Dear Parents and Carers,
Nursery News:
Management System
to let you all know we are in the transition of transferring our management
system over to join up with our ILD account. Over the next few weeks we will be
trialling this system, so any accident or medication forms we will ask you to
sign our current paper form and our new online system too. From the week of the
2nd July we will be asking you to sign your children in and out on
the system using our ipads. It is essential you do remember to sign your
children in and out. There will be two ipads in each room and a communal iPad
at the entrance hall. Any questions please let Jamie or I know.
to the hot weather we are having at the moment please can we ask for weather
appropriate clothing to be provided in your child’s bag and a spare change of
clothes/swimming wear for water play.
Dates for your diaries
13th July – Funding finishes
23rd July – Term ends
26th July – Sunflowers
4th September – Term starts
Photos from this week

This weeks activities and events
In2 Sports – In Sports this week we built our tennis
skills further, we had lots of fun running with our rackets whilst balancing
balls and beanbags, pretending they were pancakes.
Forest School – At Forest School this week the children made their own charcoal
pencils using sticks. They then created their own picture and had lots of fun
Nature Club – During this week’s nature club the children found a elderflower
tree and made their own elderflower drink.
French – This week the children returned to numbers
and practiced the 1,2,3 song. The children then reinforced their body parts by
playing a fun game.
Theatre bugs –

Next weeks activities:
Each key person will be responsible for
designing an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all
children who are in on that day will have the opportunity to access the
activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off,
another staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that
the children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years
Foundation stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice,
please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also
on the ILD’S.
Topic of the month: Summer
Monday –Jamie’s group will be using
their listening skills to identify different objects and put them in baskets.
Tuesday – Sammy’s group will be
exploring water and sea animals, building on their animal knowledge .
Wednesday – Hannah’s group are building their number awareness
while building towers with blocks.
Thursday – Leanne’s group are building
on their Math skills by counting, building and categorising with blocks, cars
and animals.
Friday – Sammy’s group are playing peek
a boo with the pop up tunnel, to build on our turn taking with our peers and
playing alongside others.
Jamie is off Monday, Sammy and Hannah
are in all week. Leanne is on holiday all week.
Topic of the month:
Monday – Megan’s group are exploring
the light up box and people while talking about their own family members.
Tuesday – Ruby’s group will be
setting up a painting station creating a picture of their choice exploring media
and materials.
Wednesday – Chloe’s group is making
their own fruit salad building their understanding and attention skills.
Thursday – Donna’s group are
building an interest in making marks while creating their own picture.
Friday – Maria’s group will be playing
musical statues with shape! When they music is playing they need to find shapes
around the room, when it stops they need to freeze!
Donna is off Friday, Chloe is off
Monday and Tuesday, Megan is off Thursday and Friday, Maria and Ruby are in all
In the Sunflower room each Key Person
plans and implements their own Key Group activity, but the room works on the
same area and aspect to ensure the activity is individual to each Key Group and
therefore meets the specific Key Group’s individual needs.
This will work alongside their weekly
planned activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
The Pre-school room will be exploring
media and material while creating their own hats. The School leavers will be
making their own graduation hats with the other children making their own
choice for their hat.
Topic of the month:
The letter of the week is: E e
The children will be:
Writing the word Eleven
Writing the letter E with paint and our
Making Elephant masks
Finding objects in the environment
beginning with E
The Number of the week is: Three 3
The children will be:
Counting to 3
Making the number 3 with playdough
Playing in groups of three
Writing the number 3 in sand
The shape of the week is:
The children will be:
Counting how many sides a Rectangle has
Drawing rectangles on white boards
Building with Rectangle blocks
Becci is off Wednesday and Friday, Almu
is off Wednesday and Thursday and Ines is off Tuesday. Almu’s last day is
Jenni and Ottilia are in all week.
I am in every day 7.30 – 4.00. So I
will get to see you all in the morning, If you have any queries in the evening
please speak to your child’s Room Leader or Jamie.
Interactive Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done
this week, on their ILD profile.
We aim to put at least one observation up per week.
Castle Nursery and Preschool Facebook
page promotes the company, engages with parents and team members across our nurseries.
If you would be interested in following
this page, here is the link: We will be regularly adding events and photos to
the page.
There are no planned changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document for the weekly menu.
If you would like to see a copy of our
allergens menu at any time please ask!
Useful websites
Here are the links for the Surrey
Family Information Service, Free Early Education (the 15 hours funding), Free
Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
Our Policy of the Week:
Personal social networking
Aim of the policy
To give clear guidance to staff (service
providers) and parents (clients) about how personal social networking is
expected to be used whilst there is a service provider and client relationship
in place through any Childcare and Learning Group settings.
Points to consider
Social networking is a part of many people’s,
as well as businesses, everyday lives.
It can be difficult to understand where
professional and personal lines are to be drawn. This policy aims to clarify
these lines.
The term social networking applies to sites
such as, but not exclusive to: Facebook, Twitter, Linked in. This policy
works alongside the confidentiality policy, mobile phone policy, Settings and
Group Provided Social Media policy and the using images policy.
Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve
this by:
Asking every staff member to maintain confidentiality when using their own
social networking sites.
Under no circumstances are staff allowed to discuss the setting/ wrap around
club life on their personal social networking media.
Asking all current parents and staff to maintain professional boundaries and
not make links (friends) on social networking media whilst there is a service
provider and client relationship.
Staff may not use social networking sites during work time unless on breaks,
with the exception of Setting related social media sites.
Failure to follow this policy may result in
disciplinary action
Kind Regards,
Jess, Jamie and the South Hill Team
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