Thursday, 23 October 2014

Procedure for control of hazardous substances (COSHH)

Procedure for control of hazardous substances (COSHH)


Aim of policy


To give guidance on handling and storing hazardous substances.

See the current risk assessments and the risk assessment policy.


Points to consider


1.      All staff will receive information on COSHH regulations and be expected to adhere to the regulations.


2.      The number of hazardous substances will be kept to an absolute minimum and be provided with relevant COSHH sheets.


3.      Spillages must be swept up and disposed of in plastic bags or mopped up using plenty of cold water and diluted to a safe level before disposal.  Brushes, mops and disposable cloths should be well rinsed after use and contaminated paper products disposed of in closed plastic bags.  The Manager must be informed of any significant spillage.


4.      After handling a hazardous substance, staff must remove protective clothing and wash hands before resuming work, touching food or leaving the premises.


5.      Emergencies resulting from swallowing, inhaling, skin or eye contact must be dealt with in accordance with first aid provision and with instructions issued by the manufacturers of the substance.


6.      Medication for personal use must be treated as a hazardous substance whether or not excessive dosage is to be harmful. All medication brought onto the premises must be surrendered to the manager and stored in               _______________________________________________________________________


7.      It should be assumed that all forms of bodily discharge are potentially infectious and the appropriate precautions observed in disposing of contaminated materials and subsequent cleaning.


8.      Hazardous substances are to be kept in the containers in which they were supplied and are not to be transferred to and stored in other containers which are unidentified or which have incorrect markings.


9.      It is unlikely that radioactive substances or known carcinogens will be deliberately brought onto the premises.  However, if there are grounds to suspect that any such material is present, the nursery Health & Safety Co-ordinator must be notified immediately.


There are special regulations covering the control of substances, which are hazardous to health.


The regulations lay down what an Employer must do to protect people in the work place against health risks arising from swallowing, inhaling or having contact with toxic, irritant, carcinogenic, infectious or radio-active substances.


An employer must:


·         Identify those substances that are covered by COSHH.

·         Assess the risk of someone being harmed by them.

·         Try to reduce the risk by substituting another, less hazardous substance, or reducing the quantities used.

·         Monitor the procedures in the Nursery for controlling hazardous substances to ensure they are still appropriate and are being observed by all members of staff and contractors.

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