Friday, 9 February 2018

Week Commencing 12th February

Dear Parents and Carers,


Nursery News:


Staff News

As our numbers continue to grow over the summer months we have recruited a new member of staff who will support all rooms over the next 6 months. Ottilia will join us in the middle of February. You will all get the opportunity to meet her over the next month.


Up Coming Events

5th March – Mother’s week

9th March – Mother’s Day tea party

Thursday 15th March – Parents Evening


This weeks activities and events


Forest School – At this week’s Forest School the children made their own ladder which they used to climb up trees. They then created their own stream using sticks and a hill. We had lots of fun chasing water down it!


In 2 Sports – This week during in2 sport the children played the Mr. Men game where they had to manoeuvre around the garden moving in different ways, following the instructions given. They then continued to build their balancing skills while kicking and throwing balls.


French – The children started this week’s French lesson off by singing the ‘Bonjour’ song to all their friends. They then had a fun game of hide and seek with objects where they had to remember which object was removed.. in French! They finished off practicing their colours.


Theatre bugs –


Next weeks activities:


Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:


This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.




Topic of the month: Families


Monday – Jamie’s group is creating marks in red paint taking part in sensory exploration for Chinese New Year.

Tuesday – Hannah’s group will be building their awareness of people around them while exploring the Small world puppets.

Wednesday – Leanne’s group are discovering crepe paper in the form of red and yellow hearts for Valentine’s Day.

Thursday – Leanne’s group will be experimenting in a new environment while having a play in small groups in the big garden.

Friday – Sammy’s group is exploring the treasure baskets encouraging grasp movements and co-ordination. 

Jamie is off Wednesday, Leanne is off Monday and Sammy and Hannah are in all week.

Jamie is on training Monday and Tuesday.




Topic of the month: Out of Space


Monday – Maria’s group will be playing ‘Musical Statues’ while listening to Chinese music for Chinese New Year.

Tuesday – Megan’s group are making their own Pancake faces for Pancake Day while putting yummy toppings on their own pancake .

Wednesday – Ruby’s group will be exploring a Valentines sensory tub that is filled with a variety of objects and red shades supporting exploration.

Thursday –  Donna’s group is discovering shape flashcards building early shape recognition.

Friday – Ruby’s group are reading the ‘Stick Man’ story developing vocabulary and an interest in books

Donna is off Friday, Megan is off Thursday and Friday, Ruby and Maria are in all week. Jamie is in on Friday.




In the Sunflower room each Key Person plans and implements their own Key Group activity, but the room works on the same area and aspect to ensure the activity is individual to each Key Group and therefore meets the specific Key Group’s individual needs.


This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.


Becci’s activity: Becci’s group will be celebrating ‘Chinese New Year’ while exploring media and materials and creating their own pictures.


Ines activity: Ines’s group are making their own animal masks while talking about ‘Chinese New Year’.


Almu’s activity: Almu’s group is discovering different tools while making their own Chinese lanterns for ‘Chinese New Year’.


Topic of the month: Out of space


The letter of the week is: K


The children will be:

Talking about words beginning with K

Making the letter K out of playdough

Making their own kites

Writing the letter K


The Number of the week is: 3


The children will be:

Talking about the number 3 and what it looks like

Holding up 3 fingers

Writing the number 3

Jumping 3 times


The shape of the week is: triangle and pyramid 


The children will be:

Making the two shapes using the magnetic shapes and whiteboards

Looking at the differences between the two shapes

Counting the corners of the shapes

Becci is off Tuesday, Almu is off Wednesday and Ines is in all week.


I work every day 7.30 – 4.00. So I will get to see you all in the morning, If you ever have any queries in the evening please speak to your child’s Room Leader or Jamie.


Interactive Learning Diary

Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD profile.

We aim to put at least one observation up per week.

Follow the link below:



Castle Nursery and Preschool Facebook page promotes the company, engages with parents and team members across our nurseries.

If you would be interested in following this page, here is the link: We will be regularly adding events and photos to the page.



There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.

See attached document for the weekly menu. 

If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!


Useful websites

Here are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education (the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).



Our Policy of the Week


Complaints policy and procedure


Aim of policy


To give clear guidance to parents and staff about how complaints can be made and how they will be dealt with.


Points to consider


Childcare and Learning Group will ensure that all issues/complaints are immediately dealt with and handled sensitively, confidentially and professionally.


Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve this by:   


If a parent/carer has an issue either involving their individual child or the setting as a whole, they should in the first instance raise this with either their child’s key person or the Manager.


If the parent/carer feels unable to do this, they can contact the Operations Manager; Natalie Chrystie. In the absence of Natalie Chrystie, or for settings within the Castle and Cranbrook Groups, the Area Manager Michelle Smith should be contacted.


Natalie Chrystie: 07789268241

Michelle Smith: 07917 434 708


Antlands Lane East

Shipley Bridge





In the first instance, every effort should be made to resolve any issues or concerns within the setting.


The following process should be followed, recording details in the complaints log.


‘Minor Complaint’ (Can be dealt with immediately by the Manager without formal written parent correspondence)


·        Manager to acknowledge and resolve complaint immediately, or within 2 working days.


·        Complaint to be recorded in the complaints log.


·        Complaint to be notified to Natalie Chrystie



‘Major Complaint’ (Cannot be dealt with solely by the Manager – advice is required and/or formal parent written correspondence is necessary).


·        Manager to acknowledge complaint immediately, or within 1 working day of complaint being raised.

·        Manager to immediately notify Natalie Chrystie or Michelle Smith, as appropriate.

·        Complaint to be recorded in the complaints log.

·        Manager to notify parent at all stages of the complaint being investigated.

·        Copies of correspondence to and from parent must be filed in the child’s file with a copy filed in the complaints file too.

·        The Manager should aim to resolve the complaint within 15 working days of receipt.

·        The Manager should agree any action plan / targets with parent and staff team.  These should be recorded with a follow up meeting agreed 1 week after resolution of complaint.


A copy of the complaints log must be sent to the Operation Manager Natalie Chrystie at the end of each month.

·        Complaints that have been escalated to the Area/ Operations Manager and are being led by them must be resolved within 21 days of the complaint being escalated to them.


If the parents are not happy with the outcome of the complaint they have the right to contact Ofsted at:



Piccadilly Gate

Store Street


M1 2WD




Kind Regards,


Jess, Jamie and the South Hill Team


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