Friday, 17 August 2012

week commencing 20th August

Dear Parents

Early Years Foundation Stage

From September 2012 the guidance that gives us our legal requirements and that we use to plan children’s activities is changing.

For you and your child, there will be very little that changes. For the staff team, we are minimising the amount of paper work that we are doing so we can spend as much time as possible with the children. The Learning Journey books will still look the same and your child will still be offered a wide range of fun activities inside and outside, every time they are in. The way we plan is changing so you will notice a difference to your weekly emails  and blog. Every day there will be a focused activity going on as well as a wide variety of other activities. The focused activity will be written by a key person specifically for their key children. This does not mean their key children will be the only ones taking part in the activity, all the children will be allowed to play, however it does mean that we can tailor activities to your child’s individual needs better.

From September the newsletter will show five activities per week in each room and the key person that will be leading them.  As always if you have any further questions you can let me know or have a look at the new Early Years website which explains about the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in more detail:


The Buttercups will be getting wet as they enjoy playing with water outside (if it is nice!)

They will also be dusting off their vocal chords as they sing songs and use instruments.

Charlotte is off Friday, Nilem is off Monday, Emma J is off Thursday and Emma H is off all week.


The Bluebells are having fun taking turns as they throw balls into buckets and hoops.

They will also be letting their imaginations run wild as they play with the diggers and cars in the sand.

Donna is off Monday and Cristina is in all week


The topic for July and August is Transport (we will also be talking about going to school). If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled.

The books of the fortnight are:

13th – 20th August: Bus Driver by Sue Barraclough

27TH  August: This is My Digger by Chris Oxlade

Jess’s group will be using their listening ears as they play animals soundtracks

Josie will be leading a describing activity as the children talk about their weekends.

Chloe’s group will be getting creative as they make transport models.

Jess is off Friday, Josie is off Wednesday and Chloe is in all week.

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