Parents and Carers
for the diary:
Parties - Friday 4th December 3.30-5pm
and Bluebells Carol Service - Monday 7th December 4.15pm
Nativity - Tuesday 8th December 9.45pm or 4.15pm
will be signup sheets for these in the rooms.
has been no further cases of vomiting or diarrhoea however, we are still having
children with high temperatures.
have had one case of impetigo and one case of Hand, Foot and Mouth.
have also had a couple of children who have had eye infections.
If your child gets Hand,
Foot and Mouth they can return to nursery once the spots/blisters have scabbed
over and they meet our well child policy (below).
If your child gets
Impetigo they will need to be off nursery for 48 hours after they have started
I know it can be hard to
arrange for your child to be away from nursery and we don’t do it to make your
lives difficult!
We ask children to stay
away from nursery so we can minimise the spread to other children and we hate
making those phone calls, but we have to do what we think is right. All rooms
are ensuring all the toys and equipment being used each day are sterilized
have had a complaint from a resident about people blocking the pavement outside
the front of the nursery and the double gates. I understand that parking is
very difficult at times but when parking if you could please leave enough
pavement space for others to continue to use the pavements, to avoid people having
to step into the road.
all know the parking can be a real pain but unfortunately the council will not
give us permits or short waiting times as they say they don’t give these to
schools either.
know it is frustrating for both parents and staff and I do apologise for this.
Learning Diary
forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on
their ILD profile.
aim to put at least one observation up per week.
of the week
We will be displaying a different policy every week
at the bottom of this newsletter.
If you would like to see this or any of our
policies please ask Jess.
Policy of the week is: Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education (the
15 hours funding) and Free Early Education for Two year olds.
There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document for the weekly menu. If you
would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing
an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are
in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another
staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the
children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation
stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the
Monday – Shula’s group are investigating bubbles
and shaving foam while filling and emptying containers
Tuesday – Charlotte’s group is looking at the
‘Tickle, Tickle’ and ‘Clap Hands’ book encouraging an interest in books
Wednesday– Mel’s group will be listing to Diwali
music while playing musical instruments
Thursday – Shula’s group is making art garlands for
Diwali supporting fine motor skills
Friday – Mel’s group will be encouraged to
make faces in the mirrors supporting self-awareness.
Charlotte is off Wednesday, Mel is off Tuesday,
Shula is in all week, Hannah’s last day is Thursday and Nilem is on holiday all
Monday – Donna’s group are talking about likes and
dislikes while selecting their favourite toys
Tuesday – Chloe’s group will be moving to Bhangra
music for Diwali promoting physical skills
Wednesday – Donnas’ group is signing the Diwali
songs while making Diwali cards building their understanding of cultures
Thursday – Almu’s group will be exploring media
while painting with foams and shapes
Friday – Megan’s group are reading a story the
children will choose, they will be encouraged to respond to simple questions
about the story
Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off Thursday, Almu is
on training on Tuesday and Megan is in all week
The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused
activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.
This will work alongside their weekly planned
activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
This week’s activity is: Operating ICT equipment
The children will be using their imagination to
play a role as a ‘Photographer’. They will be using and operating the toy
cameras to take photos. The children will be asked to find a selection of toys
that are a variety of colours, sizes and shapes. The activity will be extended
by encouraging the children to count and categorize the objects they find.
The letter of the week is: Z
The children will be:
Telling each other what animals you can find in the
Can you find the number zero
Linking words to the letter Z
Making the letter Z using playdough
Talking about zebra crossings
Can you make a zigzag outside
Setting the easel up with Z stencils
Leanne is off Monday, Hector is off Wednesday and
Becci is in all week
Special Educational Needs and
Disability (SEND) Policy
Aim of Policy
To clarify how we support children with SEND and
their families. This policy works together with the Inclusion Policy – Special
Educational Needs and/or disabilities, the special needs procedure for
previously unidentified needs and the confidentiality policy.
