Friday, 14 June 2013

Procedure for accidents and incidents

Procedure for accidents and incidents


Aim of policy


Castle Daycare & Preschool have in place a rigorous procedure to deal with accidents and incidents.


Points to consider


At all times staff dealing with accidents must wear the appropriate protective clothing – disposable gloves and aprons wherever it is required or reasonably practical.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this by:


Minor accidents/incidents


·         Staff member present assesses the injury.

·         The injury is treated by qualified first aider.

·         The child is resettled and observed.

·         The accident/incident is recorded on the accident form.

·         The Manager should be informed at the earliest opportunity.

·         At the end of the child’s session the parent/carer is advised of the accident/incident and what action was taken.  The parent must sign the form to verify they have been advised and that they are happy.

·         If the parent/carer is not happy to sign the form the Manager must be alerted immediately.


Major accidents/incidents


·         Never move the child - unless their life is in imminent danger by not moving them.

·         Call an ambulance.

·         Appropriate treatment should be administered by a trained first aider

·         The parent/carer must be contacted.

·         If the ambulance crew take the child to hospital a senior member of staff will accompany the child to hospital and the parent/carers should be kept informed.

·         The accident form or serious incident form must be completed with the parent/carers signature.


In the case of a major accident the details must be reported to the Health and Safety representative, Ofsted and RIDDOR (if applicable)


ALL accidents and incidents must be monitored.  A risk assessment may need to be completed and/or reviewed in the event of an accident or incident.


Attention should be given to the following:


·         Was normal practice being followed?

·         Were there any unusual circumstances/conditions?

·         Were safety rules/advice being followed?

·         Has a similar incident occurred previously?

·         What conclusions can be made from this?

·         How can the incident be prevented from re-occurring


Accident forms should be checked every month by the manager to assess if any patterns are occurring, or if any action is needed to be taken to ensure accidents do not occur again. The manager will use this information to take appropriate steps to manage risks.

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