Friday, 30 October 2015

Week Commencing 2nd November

Dear Parents and Carers



Staff news

Sadly Hannah and Alison will be leaving us during November. Hannah will be leaving us on the 12th November. She has worked in childcare since she was 16 and has decided to have a career change, she is becoming a receptionist at a Doctors Surgery.

Alison has been with us since 2007 and a job opportunity has arisen in a local school, where she is off to be a TA. I am sure you will join us in wishing them both all the best.

Shula has been a floating member of staff since last November and she will be stepping into babies to become a full time baby member of staff.

We are currently recruiting for a new floating member of staff but until we find the right person we will be having staff cover from our Markenfield Road nursery.

We will also be using our own bank staff, Alba; most of you will have met her over the summer period. Alba has previously worked both here and at our Markenfield Road nursery.

I will keep you updated on our recruitment process.


Peppa Pig at G Live

A reminder that the Sunflower’s will be going to see the 1pm performance of Peppa Pig at G Live this Thursday! 



There has been no further cases of vomiting or diarrhoea however,  we are still having children with high temperatures.



Interactive Learning Diary

Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD profile.

We aim to put at least one observation up per week.


Policy of the week

We will be displaying a different policy every week at the bottom of this newsletter.

If you would like to see this or any of our policies please ask Jess.


Our Policy this week is: Supporting children and families with English as an additional language (EAL)




Useful websites:

Here are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education (the 15 hours funding) and Free Early Education for Two year olds.




There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.

See attached document for the weekly menu. If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:


This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.



Monday – Hannah’s group are using simple language while creating playdough shapes

Tuesday – Charlotte’s group are making poppy shaped biscuits alongside friends

Wednesday– Mel’s group will be investigating colour while splatter painting.

Thursday – Charlotte’s group is playing peek a boo games with the soft toy animals and blankets

Friday – Mel’s group will be colouring in firework themed pictures supporting fine motor skills

Charlotte is off Wednesday, Mel is off Tuesday, Hannah is in all week and Nilem is on holiday all week



Monday – Donna’s group are making poppy biscuits for Remembrance Day encouraging language throughout

Tuesday – Megan’s group will be practicing their counting skills while counting petals on poppies

Wednesday – Megan’s group is looking at their family board seeing who they can recognise

Thursday – Almu’s group will be encouraged to put their coats on by themselves supporting independence


Friday – Chloe’s group are investigating different materials and colours while creating firework pictures

Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off Thursday, Almu and Megan are in all week



The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.

This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.

This week’s activity is: Discussing Remembrance Day and creating pictures of poppies.


The children will be talking about Remembrance Day to encourage their knowledge. The children will create a picture of a poppy and be encouraged to hold the pencil correctly. The activity will be extended by supporting the children to write their name at the top.


The letter of the week is: Y

The children will be:

Using yellow paint

Linking words to the letter Y

Making the letter Y using playdough

Setting the easel up with Y stencils

Drawing Yo Yo’s

Junk modelling with yoghurt pots

Leanne is off Monday, Hector is off Wednesday and Becci is in all week



Supporting children and families with English as an additional language (EAL)


Aim of policy


At Castle we welcome everyone into our settings. This includes children who speak languages other than English. To speak a language other than English will be celebrated and not seen as a disadvantage or deficit for the children or family. Our strategy to support these children will be implemented by all staff members. Staff members will be given support and information to enable them to promote these strategies. It is the responsibility of the staff to be flexible and creative to ensure that effective communication takes place.


Points to consider


It is important to identify the child’s first language before they start at the setting, and to establish whether the parents are able to converse in English or if they will need alternative support to understand the routines and learning environment their child will experience.


Children from different cultures may find our setting unfamiliar, it is important that we include pictures, in the environment, with which the children can identify. They may include a variety of houses, landscapes, families or children playing.


See the Inclusion policies.


Castle Daycare and Preschool aims to achieve this by:


The nursery environment strives to be multicultural with a variety of multi cultural books and resources. The displays around the settings also reflect multiculturalism.


Steps to support children with EAL


  • On the settling in sessions, we ask parents for key words in the child’s first language to enable us to use these to communicate with the child.
  • We will keep language simple and literal initially so the child has the best opportunity to understand.
  • We will give instructions to the child individually and with eye contact as we understand generalised instructions may be hard to follow.
  • We will give the child time to respond as we recognise it takes time to translate.
  • We will have key words relevant to the child on display with pictures around the room, to help staff communicate with the child and for the child to tell us what they want.
  • We will encourage the child and their family to teach children and staff the names of objects in their own language.
  • We will model correct sentences, without correcting the child, when they have tried to communicate.


Working with parents


Parents from other countries may have no personal experience of nursery as we know it. It is important that sufficient time is given to explain to them the key principles of our system and the routines their child will experience.


When completing the registration form we will take down the details of the country of origin, the religion, the language and key cultural needs of the child, these may include dietary restrictions which will be shared with all staff and our chef to ensure no misunderstandings.


All parents are encouraged to contribute to the learning of their child by visiting, sharing significant events/festivals and doing activities.


Race and Ethnic Minority Achievement


REMA offers a Consultation Service to any non-maintained (private, voluntary and independent) EYFS Preschool Provider.  This service is currently funded on an annual basis as part of Surrey’s Early Years Development and Childcare Plan.


The purpose of these visits is to help providers develop strategies to meet an individual child, or group of children whose first language is not English and may have additional language needs.  If a consultation is required for an individual child, parental permission will need to be gained.  General strategies can also be given that will help support a group of children whose first language is not English.  It is expected that staff will have already tried to support the child’s/children’s additional language needs in collaboration with the parents and Early Years and Childcare Service.


All Surrey preschool providers are circulated with the information about this service (through the Early Years and Childcare Service).  The visits take place on a first come, first served basis.




Consultation involves the following:

-        at least 30 minutes to one hour to observe the child/children in a preschool setting

-        discussion with the key person for 45 minutes to one hour

-        parents may need to be consulted and invited to take part in the consultation

-        the key person needs to be prepared to spend some time in the following weeks working with the child/children on agreed strategies

-        a follow up meeting with the key person and parents, (where appropriate) usually within three months, to review the child’s/children’s progress.




Kind regards,



Jess Smith

Manager, SENCO

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