Parents and Carers,
year’s surveys have been sent out to you all regarding the care and service you
receive at our nursery. We would really appreciate your input, so that we can
review what we are doing and develop our nursery further. These surveys are not
being read as they come in, and will be analysed and sent to our nursery after
the 23rd of November. If there is anything important you want to share or
discuss imminently, please see the nursery manager about it directly.
you have not received a survey, it may be because you have ‘opted out’ of
Survey Monkey surveys in the past. If you want to be involved in the survey and
have not received one, please let me know and I will arrange a link to be sent
to you to complete it.
the rooms are going to be creating new family books, please can we ask you to
bring in a few photos so we can make one for every child. Feel free to email
them across and I can print them off for you. We aim to have this complete by
the end of November. Thank you in advance.
Autumn/Winter Menus
The Autumn/Winter menus have been moved back to go
live from the week of the 19th November. If you have any
questions about the new menus please let us know.
Nativity and Carol Service
It has reached that time of the year again where we
are starting to organise the Christmas productions! Buttercups and
Bluebells will be holding two carol service’s on Monday 10th
December at 3.00 and 4.30. The Sunflowers will be performing their nativity on
Tuesday 11th December at 9.45 and 4.15. We thought we’d give
you plenty of notice so you can make arrangements with work. Each room
will have a certain amount of seats for each performance so if there is a
performance time you need please let your room know as soon as possible as
usually the later performances fill up quickly. Tickets will be limited to two
per family. There will be a waiting list for extra tickets if spaces are not
filled. This will be on a first come first served basis.
in Need
week we are raising money for Children In Need. To help raise money for this
year’s Children In Need we will be having cake sales at nursery, having
dressing up days all week, a colouring competition and a fun parent game for
you to get involved with. You will all be given our parent game and child’s
colouring competition as a paper copy from your child’s room, but I have
attached them to this week’s newsletter in case that’s easier for you J All donations will go
to this year’s Children In Need. With our donations we can make a real
difference to the lives of children all across the UK.
for your diaries
12th November – Children in Need
December – Babies and Bluebells Christmas Parties
December – Pre-schools Christmas Party
December – Babies and Bluebells Carol Service – 3.00 and 4.30
December – Pre-School Nativity Play – 9.45 and 4.15
week’s activities and event-
sports – During
this week’s in2 sports the children were building their balancing skills while
balancing different items on their bodies. They then joined in with, the fun
animal game, where they moved around the garden in different ways.
club – At
this week’s Nature club we explored our environment in the rain getting very
wet and muddy. We even made magic mud paint to paint the fallen branches and
School –
This week during Forest School the children collected their own resources to
build a fire! They then warmed up water and enjoyed yummy hot chocolate around
the fire.
key person will be responsible for designing an activity based on their key
children’s needs; however, all children who are in on that day will have the
opportunity to access the activity too.
the key person is on holiday or off, another staff member will be able to lead the
activity in their place so that the children do not miss out.
more information on the Early Years Foundation stage, the guidance we use to
support our planning and practice, please visit:
week’s planned activities are also on the ILD’S.
of the month:
Bonfire Night
– Hannah’s group will be exploring their reflections in mirrors, they will be
asked to find their body parts and with pens draw on the mirrors shapes and
lines where they are.
– Leanne’s group are developing their self-care skills by getting their own
coats and shoes from their pegs and shoe box for garden time.
– Sammy’s group will be using the light box to explore shape and filling
containers with different shaped objects.
– Jamie’s group are table painting, creating marks and patterns representing
– Jamie’s group are building on their interest in books by choosing their own
stories to read.
is off Monday, Leanne is off Wednesday, Sammy is off Thursday and Hannah is in
all week.
of the month:
– Megan’s group are feeding, dressing and washing the roleplay babies building
on their health-care skills.
– Ruby/Carla’s group are exploring the roleplay area developing their
imaginative play.
– Ruby’s group will be reading the story “Dear Zoo”, throughout the story the
children will be able to unwrap different animals to match with the story.
– Donna’s group will be developing their relationships by working together
to make pizza’s for their friends for tea.
