Parents and Carers,
week’s events:
School – This
week at Forest School we explored colours and textures while making our own
pigment for paint. We then had a fun game where we had to you use our sense
while being blindfolded and we had to follow the sounds we heard.
2 Sports – This
week at in 2 Sports we took part in an obstacle course with our friends. We
were in teams and we had to run around cones, jump over hurdles and throw bean
bags. We had a great time J
bugs –
Coming Events
July – Pre-School Graduation
reminder that the last day of term is Friday 21st July 2017.
new Autumn term begins on 4th September 2017.
reminder that The Early Years funding ends Friday 14th.
have some exciting news this week: Becci is getting married on Saturday and
will become Mrs Pullen J I hope you
join us in wishing Becci all the best on her special day. J
we have now found the right candidate for our pre-school position and Almu will
be returning to South Hill J
She moved over to Markenfield in July as a position in their pre-school became
available before ours and after a year in that position she has had a great
time but wants to come back and join us here at South Hill. Almu will begin a
gradual transfer back to us during August and will start officially with us in
last day is Thursday 13th July, I hope you all join us in
wishing her all the best back home in Spain. Maria will join us at the end of
August and will be based in the 2-3 room.
There are no planned
changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document
for the weekly menu.
you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education
(the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing
an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are
in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another
staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the
children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation
stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the
Topic of the month: Under the Sea
Monday – Charlotte’s group is reading ‘The Very
Hungry Caterpillar’ book building an interest in books
Tuesday – Montse’s group are developing an
awareness of number names through ball games
Wednesday – Leanne’s group will be building
relationships with others while playing group games with their friends
Thursday – Nilem’s group is exploring media and
materials while creating a collage using a variety of resources
Friday – Sammy’s group are discovering the sea
animal flashcards encouraging language throughout
Charlotte is off Wednesday and Friday, Leanne is
off Monday, Nilem is off Monday and Wednesday, Sammy and Montse are in all
Topic of the month: Minibeasts
Monday – Megan’s group is exploring the sunflowers
computer building an interest in ICT
Tuesday – Ruby’s group are building their listening
and attention skills while exploring ice and mini beasts in the water tray
Wednesday – Megan’s group will be working in pairs
to turn take with group games in the garden building relationships and
encouraging turn taking
Thursday – Donna’s group is reading the
‘Where’s my Teddy’ story developing an interest in reading and books
Friday– Carla’s group will be exploring the risk
taking equipment building a ‘Can do’ attitude while exploring the ways they can
Donna is off Tuesday, Megan is off Thursday, Ruby
and Carla are in all week.
The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused
activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.
The Key People link this activity to their individual Key Groups.
This will work alongside their weekly planned
activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
This week’s activity: creating our own hats out of
card and recycled resources
This week the children are going to be following
instructions while making their own hats. The school leavers will be having fun
making their graduation hats while the other children will make a hat of their
choice. The children will explore a variety of media and materials throughout
and will be encourage to describe different textures. Additionally, the
children’s manipulative skills will be supported while using a variety of
resources and tools to create their hats.
Topic of the month: School
We will be:
Talking about going to school and which school we
are going to
Setting up the role play area as a school
Talking about what to expect when we go to school
Developing independence such as using the toilet
independently, putting our own shoes on and doing up our own zips and buttons.
The letter of the week is: G
The children will be:
Talking about words beginning with the letter G
Writing the letter G
Making ginger bread men
Talking about how giraffes move
The Number of the week is: 13
The children will be:
Counting to 13
Jumping 13 times
Writing the number 13
Making the number 13 out of playdough
The shape of the week is: Sphere
The children will be:
Looking at a sphere and talking about its shape
Counting how many sides a sphere has
Looking for spheres around the room
Making spheres out of playdough
Becci is on holiday all week. Megan is in Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, Leanne is in on Tuesday and Thursday and Ines is in all
Jenni and Consuelo are also in all week.
Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check
out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD
We aim to put at least
one observation up per week.
Our Policy of the Week:
Biting policy
Aim of policy
To give practitioners and
parents guidance on how we handle incidents of biting, intervene in biting
attempts, help prevent future incidences and try and stop biting behaviour from
occurring in the first place.
Points to consider
It is always the aim of
Childcare and Learning Group to manage negative behaviour by looking at ways to
stop it occurring in the first place. We feel that by having a stimulating
curriculum, well trained practitioners and an interesting and suitable
environment, the children should be more interested in playing, exploring and
learning. However some young children, especially between the ages of 14 months
to 3 years, go through a phase of biting. For most, biting will disappear
once they are able to express their feelings and needs with words, but in some
cases it can continue. Biting can be a very emotional issue for children,
parents, carers and staff. Staff must make sure to handle incidents in a way
that respects, supports and reassures both the child who was bitten and their
family and the children and family of the biter. See the inclusion policy and
Education policies.
Childcare and Learning Group aims to do this by
- Responding calmly and quickly.
- A member of staff will comfort and attend to the child who has been bitten.
- Another staff member will speak to the child who has bitten. It will be made clear to the child, in a manner appropriate to their stage of development, that this behaviour is not acceptable.
- The member of staff addressing the biter will show that this behaviour is unacceptable by the tone of their voice, body language and if the child is old enough to understand by explanation, e.g. that it is wrong to hurt others.
- Staff will supervise the reconciliation of both children as quickly as possible.
- Staff present will consult on their understanding of the facts of the incident and then record these in the incident log, stating where, when it happened, who was present and how it was dealt with.
- Both sets of parents will be informed separately and privately, without identifying the other child, at the earliest opportunity and maybe by phone or email if it is felt appropriate by the Manager. If it is felt that the child needs medical assistance or is too distressed to stay in the setting, we will contact the parent/guardian as appropriate.
- Staff in the child’s room will need to monitor both the biter and the children being bitten. Information such as if the child is biting or attempting to bite one child or a number of children should be recorded as part of a behaviour record.
If biting continues in the setting, the approach we will take is as
- We will speak to the parent(s)/carers of the child who has been biting to reassure them that we will track the behaviour to identify any pattern. This could be due to frustration, hunger, attention, teething, curiosity etc.
- If a pattern is identified, we will draw up an action plan and a copy will be given to the parents and the staff, to be reviewed after two weeks, and we will adjust our routines accordingly.
- Strategies that we may choose to use could be,
- Separating the biter and the child who is bitten, this may be of use if the biter is only biting one child.
- Shadowing the biter, where staff work 1:1 or in a lower ratio with the chid
- Looking at care routines, is the child hungry/thirsty or do they need their sleep routines adjusted?
- As each child is different we will look at each case of biting separately. However if the Manager feels the staff or child needs additional support they will seek advice from the Early Years and Childcare Service with the parent’s permission.
- We would speak to the parents of the child who has been bitten and explain that the other parents have been informed and we are working together to resolve the issue.
We are an inclusive setting, and we will work with parents to resolve any
behavioural issues.
Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill
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