Friday, 6 July 2018

Week Commencing 9th July

Dear Parents and Carers,


Nursery News:


Sunflowers Graduation

A reminder that the Sunflowers School Leavers Graduation is Thursday 26th July from 3.30-5pm.

We will be having soft play equipment, a Theatrebugs session, party tea and the Graduation Ceremony will be 4.30-5pm.

We look forward to seeing all the School leaver parents and families there J


30 Hours Funding

Please remember you need to reconfirm your eligibility every 3 months via the HMRC online system.


Dates for your diaries

13th July – Funding finishes

23rd July – Term ends

26th July – Sunflowers Graduation

4th September – Term starts

This weeks activities and events


In2 Sports –  In Sports this week the children had a fun egg and spoon race using tennis rackets and balls. They then had a fun game with their friends where the children had to carefully pass a ball to their friends only using their tennis rackets.


Forest School –  During this week’s Forest school the children created their own stick man. They then had a fun water game where they had to guess which direction the water was coming from when they had their eyes closed.


Nature Club –  In this week’s Nature club the children made their own nature crown, where they stuck different items they found in their surroundings to their card crown.


French –    This week in French the children practiced their numbers. They then read the story of ‘The Worm’ and learnt a few new French words.


Next weeks activities:


Each key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.

If the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:


This week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.




Topic of the month: Summer


Monday –Jamie’s group are creating a large collage together using paints and media.

Tuesday – Hannah’s group will be enjoying books together while reading the touch and feel books exploring different textures.

Wednesday – Sammy’s group is building an interest in the world around them while discovering the doll’s house and small world equipment.

Thursday – Leanne’s group is playing Simon Says building listening and attention skills.

Friday – Hannah’s group are exploring the playdough and cutters expressing themselves through media and actions.

Jamie is off Wednesday, Leanne is off Monday, Sammy is off Friday and Hannah is in all week.




Topic of the month: Summer


Monday – Megan’s group is building relationships with others while rolling balls to and from each other.

Tuesday – Chloe’s group are exploring media while bubble painting after reading the colour monster book.

Wednesday – Ruby’s group will be developing their awareness of different emotions while playing pass the parcel together. They will discover a new emotion pebble under each layer.

Thursday –  Donna’s group is playing with the coloured abacus building their colour and counting skills.

Friday – Maria’s group are building their understanding skills while discovering a magical box of hidden items.

Donna is off Tuesday, Chloe is off Monday and Friday, Megan is off Thursday and Friday, Maria and Ruby are in all week.




In the Sunflower room each Key Person plans and implements their own Key Group activity, but the room works on the same area and aspect to ensure the activity is individual to each Key Group and therefore meets the specific Key Group’s individual needs.


This will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.


Becci’s group is building their understanding and awareness of their feelings and their friends feelings while taking part in a group role play game together.


Ines’s group are discovering media and materials while selecting their own resources to create their own painting picture.


Topic of the month: Going to School


The letter of the week is: F


The children will be:

Writing the letter F

Drawing a picture of our nursery fishes

Talking about our friends and family

Finding objects in the environment beginning with F


The Number of the week is: 4


The children will be:

Counting to 4

Making the number 4 with playdough

Jumping 4 times

Writing the number 4 in air


The shape of the week is Triangle  


The children will be:

Counting how many sides a triangle has

Drawing triangle on white boards

Creating the triangle shape with their hands

Becci is off Wednesday and Friday, Almu is off Wednesday and Thursday and Ines is off Tuesday. Almu’s last day is Friday.


I work 7.30 – 6 on Monday, 7.30 – 4.00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and 7.30 – 2.30 Friday. So I will get to see you all in the morning, If you have any queries in the evening please speak to your child’s Room Leader or Jamie.


Interactive Learning Diary

Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD profile.

We aim to put at least one observation up per week.

Follow the link below:



Castle Nursery and Preschool Facebook page promotes the company, engages with parents and team members across our nurseries.

If you would be interested in following this page, here is the link: We will be regularly adding events and photos to the page.



There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.

See attached document for the weekly menu. 

If you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!


Useful websites

Here are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education (the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).



Our Policy of the Week


Policy and procedure if bruising on not independently mobile children is noticed


Aim of the policy


This policy gives guidance on what to do if you notice bruising on Non Mobile children.


Points to consider


Not independently mobile children are children who are not yet crawling, bottom shuffling, pulling to stand, cruising or walking independently. It includes all children under the age of six months or children with significant disabilities resulting in immobility.


Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve this by:

·        Recording all bruises and marks noticed, in the accident forms and on body maps

·        In not independently mobile children, the presence of any bruising, of any size, in any site should initiate a referral to children’s services following the flow chart on page ­13

·        Although bruising is not uncommon in older, mobile children, it is rare in infants that are immobile, particularly those under the age of six months. While up to 60% of older children who are walking have bruising, it is found in less than 1% of Not Independently Mobile infants.  Moreover, the pattern, number and distribution of innocent bruising in non-abused children are different to that in those who may have been abused.


Patterns of bruising suggestive of physical child abuse include:

·        Bruising in children who are not independently mobile, particularly those under 6 months of age;

·        Bruises that are away from bony prominences;

·        Bruises to the face, back, abdomen, arms, buttocks, ears and hand;

·        Multiple or clustered bruising;

·        Imprinting and petechial;

·        Symmetrical bruising


The younger the child the greater the risk that bruising is non-accidental and the greater potential risk to the child.


This policy relates only to bruising in children who are Not Independently Mobile however any bruising, or suspected bruising, in a child of any age that is observed by, or brought to the attention of  a professional should be taken as a matter for inquiry and concern.


While accidental and innocent bruising is significantly more common in older mobile children, professionals are reminded that mobile children who are abused may also present with bruising (Baby P 2008). Body map and incident report to be completed in all cases.


If you notice a bruise on a child, you should discuss this with your Manager. Any bruising on Non-Mobile children must be recorded in accordance with the accident/ incident reporting procedure. Bruising on mobile children will be assessed per child.


If the decision to refer to the MASH team is taken by the Manager or Designated Safeguarding person the flow chart on page 13 will be followed.


Where possible the parents should be informed about the referral. However, if sharing these concerns puts the child at risk of significant or further harm we will seek advice from MASH/ SPA.


Kind Regards,


Jess, Jamie and the South Hill Team

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