Thursday, 23 October 2014

week commencing 27th October

Dear Parents



Dennis, one of our maintenance team, is going to come next week to do some of our decorating. At the moment I don’t know when he will be with us but I will keep you posted.

My plan is to finish Bluebells before starting the other rooms but things may all change!


Door bell

We now have a door bell inside the hallway so that if you are waiting to be let out and there is no one around, you can use the door bell and someone will let you out.



Please can all parents fold up their buggies before they go into the Buggy shed. Some parents are finding they are unable to find a space in the sheds and as it turns wetter and colder we don’t want to leave any buggies outside. Thank You.

Also if someone else is picking up your child you may want to label your child’s buggy, we have had several cases of Grandparents and relatives not knowing which buggy is theirs! Don’t forget there is a light in the buggy shed, so you don’t need to hunt in the dark when the clocks go back.


Baby room

After our room audits the Baby room has decided to phase out the day books so they can spend more time with the children. We will still write up on the parent notice board what your child has eaten/drunk/slept and will still continue to give verbal handovers at the end of each session.

The baby room team will be talking to parents who currently have day books and we will be phasing these out between now and Christmas. If your child is picked up by another person such as a nanny or carer we will still complete a book for you.


Nativity plays

There will be three nativity plays this year.

Monday 8th December at 4.00

Tuesday 9th December at 9.30

Tuesday 9th December at 4.00

There is no cost to see the nativity play but we are limiting seats to 2 per family. Please sign up which performance you would like to see in Sunflowers. This is a first come first served booking system!

All of the children will be able to take part in the nativity and if your child is not in you can bring them in for the performance you would like to see.  We will be letting you know asap what role your child has so you have plenty of time to sort out a costume.

Please don’t panic about costumes, it’s not the west end! Tea towels on heads are exactly the sort of standard we are aiming for. For any more information please see the Sunflowers team.

Please be aware that we allow parents to photograph/film the production so if you would rather your child not take part please let us know.


Christmas party

The Christmas parties are on Friday 5th December from 3.30 -5pm. If your child is not in on this day they are welcome to come along with an adult.

We will be having party games, a party tea and a visit from Father Christmas.



The sunflowers will be going to the pantomime on Friday 12th December at 1.30. Again if your child is not in on this day they are very welcome to come along with an adult.

Tickets are £11.00 per person.


Forest school

Forest school starts on Wednesday 5th November. The Sunflowers will be letting parents know who is in the first group. Please can you make sure if your child is taking part in Forest school that they wear long sleeves and long trousers and weather appropriate clothing on the day.

They will also need to be here before 9 am as we set off promptly!!!



There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:



Monday – Magda’s group is exploring the toddle boxes as they build gross motor skills

Tuesday – Nilem’s group will be exploring a range of objects in the treasure basket

Wednesday – Julia’s group are looking at their family photos using the family cubes

Thursday – Charlotte’s group is reading the story of the Hungry Caterpillar

Friday – Julia’s group will be playing peek-a-boo games as they build social interaction.

Charlotte is off Monday and Friday, Julia is off Thursday, Magda is off Tuesday and Friday and Nilem is off Friday



Monday – Donna’s group are counting with the linking elephants

Tuesday – Donna’s group is playing together using the cars and garage as they build social skills

Wednesday – Chloe’s group will be making monster pictures as they talk about Halloween

Thursday – Rose’s group is getting creative as they make pictures by cutting out and sticking.

Friday- Leanne’s group will be reading the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Donna is in on Monday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Chloe is off Thursday and Rose is in all week



Books of the fortnight

20-27th October  - Lulu Loves Stories by Anna McQuinn

3-10th November – The Sunflower Sword by Mark Sperring

17-24th November – Victoria’s Day by Maria de Fatima Campos


The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.

This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room.


This week’s activity is:

Balancing and jumping over blocks.

The children will be developing physical skills as they build their own obstacles and manage their own risk taking.


The learning intentions are:

To develop balance and movement

Refining gross motor movements

To allow children to manage their own risks


The letter of the week is: Y

Our activities are:

Talking about different words beginning with Y

Painting with yellow paint

Using the Y stencils

Creating junk models with yogurt pots

Jess is off Friday, Sophie is off Monday and Becci is in all week

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