Thursday, 20 September 2012

Week commencing 24th September


The professional photos are back. I may be biased but our children are gorgeous!!!!!

Please can you make sure all photos or orders are returned by Friday 21st.


Child’s contact details

Everyone should have received their new child details forms by now. Please can you return them to us as soon as possible so that we can make sure we have the correct details to contact you and your emergency contact people.


School leavers 2013

It is time to start thinking about applying for a school for your child. Information on how to do this is available in the hallway along with our “going to school” pack.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.



Monday- Charlotte’s group are going to be using rollers, cutters and moulds as they explore the playdough.

Tuesday - Nilem’s group will be building self awareness as they pick out their own coats and shoes as they go outside.

Wednesday - Emma J’s group is using rollers and stampers in the paint as they explore pattern and texture.

Thursday - Nilem’s group are developing their language skills as they play outside.

Friday - Emma H’s group are getting physical as they roll balls to each other.

Charlotte is off Friday, Emma H is off Tuesday and Friday, Emma J is off Monday and Nilem is off all week.



Monday – Cristina’s group will be reading the story “ Don’t Count Your Chickens”

Tuesday – Cristina’s group are going to be playing the game “Simon Says” as they develop listening skills.

Wednesday – Donna’s group are developing their self-confidence as they spend time with their friends.

Thursday – Donna’s group will be singing nursery rhymes as they develop language skills.

Friday – Cristina’s group is having a picnic with the teddies as they explore imaginatively.

Donna is off Monday and Cristina is off Thursday.



The topic for September and October is ‘Myself’ and ‘My Family’. If you have anything at home that links to this topic please can we have it for our interest table? Please make sure any items brought in are labelled.

The books of the fortnight are:

17th September – 28th September - I’m Glad You're My Gran by Cathy Phelan and Danielle McDona

1st October – 12th October - Mother Knows Best by Jill Murphy

15th October – 26th October - Just Like Daddy

29th October – 2nd November – Sleep and Rest by Sue Barraclough

Please can you bring in family photos for the children to share as part of their work on families.

Monday – Alison’s group are developing gross motor skills as they practise catching and throwing.

Tuesday – Chloe’s group will be looking at different shapes and naming them.

Wednesday – Alison’s group are looking carefully at objects associated with Autumn and identifying their characteristics.

Thursday – Josie’s group is working as a team to build train tracks.

Friday – Jess’s group will be reading “Stickman” and talking about it afterwards.

Jess is off Monday, Josie is off Tuesday, Chloe is off Wednesday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday.

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