Friday, 18 November 2016

Week Commencing 21st November

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week’s events:

Forest School – This week at Forest School the children had lots of fun finishing off creating their Christmas tree decorations and exploring animal footprints and making casts of them.  They also enjoyed catching the falling leaves, it was such a blustery day so there were plenty to catch!  The children also sat down together to have a snack and drink some yummy hot chocolate.   

In2Sports –  This week we practised balancing bean bags on our heads and then we had to put them into the correct colour hoop.  We then found all the bean bags which Coach Jack had hidden around the garden.  We also explored the different ways we could move including forwards, backwards and side steps.    


Theatre bugs –


Next week:

Children in Need

Thank you so much for your kind generosity towards our fundraising for Children in Need.  We will let you know the winners of our quiz and ‘guess how many sweets are in the jar?’ competition next week! 

Nativity and Carol Service

It has reached that time of the year again where we are starting to organise the Christmas productions!  Buttercups and Bluebells will be holding a carol service on Monday 12th December at 4.15 and Sunflowers will be performing their nativity on Tuesday 13th December at 9.45 and 4.15.  We thought we’d give you plenty of notice so you can make arrangements with work. 

Image result for children foodMenus

There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.

See attached document for the weekly menu.

If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!

This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:


This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.



Topic of the month: Shapes

Monday – Sammy’s group are singing ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’ and joining in with the actions to the song

Tuesday – Charlotte’s group will be developing their hand-eye co-ordination whilst exploring the sensory balls

Wednesday – Nilem’s group are discovering their reflections in hand held mirrors to develop self-awareness

Thursday – Charlotte’s group is discovering how the light up cubes and torches work

Friday – Sammy’s group will be investigating different shapes as they explore the shape sorters

Charlotte is off Wednesday, Jessica is off Thursday, Nilem is off Monday and Sammy is off Monday and Friday.



Topic of the month:  People who help us


Monday – Megan’s group are visiting the Sunflower’s room to develop their confidence in exploring a different environment

Tuesday – Donna’s group will be learning how to operate the torches and shining them around the room and Chloe’s group are listening to and following instructions as they make their own mini pizzas

Wednesday – Donna’s group are developing their imaginative play through trying on the ‘people who help us’ dressing up clothes

Thursday – Megan’s group are choosing stories to listen to on the iPod and drawing pictures of what they remember from the story

Friday –  Chloe’s group will be looking at photos of themselves, their families and each other at circle time

Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off Thursday, Megan is off Friday and Carla is in all week.



The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it. The Key People link this activity to their individual Key Groups.

This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.


This week’s activity is: Making up a role play story using the car garage and dolls

This week the children will be developing their vocabulary and communication skills through making up their own story using the props provided.  The children will be supported through adults asking them ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ questions.  The activity will be extended through the other children in the group also asking questions. 


Topic of the month: Dinosaurs


The letter of the week is: Aa

The children will be:

Talking about names which begin with the letter A

Cutting up apples

Writing the letter A

Exploring the letter A whilst playing alphabet soup

Exploring the letter A bottle


The Number of the week is: 11


The children will be:

Counting up to 11

Writing the number 11

Counting out 11 objects

Making the number 11 with playdough


The shape of the week is: Square


The children will be:

Talking about how many sides a square has

Drawing squares

Looking for square shaped objects

Making squares with playdough

Leanne is off Thursday, Becci is off Tuesday and Ines is in all week.


Jess is back from her holiday on Wednesday.


Our Policy of the Week


Settings and group provided social media policy


Purpose of the policy

To make clear that it is neither compulsory nor a feature of our setting or wrap around care settings to provide social media, but that if they do, there is criteria in place to operate them by.


To ensure any use of social media is a positive addition to the company settings and its users.


To ensure that the administrators of any social media provisions managed by our settings or on behalf of the company group have clear guidance with which to manage their social media provision.


To ensure families and employees are fully aware of their responsibilities and role to play in keeping our social media provisions safe and secure.



Individual settings will not use Twitter as a social media platform as there are no mechanisms to create a private group or to ensure that others users will not Tweet information at the settings in breach of our privacy and safeguarding children expectations.


Facebook for settings

Our setting and wrap around care facilities will only use a closed Facebook Group for information sharing about the activities of the setting.


Each setting will have up to two nominated administrators per setting who are responsible for the posts. The manager must be one of those people. If the manager of a setting is not a Facebook user, then the setting will not have a Facebook Group.


If a setting has a Facebook Group, there must be at least one post per week for each group of children in the setting to ensure it is kept up to date, relevant and interesting.


Administrators must ensure that faces of children without specific Facebook permission are not used or shared on Facebook. Faces can be blocked out by placing a smiley face over the top of them. Or, just stick to hands and the activity those hands are doing.


Names of the children will not be shared on Facebook, whether with or without permission.

Images of children shared on the group wall must be decent, fully clothed and taking part in setting activities.


Settings must ensure location services are turned off for photos.


Members of the Facebook group are limited to parents of the children at the setting, the direct setting team, nominated senior management representatives and two additional family members of the child on request to the manager.


On leaving the setting, the administrator will remove the employees or family members from the group.


Members of the Facebook Group must ensure that the information and images shared within the Facebook Group, stay within the Facebook Group. Images are not to be copied, shared or made available to anyone outside of the setting group. The manager of the setting will regularly remind users of this, through newsletters, updates and directly on the Facebook group wall.


Members are able to give permission for images of their child to be used on the Facebook Group wall and on giving permission, understand that once the images are uploaded, Facebook will have their own rights to the photos, which may change from time to time and that the setting and company will no longer be responsible for the images as they will fall under Facebook rules and rights and the setting and company have no control over this. Parents must sign specific permission for this on the company specified permission form.


Administrators must scrutinise the posts before posting to ensure children without permission are not in the background.


Facebook for the Childcare and Learning Company Group

This is a group aimed at those employed in the early years sector and specifically (but not exclusively) our employees. It is to share snap shot information and ideas within members of the group about our company. It can also be used to post vacancies and as a marketing tool for our group.


This is an open group. Anyone can join, but must be approved by the Administrator. The Operations Manager will nominate up to two administrators of the group.


The role of the administrator is to approve posts made by members of the group. Posts can be made by any employees of the Company and will be approved subject to the following considerations:


  • Avoiding news about upcoming children’s events that mean an outsider could get knowledge of where children may be going and when they can find them there.


  • Not ‘checking in’ at any destinations.  Always post after the event.


  • Avoiding ‘controversial’ or ‘opinion’ discussions about practice. Save these for ‘in-house’ professional discussions.


  • Avoiding marketing and advertising that does not relate to Childcare and Learning Group.


  • Keeping out names of children. Members of the public should not be able to put a name to a face.


  • Sharing great practice from your settings.


  • Sharing news that is public knowledge and to enhance the image of the company.


  • Sharing posts about excellent practice and ideas.


  • Sharing posts relevant to the early years’ sector.


If for any reason the administrator does not approve a post, direct feedback will be given as to why or how to update the post appropriately.



Kind Regards,


Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill Team

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