Thursday, 10 November 2016

Week Commencing 14th November

Dear Parents and Carers,
This week’s events:
Forest School – This week at Forest School the children had lots of fun making star pendants for the Christmas tree, they had to carefully use a saw to cut the wood with the help from Lee. The children then sat and had snack around a fire they safely made together.
In2Sports – This week we practiced our turn taking skills while taking part in mini relays! We then practiced our motor skills while learning different methods of throwing (under arm, over arm etc).
Theatre bugs –
Next week:
Children in Need
Next week we are raising money for Children In Need. To help raise money for this year’s Children In Need we will be having cake sales at nursery, having a pyjama day, guessing how many sweets are in the jar and a fun parent quiz for you to get involved with. All donations will go to this year’s Children In Need. With our donations we can make a real difference to the lives of children all across the UK.
Nativity and Carol Service
It has reached that time of the year again where we are starting to organise the Christmas productions!  Buttercups and Bluebells will be holding a carol service on Monday 12th December at 4.15 and Sunflowers will be performing their nativity on Tuesday 13th December at 9.45 and 4.15.  We thought we’d give you plenty of notice so you can make arrangements with work. 
Image result for children foodMenus
There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document for the weekly menu.
If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.
Topic of the month: Shapes
Monday – Charlotte’s group is exploring their reflections in shiny surfaces developing an awareness of themselves
Tuesday – Nilem’s group will be discovering sea creatures in water and bubbles building a knowledge of small world creatures
Wednesday – Sammy’s group are practicing putting on their own shoes and coats supporting health and self-care skills
Thursday – Charlotte’s group is developing their understanding skills while finding familiar objects from around the room
Friday – Sammy’s group will be looking at picture books with their friends building an interest in stories and words
Charlotte is off Thursday, Jessica is off Thursday, Nilem is off Monday and Sammy is in all week.
Topic of the month:  People who help us
Monday – Donna’s group will be building their knowledge of different professions while taking turns using the people who help us puzzle
Tuesday – Donna’s group are working together to make different marks developing their pencil control
Wednesday – Megan’s group is discovering the number interaction board practicing their counting from 1-10
Thursday – Megan’s group are being encouraged to ask questions about their favourite story developing their language and understanding
Friday – Chloe’s group will be exploring the shape snap game together supporting their shape recognition
Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off Wednesday, Carla and Megan are in all week.
The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it. The Key People link this activity to their individual Key Groups.
This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
This week’s activity is: developing self-care skills through making their own snack
This week the children will be building their knowledge and understanding of health and self-care. They will be supported to cut their own fruit for snack using a child friendly knife. The children will wash their own hands and talk about the importance of doing so. The activity will be extended and the children will be supported to talk about a varied diet and the importance of healthy food.
Topic of the month: Dinosaurs
The letter of the week is: Z
The children will be:
Writing the letter Z
Trying to do our own zips up!
Talking about words that begin with Z
Thinking about what animals we would see at the zoo.
The Number of the week is: 10
The children will be:
Writing the number 10
Jumping 10 times
Counting to 10
Thinking about what numbers make number 10
The shape of the week is: Star
The children will be:
Drawing a star
Talking about where we would find stars?
Counting how many sides a star has
Leanne is off Monday, Becci is off Tuesday and Ines is on training on Wednesday.
Just to let you know I am on holiday next week, but Charlotte and Leanne will be with you if you have any questions J
Our Policy of the Week
Personal social networking
Aim of policy
To give clear guidance to staff (service providers) and parents (clients) about how personal social networking is expected to be used whilst there is a service provider and client relationship in place through any Childcare and Learning Group settings.
Points to consider
Social networking is a part of many people’s, as well as businesses, everyday lives.
It can be difficult to understand where professional and personal lines are to be drawn. This policy aims to clarify these lines.
The term social networking applies to sites such as, but not exclusive to: Facebook, Twitter, Linked in.  This policy works alongside the confidentiality policy, mobile phone policy, Settings and Group Provided Social Media policy and the using images policy.
Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve this by:
  • Asking every staff member to maintain confidentiality when using their own social networking sites.
  • Under no circumstances are staff allowed to discuss the setting/ wrap around club life on their personal social networking media.
  • Asking all current parents and staff to maintain professional boundaries and not make links (friends) on social networking media whilst there is a service provider and client relationship.
  • Staff may not use social networking sites during work time unless on breaks, with the exception of setting related social media sites.
Failure to follow this policy may result in disciplinary action
Kind Regards,
Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill Team

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