Friday, 17 November 2017

Week Commencing 20th November

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week’s events:


Forest School – At Todays Forest School we developed our fine motor skills and understanding by making some bread and baking it on the fire.  We squeezed some golden syrup over the top before eating it and had some delicious hot chocolate to drink!


In 2 Sports – This week at sports the children were categorising objects with Coach Pasha. The children had to group objects in size and colour. We finished off by playing the Mr. Men game and manoeuvring around the garden in different ways.


French – In French this week we learnt the names of some forest animals and practised our counting and colours as well as naming different parts of our bodies.   


Theatrebugs –


Up Coming Events

Friday 8th December – Christmas party

Monday 11th December – Carol service

Tuesday 12th December – Nativity play


Children in Need

Thank you to all who have already donated this week towards Children In Need. We are still accepting the parent games and children’s colouring competition, the winners will be drawn on Monday J We will let you know the answers to the parent competition then.

All donations will go to this year’s Children In Need. With our donations we can make a real difference to the lives of children all across the UK.


Nilem’s 10 Years

This week we had a great time celebrating Nilem’s 10 Years at Nursery! Such a great achievement. I hope you all join us in congratulating Nilem and thanking her for all her hard work and support over the years.


Nativity and Carol Service

It has reached that time of the year again where we are starting to organise the Christmas productions! Buttercups and Bluebells will be holding two carol service’s on Monday 11th December at 3.00 and 4.30. The Sunflowers will be performing their nativity on Tuesday 13th December at 9.45 and 4.15.  We thought we’d give you plenty of notice so you can make arrangements with work. Each room will have a certain amount of seats for each performance so if there is a performance time you need please let your room know as soon as possible as usually the later performances fill up quickly. Tickets will be limited to two per family. There will be a waiting list for extra tickets if spaces are not filled. This will be on a first come first served basis.



Castle Nursery and Preschool Facebook page to promotes the company, engages with parents and team members across our nurseries. If you would be interested in following this page, here is the link: We will be regularly adding events and photos to the page.


Image result for children foodMenus

There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.

See attached document for the weekly menu. 

If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!


Useful websites

Here are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education (the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).



This week’s activities

Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:


This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.




Topic of the month: Colours


Monday – Charlotte’s group are developing vocabulary while playing group games with the small world farm resources

Tuesday –  Montse’s group is exploring the number shapes in the sandpit building number awareness

Wednesday – Leanne’s group will be discovering body parts while exploring the hand held mirrors   

Thursday – Nilem’s group are taking part in sensory exploration while discovering cornflour gloup with their friends

Friday – Sammy’s group is using co-ordination while making marks on magnetic drawing boards

Charlotte is on holiday Wednesday – Friday, Leanne is off Monday, Nilem is off Monday and Tuesday, Montse and Sammy are in all week.




Topic of the month: Space


Monday – Maria’s group are building their knowledge and understanding of different emotions while looking at the emotion flashcards

Tuesday – Maria’s group is discovering different shapes while gluing and sticking different objects

Wednesday – Ruby’s group will be developing gross motor skills while playing bowling in the garden with friends

Thursday –  Donna’s group are exploring the whiteboards and pens encouraging early writing skills

Friday – Ruby’s group will be increasing their vocabulary while choosing different objects from a basket that Ruby has set up

Donna is off Friday, Ruby and Maria are in all week. Megan will begin a gradual return to work for the rest of November and will return at the beginning of December working Monday – Wednesday.



In the Sunflower room each Key Person plans and implements their own Key Group activity, but the room works on the same area and aspect to ensure the activity is individual to each Key Group and therefore meets the specific Key Group’s individual needs.

This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.


Becci’s activity: This week’s Becci’s group is practicing their counting skills while matching numbered role play cookies to the numbers in a tray. The activity will be extended and the children will categorise objects in a set.


Ines’s activity: Ines’s group will be building their number skills while playing with a number puzzle and number flashcards. The children will be encouraged to count as high as they can using the puzzle to support them. They will be supported to then match the flashcards to the numerals on the puzzle.



Topic of the month: Animals


The letter of the week is: Z


The children will be:

Talking about words beginning with Z

Setting up the easel with Z stencils

Drawing zig zags

Making buzzy bee sounds and pictures

Painting with the toy zebras


The Number of the week is: 12


The children will be:

Talking about the number 12 at circle time

Writing the number 12 in the air

Clapping 12 times

Counting to number 12

Playing with the number puzzles


The shape of the week is: Triangle


The children will be:

Counting how many sides a triangle has

Making a triangle shape with our hands

Find triangle shapes around the room

Becci is off Tuesday, Almu is on holiday Monday and off Wednesday and Ines is in all week


Interactive Learning Diary

Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD profile.

We aim to put at least one observation up per week.

Follow the link below:


Our Policy of the Week


Sleeping children procedure


Aim of policy


To ensure all sleeping children are cared for to a high standard when sleeping.


Points to consider


All children who sleep at the setting must sleep in an age/ size appropriate bed or cot.


No child must ever be left to sleep in rockers, bouncers, prams, or any other equipment that is not for the purpose of sleeping children- even if a parent requests it. They are not safe and not designed for sleeping children.


Whilst a young child or baby is sleeping, there needs to be enough staff to ensure that sleep checks are thoroughly carried out in accordance with the supporting paperwork. 


Sleep checks must be at a minimum of 10 minute intervals and will include a temperature and breathing check with the minimum of disturbance to the child.


Clothing and covers must be checked and consideration given to the room temperature. The child should be allowed to adjust their body temperature before going back into the play rooms.


Flexible sleep routines support the individual needs of the children.


Where possible the children will sleep in the same cot each time. The hygiene procedures ensure that the bedding is washed and fresh for each child and that cots/ beds are disinfected as per the settings cleaning rota.



Kind Regards,


Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill Team


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