Parents and Carers,
week’s events:
2 Sports –
This week at sports we have been playing football with our friends. We balanced
the ball on different body parts, such as our feet, hands and tummies. We then
had to aim and kick our footballs at cones to knock them down.
Coming Events
2nd November – Zoo Lab
3rd November – Preschool and Baby Bonfire party
6th November – Bluebells Bonfire party
13th November – Nursery Rhyme week
8th December – Christmas party
11th December – Carol service
12th December – Nativity play
join us to celebrate Halloween and Bonfire night next week J
Friday (3rd) from 4.00 – 5.00pm the Sunflowers and Baby room will be
having bonfire treats, a tea party and will be discovering glow sticks.
Bluebell room will be having their Bonfire party on Monday 6th
from 4.00 – 5.00, they will be dancing with glow sticks and having pizza for
parents and children are welcome to join J
Nursery and Preschool Facebook page to promotes the company, engages with parents
and team members across our nurseries. If you would be interested in
following this page, here is the link:
We will be regularly adding events and photos to the page.

There are no planned
changes to this week’s menu.
Our new menu’s will go
live the week of the 13th November.
See attached document
for the weekly menu.
you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education
(the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing
an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are
in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another
staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the
children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation
stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the
Topic of the month: Autumn
Monday – Charlotte’s group is exploring the light
projector supporting an interest in early ICT equipment
Tuesday – Montse’s group is developing their
creative imagination while creating their own tree using leaves from the garden
Wednesday – Sammy’s group are playing ‘Simon Says’
building an awareness of names and positions
Thursday – Nilem’s group will be singing songs
encouraging listening and attention skills
Friday – Leanne’s group is building independence
skills while putting on their own shoes and coats
Charlotte is in the office all week, Leanne is off
Monday and Nilem is off Monday and Tuesday, Montse and Sammy are in all week.
Topic of the month: Autumn
Monday – Donna’s group is discovering the shape
puzzle and flash cards playing matching games encouraging shape recognition
Tuesday – Ruby’s group are making marks with paint
and plastic spiders
Wednesday – Megan’s group will be developing their
motor movement while creating their own fire work picture with paint
Thursday – Donna’s group are building a
knowledge of the world around them while exploring the dolls and house
Friday – Ruby’s group will be reading ‘The Snail
and the Whale’ and will create their own ocean picture developing their
imagination and creativity
Donna is off Friday, Megan is off Thursday, Ruby is
on holiday on Wednesday and Maria is in all week.
In the Sunflower room each Key Person plans and
implements their own Key Group activity, but the room works on the same area
and aspect to ensure the activity is individual to each Key Group and therefore
meets the specific Key Group’s individual needs.
This will work alongside their weekly planned
activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
Becci’s activity: Becci’s group are baking their
own treats. They will be building their understanding of using tools and
equipment safely while using character cutters to cut out their own biscuits.
Ines’s activity: This week Ines is promoting health
and self-care while the children work together to carve their own pumpkin.
Almu’s activity: Almu’s group will be building
their independence while practicing brushing teeth (they will be using a card
mouth and paint for toothpaste).
Topic of the month: Autumn
The letter of the week is: W
The children will be:
Talking about words beginning with W
Setting up the easel with letter W stencils
Making wizard hats
Writing the letter W
Talking about the weather each day
The Number of the week is: 9
The children will be:
Counting to 9
Jumping 9 times
Writing the number 9
Finding the number 9 from around the room
The shape of the week is: Circle
The children will be:
Counting how many sides a circle has
Spotting circles around the room
Creating a circle with our hands
Drawing big and little circles
Becci is off Tuesday, Almu is off Wednesday and
Ines is in all week
I am on holiday next week. If you have any queries
in this time Charlotte will be here to ask J
Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check
out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD
We aim to put at least
one observation up per week.
Our Policy of the Week:
Emergency closure policy – illness/ flu pandemic
Aim of policy
To give clear guidance if a
flu pandemic or similar occurs at the setting. A list of communicable diseases
and minimum periods of exclusion is given on the Guidance on infection control in schools and other
childcare settings available in appendix 2.
Points to consider
In the event of flu
pandemic (or similar) the manager will keep the Operations Manager updated of
children’s health and staffing levels.
Childcare and Learning Group aims to achieve this by:
In case of limited staffing
levels, Childcare and Learning Group settings will join together at the most
suitable location and open on a limited basis.
If the shortage of staff
limits the number of places available the following priorities will take place:
1. Children of Emergency
Services and medical staff
2. Children of teachers or
school workers/ children of bank workers/ children of staff at utilities
companies and children of public transport workers
3. All other working parents
4. Children of non-working
In the event of staff
shortages, parents with current DBS forms may be asked to support the setting
team in order to maintain smooth operations.
In case of closure or
limited opening parents will be contacted by phone by the most senior person
available. The setting software systems can be accessed from private computers
if needed.
The answer phone message
will be changed and then regularly updated so parents can be kept informed.
Notices will be put out in
the setting blogs, direct email and on our website to inform parents.
In exceptional
circumstances children of emergency services workers or other essential workers
will be given childcare even if they do not usually attend the settings.
Ofsted will be kept informed at all times of changes in circumstances.
0300 123 1231
For up to date information on Flu Pandemic issues by the government,
Financial decisions will be
made by the Director or the Finance Director.
Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill
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