Points to Consider
When the Children and Families Bill became enacted
in 2014 local authorities were required to publish information about services
available for Children and Young People with SEND aged 0-25. This is called the
Local Offer and Castle Daycare and Preschool is on the local offer register
informing families how we support children with SEND.
Castle Daycare and Preschool aim to achieve this
- All our nurseries will have an appointed Special
Educational Needs Co-ordinator who has knowledge of the SEND Code of
Practice (2014) and the Equality Act 2010 in relation to special needs.
- Using individual plans to support the child’s
individual needs. The plans are created with the parents and other
professionals who may be involved with the child and reviewed regularly.
- Attending training to support the needs of the child
such as sign language training.
- Using the 2 year check, regular observations and Early
Help Assessments to identify and record child’s needs. Paper copies of the
two year checks will be given to parents and Health Visitors, via the
- Having a SENCO who has attending training and regular
SENCO forums to keep updated. The SENCO may also attend more specific
training depending on the needs of the children.
- Working with other agencies to support the children and
their families. This may mean we need to contact other professionals on behalf
of the family, with their permission.
- Depending on the needs of the child we may be able to
offer more staff support by having staff work 1:1 with the child. This
will depend on the needs of the child and funding available.
- The nursery will also consult with the child about
their wishes with regards to their support, this may be through
observations or discussions depending on the child’s age and ability.
- Providing further information to the family about
services they can use or contact for additional support.
- The SENCO at this Nursery: _ Jess Smith__________
- The Deputy SENCO at this Nursery: _ Becci
Things you need to know:
of need:
help each child reach their full potential there are different levels of
Local Offer:
this is the level that most children will be at and requires no other
services/support that the setting already offers the child and family
Enhanced Local Offer:
this is where a child or family may need a little extra support. That support
may come in the form of Individual support plans, advice from the Improvement
Officer or inclusion funding.
Band 1: This
is for children who have ongoing issues. They may require pathway plans or
discretionary funding
EHCP: Education Health and Care
Support plans
are six weekly action plans to support children with every level of SEND.
set out small targets that the children will work to with their key person or
SENCO. At the end of the six weeks the plan will be reviewed. If the child has
progressed well they may not need another plan. For the children who have not
yet closed their gap or met their targets another six week plan will be
parents will be asked for their feedback on the plan and should always be
consulted before writing an Individual support plan, they should also receive a
grant may be awarded by the council if the nursery can show the need for it.
The grant is available to ensure the inclusion of children with additional
needs. This grant may be able to fund additional equipment to help children
take part in all areas of the setting. You can discuss this with your
improvement advisor.
may be given to children with greater SEND and can be used to employ additional
staff or give 1:1
pathway plan is a way of supporting children with SEND holistically. You would
complete this before an Education Care plan.
Help Assessments
Early Help Assessment policy
Health and Care plan
are for children with the highest level of need and have replaced Statements.
The Surrey EHCP coordinator will lead this process and send the EHCP to the
assessment panel if they feel the child is eligible.
is a safe and secure web based tool which will enable us to securely send and
store personal information such as Early Help Assessments. This is being
launched in 2015 by Surrey County Council.
Around the Family TAF
the Early Help Assessment policy
Educational Needs Acronyms
– Autistic Spectrum Disorder
– Common Assessment Framework (been replaced by EHA)
– Child Assessment Services
CC –
Children Centres
– Child Development Team
CO –
Case Officer (allocated to children with SEND when notified)
– Code of Practice
– Children with Disabilities
DF –
Discretionary Funding
– Early Help Assessment (new CAF)
– Education Health and Care Plan (replaced statements)
EP –
Educational Psychologist
– Early Years and Childcare Service
– Free Entitlement for Two Year olds
– Family Information Service
Health Visitor
IA –
Improvement Advisor
– Special Educational Needs Coordinator
– Special Educational Needs and Disability
– Speech and Language Therapist
–Team Around the Family
Kind regards,
Jess Smith
Manager, SENCO
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