Dear Parents and Carers,
Nursery News:
reminder that it is parents evening on Thursday 27th September.
in anytime between 6.30-8.15, to chat to your child’s key person.
Pre-School team will be completing a ‘Going to School’ presentation at 6.30pm
to let you know what we do in the Pre-School to get your child ready and
excited for school.
can also have a look at the next room if your child is due to move up and have
the chance to talk to other parents.
to see you all there!
Charity Sky Dive
September Sammy will be completing a charity skydive to help raise money for
the British Heart Foundation in memory of Megan’s mum. The target to reach is
£500 so if you would like to read Sammy’s story or donate please visit the link
you in advance for all your help and support.
Dates for your diaries
10th September – Universal
funding starts
27th September – Parents evening
Forest School – This week during Forest School the children got to use potato peelers,
saws and palm drills to make their own super cool necklace. They used the
potato peeler to whittle a piece of Elder, a saw to cut the Elder and a
palm drill to remove the middle of the Elder. They finished by threading a
piece of string through the middle creating a fabulous piece of Forest School
Nature Club –
During Nature club this week we identified a Holly Tree by its green, spikey
leaves and made jewellery using the bendy parts of the Holly Tree. We even had
time to make a den out of a fallen tree.
If the key person is on holiday or off,
another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that
the children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years
Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice,
please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also
on the ILD’S.
Monday – Leanne’s group are building on
their Vehicle vocabulary through imaginative play with small world cars, trucks
and trains.
Tuesday – Jamie ’s group are developing
their peer relationships by creating sand shapes together.
Wednesday – Sammy’s
group are exploring the electronic toys, creating different sounds and
Thursday – Hannah’s group will be
investigating shapes and using key words to identify the shapes they make.
Friday - Leanne’s group will be exploring the wooden blocks, by banging them together
and building towers, developing hand an eye co-ordination.
Jamie is in all week, Leanne is off Wednesday,
Sammy is off Thursday and Hannah is in all week.
Topic of the month: Nursery Rhymes
Tuesday – Donna’s group are
celebrating Rosh Hashanah by reading the story about Rosh Hashanah and trying
apple dipped in honey to welcome in a sweet new year.
Wednesday – Ruby’s group are reading the “ Three
Little Pigs”, after the story they will pretend to be wolves by huffing and
puffing into a straw to blow paint across large pieces of paper creating
different patterns.
Thursday – Chloe’s group are developing their
listening and understanding by reading different books about fish. During each
book they will discuss what they have read and what they think might happen
Friday – Ruby’s group have chosen to sing
songs, they will be given puppets and streamers as props if they would like to
use them whilst singing and dancing.
Donna is off Monday and Friday, Chloe is off Monday, Tuesday and Friday, Megan
is off Thursday and Friday, Ruby is off on Monday.
In the Sunflower room each Key Person
plans and implements their own Key Group activity, but the room works on the
same area and aspect to ensure the activity is individual to each Key Group and
therefore meets the specific Key Group’s individual needs.
This will work alongside their weekly
planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
Becci’s group will be developing their speaking
skills by talking to their peers about an event they have enjoyed with their
families. The children will be encouraged to use a range of tenses to explain
their event. They will also paint a picture of the event they have chosen.
Ines’s group are reading the “Ginger Bread-man”
after the story they will using their listening skills to follow instructions
on how to make Gingerbread-men. Whilst baking the children will discuss the
Ginger Bread-man story.
The letter of the week is: O
The children will be:
Making an O out of playdough
Having orange for snack
Painting with orange paint
Writing the letter O
The Number of the week is: 13
Counting to 13
Writing the number 13
Jumping, stomping and clapping 13 times
Making the number 13 with playdough
The shape of the week is: Circle
Explain that Circles have one side
Looking at the Shape and the letter O
Drawing Circles
Making Circles out of playdough
Becci is off Wednesday, Ines is off
Tuesday and Eva is in all week.
I am on holiday from the 31st
August until the 17th September, so if you have any queries please
speak to your child’s Room Leader or Jamie.
Interactive Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done
this week, on their ILD profile.
We aim to put at least one observation up per week.
Castle Nursery and Preschool Facebook
page promotes the company, engages with parents and team members across our nurseries.
If you would be interested in following
this page, here is the link: We will be regularly adding events and photos to
the page.
There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document for the weekly menu.
If you would like to see a copy of our
allergens menu at any time please ask!
Here are the links for the Surrey
Family Information Service, Free Early Education (the 15 hours funding), Free
Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
mobile phone Policy
Aim of the policy
To give clear guidance on the use of mobile/
smart watches and watches in the Setting.
Points to consider
Childcare and Learning Group accept that
mobile/ smart phones and watches are a part of everyday life for parents,
carers and for staff.
This policy is part of the Setting’s wider
commitment to safeguarding the welfare of children.
Ofsted inspectors are legally allowed to keep
their business phones as they may be required to take photographs as evidence.
No children are to be included in these photos.
If a tribal inspector arrives they must
follow the mobile phone policy.
Childcare and Learning
Group aim to achieve this by:
Staff working directly with children must not
use mobile phones as it is inappropriate and distracts them from paying full
attention to the children in their care.
Smart watches can be used as a watch only.
Staff who wear smart watches will be asked to show that the Bluetooth linking
the phone and the watch is turned off, whilst they are working.
Staff are not permitted to take images of the
children on their mobiles or personal cameras. Staff mobile phones must be
stored in a designated place and kept away from the children at all times.
Staff are only permitted to use mobile phones away from the children whilst
they are on breaks.
designated place for staff to keep their mobile phones in this setting is:
Staff who do not follow
this policy will face disciplinary action.
We ask all parents and visitors to not use
mobile phones whilst on the premises.
Images taken on mobile phones are easily
shared and could fall into undesirable hands, either through the person
forwarding pictures or a mobile being stolen.
Under no circumstances are staff allowed to
take photographs or videos of the children at setting on their mobile phones or
personal cameras.
If you see a member of staff using a mobile
phone or personal camera around the children you must report it to the manager.
This mobile phone policy is open to scrutiny
and the management can withdraw or restrict authorisation at any time.

thanks for sharing