Parents and Carers,
week’s events:
2 Sports – This
week at in 2 Sports we practiced our hand eye coordination while balancing
balls on the rackets and manoeuvring around the garden. Additionally, we
practiced our special awareness while moving in different directions.
bugs –
Coming Events
July – Pre-School Graduation
September – Going to school Presentation for Pre-School children and Parents
reminder that the Sunflowers School Leavers Graduation is NEXT Thursday
27th July from 3.30-5pm.
will be having a bouncy castle, party tea and the Graduation Ceremony will be
look forward to seeing all the School leaver parents and families there J
had a great time discovering all the animals that came to visit us this week.
We had the opportunity to feed the lambs, groom the goats and milk the pretend
cow! We also were able to hold the Guinea pigs and rabbits and stroke the dogs.
There are no planned
changes to this week’s menu.
See attached document
for the weekly menu.
you would like to see a copy of our allergens menu at any time please ask!
are the links for the Surrey Family Information Service, Free Early Education
(the 15 hours funding), Free Early Education for Two year olds and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
This week’s activities
Each key person will be responsible for designing
an activity based on their key children’s needs; however, all children who are
in on that day will have the opportunity to access the activity too.
If the key person is on holiday or off, another
staff member will be able to lead the activity in their place so that the
children do not miss out.
For more information on the Early Years Foundation
stage, the guidance we use to support our planning and practice, please visit:
This week’s planned activities are also on the
Topic of the month: Under the Sea
Monday – Charlotte’s group is exploring the small
world play equipment encouraging the use of single words
Tuesday – Montse’s group are expressing
themselves through physical actions while painting with their fingers
Wednesday – Leanne’s group will be making
shortbread biscuits in shapes of sea creatures while building an understandings
of shape and size
Thursday – Nilem’s group is exploring media and
materials while discovering trays of cornflour gloop
Friday – Sammy’s group are developing sharing and
turn taking skills while playing with the dolls and accessories
Charlotte is off Tuesday and Wednesday, Leanne is
off Monday, Nilem is off Monday and Thursday, Sammy and Montse are in all week.
Topic of the month: Minibeasts
Monday – Megan’s group will be using the wooden
stepping stones encouraging counting skills
Tuesday – Donna’s group is taking part in an
obstacle course with their friends building gross motor skills
Wednesday – Ruby’s group are developing their shape
recognition while exploring the new shape puzzles
Thursday – Donna’s group will be exploring
media and colour while painting on large sheets of paper
Friday– Megan’s group is dressing up in the ‘People
who help us’ outfits building an understanding of different occupations
Donna is off Friday, Ruby is off Monday and Tuesday,
Megan is on holiday all week and Jenni is in all week.
The Sunflowers have one detailed weekly focused
activity to ensure all the children have the opportunity to take part in it.
The Key People link this activity to their individual Key Groups.
This will work alongside their weekly planned
activity list which you can see in the room and on the ILD’S.
This week’s activity: creating their own sunflower
with clay
The children will be creating their own Sunflower
using clay. The children will be developing their manipulative skills while
mixing and rolling out the clay. The children will then use one handed tools
while creating the marks and details in the clay. The activity will be extended
and the children will describe what they are doing and what they can see
Topic of the month: School
We will be:
Talking about going to school and which school we
are going to
Setting up the role play area as a school
Talking about what to expect when we go to school
Developing independence such as using the toilet
independently, putting our own shoes on and doing up our own zips and buttons.
The letter of the week is: Ii
The children will be:
Talking about words beginning with the letter I
Writing the letter I
Building an igloo in the garden
Setting up the easel with I stencils
Putting Icing on biscuits
The Number of the week is: 15
The children will be:
Counting to 15
Jumping 15 times
Writing the number 15
Talking about the number 1 and number 5 shape
The shape of the week is: Hexagon
The children will be:
Looking at a Hexagon shape and talking about its
Counting how many sides a Hexagon has
Drawing a Hexagon shape
Making Hexagon biscuits
Drawing paper Hexagons
Becci is off Wednesday, Montse is in on Wednesday
and Ines is in all week.
Learning Diary
Don’t forget to check
out all the exciting things your child has done this week, on their ILD
We aim to put at least
one observation up per week.
Our Policy of the Week:
Risk assessment policy
Aim of policy
To give guidance on how and
when to complete risk assessments.
Points to consider
Risk assessments are to
assess hazards to anyone on the setting premises, or in case of external trips
to the children, staff and parents in our care.
The Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) considers risk assessment to be:
“A careful examination of
what, in your work, could cause harm to people, to enable you to decide whether
you have taken enough precautions or you should do more. It should identify and
take into account all significant factors that can affect the chance and extent
of harm and reach a conclusion on whether and how the management of such
factors needs to be improved to eliminate or lessen that chance”.
There are five points to consider when carrying out a risk assessment:
- Identify the hazard
- Decide who may be harmed and how
- Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
- Record your findings and implement them
- Review your assessment and update if necessary
To see the risk assessments
go to appendix 2
Childcare and Learning Group aim to achieve this by:
Carrying out thorough and
regular risk assessments on all aspects and areas of the setting.
The person responsible for carrying out risk assessments in this the
setting is: All staff as a part of daily practice and engagement with
their environment.
Daily Health and Safety
checks should also be made to ensure no hazards arise between risk assessments.
The person/people responsible for carrying out these daily checks are:
All staff
More information on how to
complete risk assessments can be found at:
Jess, Charlotte and the South Hill
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