Non attendance policy
of policy
To give clear guidelines on what to do if a child
expected at nursery does not arrive.
to consider
This policy needs to be made aware to all parents
upon starting at the setting so they understand it is to protect children
rather than intrude into personal lives.
Under the Early Years Foundation Stage providers
must be alert to any issues for concern in the child’s life at home or
elsewhere. By understanding why the child has not attended helps us to form a
picture of their life outside of the setting.
Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this by:
- Asking all
parents to inform the nursery if their child is going to be absent and the
reason why.
- Recording on the
registers when and child is off and why, using the following code:
S = sickness
H= Holiday
A = unknown absence
- If a child is
due in and has not arrived, the nursery will wait a reasonable time,
depending on the child’s session and usual pattern of attendance, before
contacting the parent to find out a reason for the child’s absence.
- This reason will
then be recorded on the registers.
- Patterns of non
attendance can be monitored through the registers.
- Where possible
the nursery would encourage parents to contact the setting rather than the
setting contacting the parent.
- When contacting
the parents the staff will do so in a sensitive manner whilst explaining
the need for the phone call.
- If a child
claiming EYFE is off for more than two consecutive weeks or is regularly
absent the manager will need to contact the EYFE team.
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