, nappy bags and
individual labelled barrier cream.
9. Soiled clothes will be
rinsed through and returned.
10. All cupboards are to be
kept clean and tidy.
11. All toys, games and
equipment should be sterilised or thoroughly washed/cleaned monthly or as
appropriate. E.g. notification of communicable illness.
12. All toys, games and
equipment must be checked for safety prior to use.
Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill
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