Friday, 7 September 2012

week commencing 10th September

Nursery Photographer

The photographer will be coming to the nursery this Monday (10th September).

Every child who is in on Monday can have their picture taken and if your child is not in on Mondays you can come in between 11.30- 2.30 to have your photo taken. We can take pictures of siblings and family groups too so bring the whole gang!


Parents Evening

Parents Evening is  this Tuesday (11th September). We will be open from 6.45 – 8.30 for Parents to drop in and have a chat with staff. We will be showing you your child’s learning journey book and talking about how they have been progressing.

We are also holding a “getting ready for school” presentation for the parents of the Sunflowers children. This will be between 6.30 -6.45. Jess and Josie will be unable to attend Parent’s evening but their key families are more than welcome to talk to Alison or Chloe or make an appointment to see them another time.

Hope to see you all there!


New Buggy sheds

In the next few weeks we will be getting rid of our very well used buggy sheds and getting shiny new ones! However we still have two abandoned buggies in the buggy sheds. One is a black quinny the other is a red chicco.

If these are yours please can you collect them or they will be re-homed when the new buggy sheds arrive.


Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.



Monday – Charlotte’s group will be singing rhymes to develop their communication skills.

Tuesday – Nilem’s group will be making marks on big sheets of paper and talking about colours.

Wednesday – Emma H’s group will be getting moving as they dance, wiggle and jump to music!

Thursday – Emma J’s group is going to be exploring corn flour gloop.

Friday – Emma H’s group is practising sharing with our friends.

Charlotte is off Fridays, Emma H is off Tuesday and Thursdays, Emma J is off Mondays and Nilem is off Fridays.



Monday – Cristina’s group will be using their imaginations as they play with the small world people.

Tuesday – Donna’s group are building their vocabulary as they read stories.

Wednesday – Cristina’s group will be practising their counting skills with the compare bears.

Thursday – Donna’s group is going to be having fun building train tracks.

Friday – Cristina’s group will be getting physical as they move their bodies in the garden.

Donna is off Fridays and Cristina is off Thursdays



The topic for September and October is ‘Myself’ and ‘My Family’. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled.

The books of the fortnight are:

3rd September – 14th September - I'm Glad You're My Grandpa by Cathy Phelan and Danielle McDona

17th September – 28th September - I’m Glad You're My Gran by Cathy Phelan and Danielle McDona

1st October – 12th October - Mother Knows Best by Jill Murphy

15th October – 26th October - Just Like Daddy

29th October – 2nd November – Sleep and Rest by Sue Barraclough

Monday – Chloe’s group are making up their own stories!

Tuesday – Josie’s group will be playing the Polka Dot Park game on the computer.

Wednesday – Jess’ group are going to be creating family portraits.

Thursday – Alison will be leading an activity on letter recognition.

Friday – Jess’ group are going to be sorting into size and groups.

Jess is off Monday and Tuesday, Josie is off all week, Chloe is off Wednesday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday.

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