Friday, 13 September 2013

week commencing 16th September

Dear Parents


Direct Debits

Hopefully you will have all received your letter explaining about direct debit.  If you have any questions about this please ask!


School Leavers 2014

We have just received the information leaflets about applying for school places. These will be sent home this week


Nursery Numbers

For those of you in on Thursday you may have noticed that Bluebells is getting busier! We are still splitting into groups so that the group sizes are nice and small and we are looking at meal times and after tea to ensure that room runs smoothly. If you have any questions please ask the Bluebells team.


Nut free Nursery

Please be aware that we have a child with a severe nut allergy. Please do not allow your child to bring in any products that contain nuts as this may cause the child to have an allergic reaction.


Signing in

It is really important that all parents/carers sign the children in and out. We are due our Ofsted inspection and they will be checking our registers!



The diary for the end of year events will be out very soon!


We have the photographer coming on Thursday 3rd October. The photos will be back in time for Christmas and make great presents!

If your child is not in on this day you are welcome to bring them in. Fran our photographer is also happy to do family shots too, so feel free to bring everyone!

Please ask Caroline for available time slots.


The Sunflowers are going on a toddle waddle on Thursday 26th September at 10 am to raise money for Meningitis trust. If your child is in on this day they will be given a sponsor form, If your child is not in on this day and you would like to take part please see Chloe.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, visit:



Monday – Nilem’s group is developing their physical skills as they wash and dress dolls

Tuesday – Emma’s group will be singing action songs.

Wednesday – Magda’s group are Playing peek-a-boo with different material.

Thursday – Charlotte’s group is playing imaginatively as they dress up

Friday – Emma’s group are playing with the dolls together as they develop social skills.

Charlotte is off Friday, Emma is off Monday and Thursday, Magda is off Tuesday, Nilem is off Friday and Becci is on holiday all week



Monday- Donna’s group is singing lots of different nursery rhymes together

Tuesday – Leanne’s group will be talking and reading about feelings

Wednesday – Donna’s group are building muscles as they run and kick balls to each other

Thursday – Sophie’s group is exploring puzzles together

Friday – Rose is leading an exploring activity as the children feel objects in the jelly

Donna is off Friday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Sophie is off Monday and Rose is in all week



Books of the fortnight are:

16th -23rd September Charlie and the Cheese Monster – Justin C H Birch

30th September – 7th October  The Lion’s Share – Matthew McElligott

14th – 23rd October Are the Trees Alive? – Debbie S Miller

Monday – Alison is leading a letter writing activity using cornflour!

Tuesday – Chloe’s group will be getting creative as they paint with spaghetti

Wednesday – Jess’s group are reading the book of the fortnight

Thursday – Jess’s group is matching shapes

Friday – Chloe’s group will be making their own fossils!

Jess is off Tuesday and Friday, Chloe is off Monday and Thursday and Alison does 9.30-2.30 Monday to Thursday


Hope your Friday 13th is lucky!!!!

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