– Chloe’s group are building an interest in ICT resources while taking
pictures of hidden dolls around the garden!
is off Friday, Chloe is off Monday and Tuesday, Megan is off Thursday and
Friday, Ruby is off Thursday and Carla is in all week.
the Sunflower room each Key Person plans and implements their own Key Group
activity, but the room works on the same area and aspect to ensure the activity
is individual to each Key Group and therefore meets the specific Key Group’s
individual needs.
will work alongside their weekly planned activity list which you can see in the
room and on the ILD’S.
group are building on their listening and attention skills by creating their
own mask from a story of their choice. When the mask is made they will read the
story together and act out parts using their mask as props.
group are promoting their listening skills by reading the story “The
Gingerbread Man”. They will be listening for key words and refrains so they can
act out different parts of the story as they listen.
of the month:
letter of the week is: x
children will be:
about the letter X
the letter X
with cardboard boxes
the letter X in our friends names
the Gingerbread Man and talking about the fox
Number of the week is: 7 seven
children will be:
to number 7 on our fingers
together 7 objects of the same colour
the number 7 on white boards
shape of the week is: Circle and Oval
children will be:
about the differences in the two shapes
at the shapes and discussing their similarities
confidently identify between circles and ovals
if off Wednesday, Ines is off Tuesday and Eva is in all week.
Jenni and Ottilia are in all week.
I am in all day on Monday, I will be at
a Managers meeting on Tuesday, I will be working early shifts Wednesday and
Thursday and on holiday on Friday. If you have any queries when I am not here
please speak to your child’s Room Leader or Jamie.
Learning Diary
forget to check out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on
their ILD profile.
aim to put at least one observation up per week.
the link below:
Nursery and Preschool Facebook page promotes the company, engages with parents
and team members across our nurseries.
you would be interested in following this page, here is the link:
We will be regularly adding events and photos to the page.
are no planned changes to this week’s menu.
attached document for the weekly menu.
you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education
(the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years
Pupil Premium (EYPP).
Our Policy of the Week:
procedure and policy for children with special needs and/or disabilities
Aim of the policy
To make clear how we follow admissions of
children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in a
sensitive and appropriate manner.
Points to consider
The setting is expected to make reasonable
adjustments in order to cater for and accommodate students. If the needs of the
child are deemed as beyond reasonable, this may be a reason for non-admission.
Prior to a place being offered, all children
and their respective needs will be considered. Our ability to provide
appropriate facilities for the welfare of the child will be taken into
consideration. Also refer to our inclusion policies.
Parents will be able to see what we offer all
children including those with SEND on The Local Council’s Local Offer website.
The local offer puts all the information in
one place, about health and social services, education, leisure activities and
support groups available in the area for children and young people aged 0–25,
with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). It also explains the
additional or different provision provided for children who have SEND. The
local offer enables parents, carers, children, young people and
practitioners/professionals to see clearly which service(s) and support across
education, health and social care, are available locally for all children and
young people from birth to 25 years with SEND, and how and when they can be
Childcare and Learning
Group will aim to do this by:
The setting manager will:
In consultation with the parent/carer of the
child jointly assess the extent of the additional support requirement to meet
the special need/ abilities of the child.
Work in partnership with the parents to best
support not only the child but the family.
Where external agencies are already engaged
in the care and development of that child, the setting manager will consult
with those agencies on the extent of the additional support requirement and the
appropriateness of the setting to meet those requirements.
When the setting manager does not feel able
to conclude her/his assessment of the setting’s ability to meet the needs of
that child, the manager will, with support from appropriate professionals,
obtain additional professional advice/guidance from the appropriate agencies.
When a child with special educational needs
and/or disabilities is admitted, the setting manager and Special Educational
Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) will:
Agree a schedule of additional support with
the parent/carer of the child to be signed and dated by the manager and the
Allocate a suitably experienced key person.
Review on a regular basis (subject to the
extent of the additional support requirement but at least monthly) the
setting’s performance in meeting the needs of the child.
When a child with special educational needs
and/or disabilities is not admitted, the setting manager will:
Inform the parents of the decision and
provide valid reasons as to why the setting is unable to meet the additional
support requirements of the child.
Kind Regards,
Jess, Jamie and the South Hill Team
Nursery & Pre-School
and Learning Ltd
14 South Hill | Guildford | Surrey |
Tel: 01483 533344 | Fax:
01293 772971 | Email: | Web: | Blog:

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