Friday, 17 March 2017

Week Commencing 20th March

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week’s events:


Forest School – This week at Forest School we had great fun climbing on ropes in the forest, we had to concentrate carefully to balance across the rope. We then built our own den using resources we had collected and had a great time exploring it.


In2 sports -This week at In2 Sports the children started off taking part in some stretching exercises to warm our bodies up. We then learnt all about tennis and practiced rolling balls and hitting them with a bat to our friends.


Theatre bugs –



Up Coming Events

20th March – Mother’s week

24th March – Mother’s Day tea party

24th March – Red Nose Day


Parents Evening

Thank you to everyone who came along to parents evening last week, it was great to catch up with you all. If anyone was unable to make it and would like a catch up with your child’s Key Person please let them know and we can book in an appointment.


Mother’s Week

A reminder that we are celebrating Mother’s Day next week (20th March).

During this week we would love all Mummies to come in for a little play, it doesn’t have to be a date your child attends. All you need to do is chat to the staff in your child’s room and sign up for a session!

We will also be having our Mother’s Day tea party on Friday (24th of March) that you are all invited to along with siblings, so please come along and have a party tea with your child.


Red Nose week 20th – 24thth March

Next week for Red Nose Day we will be taking part in different activities all week to raise money for a good cause. To help raise money this year we will be having cake sales at nursery, having dressing up days, as well as offering a few different activities in each room for you all to get involved with. All donations will go to this year’s Comic Relief. With our donations we can make a real difference across the UK and Africa.

Babies – Wear pyjamas or red any day of the week J

Bluebells – Wednesday Pyjama day, Friday – Red day

Sunflowers – Monday Pyjama day, Wednesday fancy dress day, Friday – Red day


Spare clothes

Please can we ask you all to have a little look at home to see if you have any of our spare nursery clothes at home. Thank you. Additionally, if you do have any old clothes you no longer need, they always come in useful for our spare baskets. Many thanks in advance.


Active Kids Vouchers

Now’s the time to collect vouchers for sports and cooking equipment for our Nursery J

With your help we can buy some new resources from Sainsbury’s using the Active Kids vouchers we collect this year.

If you shop at Sainsbury or know anyone who does please collect the Active Kids vouchers for us. This will support us further to encourage your children to eat well, move well and live well in 2017.


Image result for children foodMenus

There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.

See attached document for the weekly menu. 

If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!


This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:


This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.




Topic of the month: ‘Dear Zoo’ book


Monday – Charlotte’s group will be singing counting and number songs developing an awareness of number names

Tuesday – Nilem’s group are exploring toys with buttons and flaps building an interest in early ICT

Wednesday – Nilem’s group is discovering the dolls and teddy bears with our friends supporting relationships

Thursday – Leanne’s group will be playing hide and seek in the garden developing their understanding skills

Friday – Sammy’s group are practicing mark making skills using different media building an interest in making marks

Charlotte is off Wednesday - Friday, Leanne is off Monday, Nilem is off Monday and Thursday, Montse and Sammy are in all week.




Topic of the month:  Under the Sea


Monday – Donna’s group are developing number language while singing favourite number rhymes

Tuesday – Ruby’s group will be choosing their own activity to take part in showing their own interests and developing independence

Wednesday – Carla’s group is making their own marks in the sand tray and will be encouraged to talk about the marks they make

Thursday – Donna’s group will be developing their ICT skills while operating the ICT cameras

Friday – Megan’s group are working together to wash the toy bikes in the garden developing imagination skills

Donna is off Wednesday, Megan is off Wednesday, Carla and Ruby are in all week.




The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it. The Key People link this activity to their individual Key Groups.

This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.


This week’s activity is: Making our own biscuits


This week the children are making their own biscuits with their friends. The children will be supported to weigh out the ingredients and place them into the large mixing bowl. The children will talk about which ingredients weigh the most and which ones weigh the least. The activity will be extended and the children will be encouraged to talk about what is going to happen next. Positional language will be encouraged throughout.


Topic of the month: New life


The letter of the week is: Q


The children will be:

Writing the letter Q

Making the letter Q out of playdough

Thinking of words that begin with Q

Quacking like ducks


The Number of the week is: 27


The children will be:

Counting up to 27

Writing the number 27

Stomping our feet 27 times


The shape of the week is: Square


The children will be:

Talking about the square shape

Drawing a square shape

Looking for squares around the room

Counting how many side square has

Leanne is in on Tuesday, Becci is off Tuesday and Ines is in all week.


Jenni and Consuelo are in all week and I am off on Tuesday.


Interactive Learning Diary

Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD profile.

We aim to put at least one observation up per week.

Follow the link below:


Our Policy of the Week


Equality and diversity policy


Aim of policy


Childcare and Learning Group’s equality and diversity policy recognises that all people have a right to their distinctive and diverse identities and that all people are different and must be treated as individuals. 


Points to consider


We provide a supportive, open environment where all children and employees have the opportunity to reach their full potential.  Childcare and Learning Group will manage the provision of and access to high quality affordable childcare.  We will promote equality and diversity through our relationships with children, parents, families and carers.


Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve this by:


•          Ensuring all children can be included.


•          Providing children with activities and learning opportunities to acknowledge promote and respect diversity in local communities.


•          Providing positive images and role models which illustrate non-stereotypical roles, racial, cultural and religious diversity and disability in a way that has real meaning to the children and their families.


•          Encouraging an understanding of spiritual development by reflecting all faiths and encouraging the tolerance of all faiths including the promotion and celebration of religious festivals and their meaning.  Each individual Castle Nursery and Preschool will aim to enjoy and celebrate religious events personal/relevant to the community they serve.


•          Having in place policy and/or procedures to deal with inappropriate practices and attitudes, action to be taken should discrimination occur.


•          Inviting parents in the reviewing of our policies.


•          Ensuring all our publicity will demonstrate an understanding of equality and diversity.


•          Using language which is easily understood.


•          Wherever there is a widely shared specific need or where individuals have common needs, Childcare and Learning Group will address these through a specific strategy.


•          Recognising the need to monitor and review our policies and welcome challenges from, and the involvement of, our employees and customers in this process.


•          Actively consulting with different individuals and communities to ensure that the services which are provided are responsive and reflect the diversity of needs.


•          Valuing the diversity of all communities, and making our services, facilities and resources accessible and useful to every individual.


•          Recognising that our ability to meet these diverse needs is improved by having a diverse workforce which generally reflects local populations and which has the skill and understanding to achieve our service objectives.


•          Committing to valuing diversity in our workforce and to developing and training our employees to improve their ability to meet our goals; within an overall framework of equality.


Childcare and Learning Group:


•          Believe that our employees have an important part to play in making this happen.


•          Require every employee to recognise and discharge their own responsibility.


•          Undertake to listen to our customers and to involve them in the development of services which recognise and value their diversity.


To ensure that we meet this policy at all times each setting has dedicated Equality Officers who support all members of staff by:


•          Ensuring their team, room and garden area are promoting equal opportunities in their practice and environment.

•          Ensuring cultures and festivals are equally celebrated and promoted.

•          Ensuring the team has a good understanding of cultures and festivals and therefore can promote them correctly.

•          Attending training on equal opportunities, promoting inclusion, and cascade this back to the rest of the team.

•          Working together with the other Equality Officers and manager to create:


  • A setting that ensures every child is given the same opportunities regardless of their abilities.
  • A setting that positively promotes equality through the genders and cultures.
  • A setting that gives every child an open and accepting knowledge of the world around them. 


The Equality Officers for this setting are: Becci Stone, Sammy Rogers and Donna Sewell


Kind Regards,


Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill Team

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