Friday, 8 February 2019

W/c 11.02.19

Dear Parents and Carers,


Nursery News:


Staff news

Sammy is on DSL training on Tuesday.


Valentine’s Day

Next week we are celebrating Valentine’s Day. The children will be learning all about the festival and will be talking about their loved ones. The children will explore pink creative trays and media and will be making Valentine’s Day cards and biscuits.


Missing Item

We are missing a blue cotton cardigan. Please let us know if it has gone home with you by accident.


Dates for your diaries

14th March – Parents evening

15th March – Red Nose Day

This week’s activities and event-


Yoga – This week in yoga it was the children’s first session. They warmed up by learning their first few yoga stretches! Sammy read the story ‘Dear Zoo’, they then pretended to be all the different animals in the story, stretching their bodies!


Nature Club – This week in Nature club the children had lots of fun moving up and down the hills e.g. sliding on their bottoms and running up and down. They then built their balancing skills while balancing on a tree. They finished off by spotting rabbit holes!


French – During French this week the children continued to build their knowledge of body parts and were singing ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Feet’!


Next week’s activities:


Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:


This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.




Topic of the month: Animals


Monday – Leanne’s group is building their self-awareness while looking in mirrors at their reflections.

Tuesday – Jamie’s group will be making numbers in the sand pit using sand moulds developing number awareness.

Wednesday – Sammy’s group is searching for bugs in the garden using a variety of tools.

Thursday – All children will be making Valentine’s Day biscuits for all their families. 

Friday – Hannah’s group are making Valentine’s Day cards exploring media and materials.  

Jamie is off Monday, Leanne is in mornings next week, Sammy is off Thursday and Hannah is in all week.




Topic of the month: Farm Animals


Monday – Carla’s group are making their own flowers for Valentine’s Day.  

Tuesday – Donna’s group is exploring puzzles with their friends promoting turn taking and sorting skills.

Wednesday – Megan’s group are exploring a variety of animals looking at animals sounds and sizes.

Thursday – Ruby’s group is going on a number hunt in the garden developing number skills. 

Friday –  Chloe’s group will be reading a favourite book encouraging an interest in stories – please can you all bring in a book from home J

Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off Monday and Tuesday, Megan is off Thursday and Friday, Ruby is off Thursday and Carla is in all week.




In the Sunflower room each Key Person plans and implements their own Key Group activity, but the room works on the same area and aspect to ensure the activity is individual to each Key Group and therefore meets the specific Key Group’s individual needs.


This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.


Becci’s group 1 is building their imaginative play while playing a role play story game.

Becci’s group 2 are choosing a favourite story to read and will be supported to act the story out with their friends using puppets developing an interest in stories.


Ines’s group 1 are exploring media and materials while making their own card for their family members.

Ines’s group 2 will be acting out a story building their awareness of Valentine’s Day.


Eva’s group will be playing ‘Simon Says’ developing listening and attention skills.


Topic of the month: Family


The letter of the week is: Gg


The children will be:

Talking about the letter g

Thinking of things that begin with the letter g

Exploring the letter g alphabet shaker

Writing the letter g in the water tray


The Number of the week is: 7


The children will be:

Counting to number 7

Exploring number puzzles

Jumping 7 times

Writing the number 7 in the air


The shape of the week is: Sphere


The children will be:

Drawing a sphere shape

Finding Spheres around the room

Comparing circles and spheres

Becci is off Monday, Ines is off Tuesday and Eva is in all week.


Ottilia and Jenni are in all week.

I work all day on a Monday, early shifts Tuesdays and Thursdays, late shifts on Wednesdays and a middle shift on Fridays.

If you have any queries when I am not here please speak to your child’s Room Leader or Jamie.


Interactive Learning Diary

Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD profile.

We aim to put at least one observation up per week.

Follow the link below:



Castle Nursery and Preschool Facebook page promotes the company, engages with parents and team members across our nurseries.

If you would be interested in following this page, here is the link: We will be regularly adding events and photos to the page.



There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.

See attached document for the weekly menu. 

If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!


Useful websites

Here are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education (the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).



Our Policy of the Week


Transition policy


Aim of the policy

Moving rooms or going to school can be an exciting and stimulating time; however change can cause some anxieties and upset. At The Childcare and Learning Group we want to ensure every child’s transition is as smooth as possible.


Points to consider


The parents may be as anxious as the children regarding transitions but through our strong partnership with parents we aim to alleviate any worries and support the whole family. See the Parents as Partners policy.


Childcare and Learning Group aim to do this by:


·        6-8 weeks before the child is due to move rooms the parents will be sent a letter discussing the expected date of the move. This will be discussed by the child’s current key person with the parents.

·        The parents will be given the opportunity to visit the child’s next room at a convenient time. They will be introduced to their child’s next key person who will show them around the room, discussing routines and activities. They will also answer any other questions the parents have.

·        The child will start having visits into the next room prior to them moving up.

·        For the first few visits they will be accompanied by their key person, this key person will support the child and introduce the new key person and other staff.

·        Both key people will work together to ensure the child is confident and happy in the new room.

·        The parents will be kept informed of how the visits are progressing by both key people.

·        The child’s visits will be gradually increased so they can experience meals and rest times in their new rooms.

·        If the child is not settling as well as we would like, the current key person may spend longer helping the child to settle in or the settling in period may be extended.

·        Pegs, drawer names and other details will be already displayed before the child starts visits in order to help them feel a sense of belonging.

·        If a child moves to another setting or school the setting will provide a developmental summary for the parents and the new setting.

Kind Regards,


Jess, Jamie and the South Hill Team



Jess Smith

Nursery Manager

Castle Nursery & Pre-School

Childcare and Learning Ltd

14 South Hill | Guildford | Surrey | GU1 3SY

Tel: 01483 533344 | Fax: 01293 772971 | Email: | Web: | Blog: www.castlenursery-southhill.blogspot.c                                                                 



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