Friday, 21 June 2013

Emergency closure policy

Emergency Closure policy


Aim of policy


To give clear guidance if a flu pandemic or similar occurs at the nursery.

Points to consider

In the event of flu pandemic (or similar) the manager will keep the director updated of children’s health and staffing levels.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aims to achieve this by:


In case of limited staffing levels the three Castle Daycare & Preschool Nurseries will join together at the most suitable location and open on a limited basis.


If the shortage of staff limits the number of places available the following priorities will take place:

1.      Children of Emergency Services and  Medical staff

2.      Children of teachers or school workers/ Children of bank workers/ Children of staff at utilities companies and Children of public transport workers

3.      All other working parents

4.      Children of non working parents

In the event of staff shortages, parents with current CRB’s may be asked to support the nursery team in order to maintain smooth operations.

In case of closure or limited opening parents will be contacted by phone by the most senior person available. Nursery software systems can be accessed from private computers if needed.

The answer phone message will be changed and then regularly updated so parents can be kept informed.

Notices will be put out in nursery blogs, local papers, Local radio (e.g.: the Eagle) and on our website to inform parents.

In exceptional circumstances children of emergency services workers or other essential workers will be given childcare even if they do not usually attend the settings.


Ofsted will be kept informed at all times of changes in circumstances.

                                                0300 123 1231


Surrey Early Years will be kept informed at all times of changes in circumstances.

                                                01372 833833


Financial decisions will be made by the Director or the Finance Director.

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